Cambio, conflicto y muerte de lenguas: Benvenuto Terracini desde la Argentina, en RAHL. Revista Argentina de Historiografía lingüística (FFyL, UBA), Buenos Aires, vol, 7, n. 1 (2015).

June 5, 2017 | Autor: Diego Bentivegna | Categoría: Glotopolítica, Ideologías Lingüísticas, Teorías Del Cambio Lingüístico
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This paper analyses some aspects of the work done by Italian linguist Benvenuto Terracini in Argentina from 1941 to 1946. His texts are placed within the broader framework of his Italian work as part of the epistemological dispute between the schools of the Neolinguists and the Neogrammarians, opposed by Matteo Bartoli. Also, Terracini's strategies to be part of the Argentine academic world are analysed in a series of texts he published in Revista de Filología Hispánica, edited by Amado Alonso. Finally, based on the analysis of 'Cómo muere la lengua', published in Conflictos de lenguas y de cultura, attention is drawn to the role played by language conflict and linguistic heterogeneity in Terracini's thought. The analysis leads to a distinction between Terracini and other foreign scholars who were part of the Argentine academic world in those years, like Amado Alonso or Américo Castro from Spain.
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