Boletín - Sociología y Derecho del consumo y de la alimentación - nº 97 (2017)

May 23, 2017 | Autor: Luis Gonzalez Vaque | Categoría: Food Science, Nutrition, Food and Nutrition, Food Law, TTIP
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Sociología y Derecho del consumo y de la alimentación 109/07388551.2013.82359

Boletín nº 97 (2017)

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Artículos de revista Índice: Pág. 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 13 14 15 16 18 23 23 24

Biotecnología China Comercio internacional Complementos alimenticios Comportamiento y percepción del consumidor Denominaciones de origen y otras indicaciones geográficas Edulcorantes España Etiquetado e información del consumidor Evaluación, percepción y gestión de los riesgos Fraudes Japón Nutrición y lucha contra la obesidad Pérdidas y desperdicio de alimentos Salud y bienestar animal Seguridad e inocuidad de los alimentos Trazabilidad TTIP (Asociación Transatlántica para el Comercio y la Inversión) Vino


Blogs y redes sociales


Libros y otros documentos

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Biotecnología ● M. G. Enrosa, “¿Es ilegal la Directiva (UE) 2015/412 por la que se modifica la Directiva 2001/18/CE en lo que respecta a la posibilidad de que los Estados miembros restrinjan o prohíban el cultivo de organismos modificados genéticamente (OMG) en su territorio”. BoDiAlCo, n° 23 (2017) 3-12.


● Ying Feng y otros, “Edible Insects in China: Utilization and Prospects”. Insect Science (2017) DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12449.

Publicado como avance online el 22 de febrero de 2017 Abstract The use of edible insects has a long history in China, where they have been consumed for more than two thousand years. In general, the level of acceptance is high for the consumption of insects in China. Many studies on edible insects have been conducted in the last twenty years, and the scope of the research includes the culture of entomophagy and the identification, nutritional value, farming and breeding of edible insects, in addition to food production and safety. Currently, 324 species of insects from 11 orders are documented that are either edible or associated with entomophagy in China, which include the common edible species, some less commonly consumed species, and some medicinal insects. However, only approximately 10 to 20 types of insects are consumed regularly. The nutritional values for 174 species are available in China, including edible, feed and medicinal species. Although the nutritional values vary among species, all the insects examined contain protein, fat, vitamins and minerals at levels that meet human nutritional requirements. Edible insects were, and continue to be, consumed by different ethnic groups in many parts of China. People directly consume insects or food products made from insects. The processing of products from insect protein powder, oil, and chitin and the development of health care foods has been studied in China. People also consume insects indirectly by eating livestock that were fed insects, which may be a more acceptable pathway to use insects in human diets. Although limited, the data on the food safety of insects indicate that insects are safe for food or feed. Incidences of allergic reactions after consuming silkworm pupae, cicades and crickets have been reported in China. Insect farming is a unique breeding industry in rural China and is a source of income for local people. Insects are reared and bred for human food, medicine and animal feed using two approaches in China: the insects are either fully domesticated and reared completely in captivity or are partially raised in captivity, and the insect habitat is manipulated to increase production. Depending on the type of relationship the insect has with humans, plants, and

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the environment, different farming strategies are used. The social and scientific communities must work together to promote the use of insects as food and feed. Keywords: edible insects, entomophagy, nutritive value, insect food safety, insect farming Para más información, consultar:

Comercio internacional

● Bo Xiong, “Food safety and food imports in Europe: the risk of aflatoxins in pistachios”. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 20 nº 1 (2017) 129-141. Abstract The United States has surpassed Iran as the largest pistachio exporter to the European Union. Both lower prices and a less frequency of aflatoxin contamination have contributed to the success of the US pistachio industry. Using EU monthly imports and food safety alerts data, we estimate EU demand for US and Iranian pistachios. We find that EU demand for US pistachios is price-inelastic but the demand for Iranian pistachios is priceelastic. We also find that the income effect is positive for US nuts but negative for Iranian nuts. Most importantly, we find that EU imports of US pistachios decrease with aflatoxin alerts traced back to the US but increase with contamination incidents originated from Iran. Keywords: pistachio, tree nut, aflatoxin, food safety, trade


