Bonos soberanos indexados a la capacidad de pago: propuesta para asegurar la sostenibilidad de la deuda pública externa

May 30, 2017 | Autor: Felix Jimenez | Categoría: Public Debt, Financial Institutions, Current Account Deficit, Fiscal Sustainability, Indexation
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The possibility of the public debt default without any problem on the macroeconomic fundamental of a country, has shoved by de Mexican (1994), Asian (1997) Russian (1998), Brazilian (1999), Turkish (2001) and Argentinean (2002) crises. All the remedies to overcome or to prevent this kind of situations formulated by the international community have been designed from the lender countries perspectives. They don’t take into account the domestic factors of borrower countries and, hence, they fail to include the debt sustainability objective according to their internal conditions. This paper proposes the issue of indexed bonds to the payment capacity of the borrower countries represented by their GDP cycles. As a quasi market solution of the fiscal sustainability problem, these bonds should be acquired by the international financial institutions. This proposal is totally different from the well known Baker, Brady and other plans, since would permit decrease the probability of a debt cr...
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