Características reproductivas del Huachinango del Pacífico (Lutjanus peru) en cautiverio

June 5, 2017 | Autor: J. Alcántar Vázquez | Categoría: Fish Reproduction, Huachinango, Lutjanus Peru
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The pacific red snapper Lutjanus peru is a very appreciated fish along USA, México and South America. We have developed techniques for its maturation and spawning in the Unidad Piloto de Maricultivos of the Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CICIMAR, México). In this work we describe our results and propose the quality criterions for monitoring the seed production in captivity. We concluded that the hormonal induction is successful when oocytes have a diameter of more than 400 μm. With this method is possible to obtain a fertilization rate of >90% and hatching rate of >85%. Larvae vitelo and its lipid drop dimensions are very similar to other lutjanus. In males, sperm motility increased 100% with HGC induction but the sperm concentration was no affected. L. peru larvae obtained with HGC are of good quality and can be used as parameter to compare among other induction techniques.
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