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● Sebastián Torres Ledezma, “Impactos sectoriales en Uruguay de la firma de un tratado de libre comercio entre el Mercosur y China”. Estado & comunes. Revista de políticas y problemas públicos, n° 4 (2016) 199-215. Resumen La inserción internacional de los países constituye un elemento central para alcanzar elevados niveles de desarrollo humano. Durante la última década, la presencia económica china en América Latina ha aumentado de forma sostenida. A pesar de la cre-ciente importancia de este fenómeno, aún son escasos los estudios sobre los impac-tos que una profundización del vínculo comercial con el gigante asiático podría tener en la matriz productiva de los países de la región. Este trabajo clasifica el intercam-bio comercial según su contenido tecnológico y analiza los efectos en diferentes sec-tores productivos de la economía uruguaya ante la eventual firma de un tratado de libre comercio entre China y el Mercosur. El estudio identifica tres escenarios: 1) me-jora en las condiciones de acceso de los productos agropecuarios uruguayos, 2) au-mento de las importaciones desde China en sectores que en la actualidad poseen una protección arancelaria efectiva, y 3) pérdida de preferencia en el mercado regional de los productos uruguayos frente a los productos chinos. Adicionalmente, para estos sectores en particular, se incluyen datos de producción y de personal ocupado. En sus conclusiones, el texto señala los principales desafíos en materia de inserción interna-cional y política productiva para Uruguay, en el marco de una profundización del re-lacionamiento comercial con China en el largo plazo. Palabras clave: inserción internacional, matriz productiva, Uruguay, China, Mercosur


Complementos alimenticios

● Michael J. Walker y otros, “A Review of Methods for the Simultaneous Detection of Illegal Ingredients in Food Supplements”. Journal of the Association of Public Analysts, Vol. 44 (2016) 51-66. Abstract Food supplements are at risk from contamination with illegal ingredients on a global scale. To date, the official food control laboratory system in the UK does not appear to have been

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particularly active in the analytical control of illegal ingredients in food supplements. From a survey of notifications (2009 to 2016) to the European Union rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) food supplements are shown to be adulterated with a complex range of compounds and substances. These include permitted food additives in excess of their limits, contaminants, unauthorised novel food ingredients, unauthorised nutritionally-related compounds, excess vitamins, controlled drugs, and one instance of the poison strychnine. However, arguably, the most important factors that jeopardise the safety of food supplements are their adulteration with synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. In order to assist official control and trade analysts to regulate the safety of food supplements with regard to the presence of illicit pharmacologically active ingredients or contaminants the RASFF database, 2009 to 2016, was surveyed for such compounds. The most frequently notified were sildenafil and its analogues, sibutramine and derivatives, 1,3-dimethylamylamine (DMAA), yohimbine and tadalafil. Their toxicology and methods for their detection and determination have been reviewed in this paper. Method details are tabulated with references and general conditions have been suggested for a first choice liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) screening method for the compounds sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil and yohimbine. If high field NMR is available this would appear to be an excellent first-line method of control for herbal food supplements. It would be helpful that when the suggested method(s) are assessed and validated in Association of Public Analyst member laboratories against a matrix of food supplements incurred or spiked with the target illegal ingredients that the data be reported herein.


Comportamiento y percepción del consumidor ● Justina Gineikiene y otros, “The impact of reference effects on online purchase intention of agricultural products—the moderating role of consumers’ food safety consciousness”. Internet Research, Vol. 27 nº 2 (2017) doi/pdfplus/10.1108/BJM-01-2016-0016.

Publicado como avance online el 21 de febrero de 2017 Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore how health consciousness and skepticism towards health claims are related to perceived healthiness and willingness to buy functional food (i.e., functional yogurt) compared to conventional and organic (bio) food. Design/methodology/approach - A survey of 295 consumers was conducted in Lithuania. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings - Research findings indicates that health conscious consumers tend to discount messages about the health value of functional food and show preferences for organic food. In contrast, skepticism towards health claims has a higher negative homogenous impact on the perceived healthiness of functional, organic and conventional products compared to health consciousness. On the other hand, skepticism towards health claims does not

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directly reduce consumers’ willingness to buy functional, organic and conventional products. Research limitations/implications - Testing other settings, product categories, additional constructs and understanding underlying processes using an experimental design may help to gain more insights into how health conscious and skeptical consumers make food choices. Practical implications - An examination of health consciousness and skepticism towards health claims can provide at least a partial explanation as to why many functional food products fail to gain consumer confidence. Originality/value - Based on the reactance theory, the study sheds some light on the understanding of how different psychosocial factors are related to consumer attitudes towards functional, organic and conventional food. Para más información, consultar:

● Xiaofei Zhao y otros, “The impact of reference effects on online purchase intention of agricultural products—the moderating role of consumers’ food safety consciousness”. Internet Research, Vol. 27 nº 2 (2017) doi/pdfplus/10.1108/IntR03-2016-0082.

Publicado como avance online el 21 de febrero de 2017 Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of reference effects on online purchase intention of agricultural products in B2C context, and to examine how consumers’ food safety consciousness moderates that impact. Design/methodology/approach - An empirical survey was used to test the hypotheses. Data were collected from a total of 297 online consumers. A structural equation modeling (SEM) is utilized to assess the relationships proposed in the research model. Findings - The findings of this study show that reference effects have a significant impact on online purchase intention of agricultural products. Both perceived value and perceived risk play a mediating role in the relations between reference effects and online purchase intention, but the mediating effect of the perceived value was found to be significantly greater than that of the perceived risk. Consumers’ food safety consciousness significantly and positively moderates the impact of reference effects on online purchase intention, meaning that the more attention consumers pay to food safety, the greater the impact of reference effects on online purchase intention will become. Research limitations/implications - First, this study mainly analyzed the positive impact of reference effects on online purchase intention. Future research could discuss the negative impact of reference effects, and compare the differences between them. Second, this study only took the perceived value and risk as mediators into the research model. Future research could consider adding trust, attitude and other variables and further explore and clarify the influencing mechanism between reference effects and online purchase intention. Third, this study examined the moderating role of consumers’ food safety consciousness,

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but did not fully discuss the moderating role of product categories. However, Zhu and Zhang (2010) in their empirical study have confirmed that product category can moderate the influence of online consumer reviews on product sales. Therefore, further research could compare the influence of reference effects among multiple product categories. For example, we expect reference effects to have a greater influence on “certified agricultural products” (e.g., organic, green, and pollution-free agriculture products) than “ordinary agricultural products”. Practical implications - This study provides valuable insights for agricultural enterprises and online vendors that reference effects are one of the most important factors to influence online purchase intention. It suggests to agricultural enterprises and online vendors that reference effects can be used as a new instrument to influence consumers’ online purchase decisions. Originality/value - This study for the first time defines reference effects in an online setting, and introduces the perspective of reference effects to pertinently establish a theoretical model for explaining consumers’ online purchase intention of agricultural products. The study reveals the influencing mechanism of reference effects on online purchase intention, and thus enriches the theory of online purchase behavior. Para más información, consultar:

Denominaciones de origen y otras indicaciones geográficas

● Dev S. Gangjee, “GIs Beyond Wine: Time to Rethink the Link?”. IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (2017) doi:10.1007/s40319-017-0556-3.

Publicado como avance online el 22 de febrero de 2017


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● Wisdom Wardy y otros, “Influence of Package Visual Cues of Sweeteners on the Sensory‐Emotional Profiles of Their Products”. Journal of Food Science, Vol. 82 nº 2 (2017) 500-508. Abstract Substantial evidence suggests influence of color, physical state, and other extrinsic features on consumer perception and acceptability of food products. In this study, 560 subjects evaluated liking and emotional responses associated with 5 sweeteners (sucralose, stevia, saccharin, aspartame, and sucrose) under 2 eliciting conditions: control (brand name only) and informed (brand name/packet image), to assess impact of the packet color. For a given condition, 5 identical tea samples each labeled with a sweetener type were rated for sweetness and overall liking (9‐point) and emotions (5‐point). Nonsignificant interactions between eliciting condition and sweetener type were found for liking attributes and emotions (except peaceful), indicating their independent effects. However, overall differences existed among sweetener types and eliciting conditions based on both hedonic and emotional responses (MANOVA, P < 0.05), suggesting modulating effects of packet color on sweetener type in the sensory‐emotion space. The sensory‐emotion profile for sucrose was separate from that of nonnutritive sweeteners, with statistically significant Mahalanobis distances among sample centroids. Increases in positive emotion intensities contrasted with a decrease in negative emotion intensities were observed for some sweeteners moving from the control to informed condition. Sweetness liking was strongly correlated with the emotion satisfied (sucralose, saccharin) only in the control condition, whereas it was strongly correlated with the emotions pleased and satisfied (stevia), disgusted (aspartame), and satisfied (sucrose) only in the informed condition. Overall, results suggested that sensory liking and emotions during the consumption experience are related not entirely to the type of sweetener, but also the color of the packet. Keywords: emotional responses, nonnutritive sweeteners, packaging cues, sensory liking, visual color cues

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● Lluís Serra Majem y otros, “The Island on Your Plate: A Comprehensive Approach to Recover the Traditional Food System in Gran Canaria”. Journal of Environment and Health Science, Vol. 2 nº 4 (2016) 1-5. Abstract The island on your plate project highlights the food and culinary richness of Gran Canaria and its importance in health, environment, culture and economy of community. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) goals to Canary Islands become a benchmark for the Macaronesia and the surrounding areas of África, with regard to agriculture and environmental preservation. The island on your plate project is in line with the FAO`s proposal, achieving the following objectives: (1) Raise awareness of the gastronomic diversity in the island of Gran Canaria. (2) Proactive intervention on the dietary pattern of the Gran Canaria population by adapting the local habits to a Mediterranean-like Diet. (3) Revitalization of the concept of a traditional local diet. (4) Promote the consumption of local products that meet the standards of freshness, sustainability and diversity. (5) Empowerment and diffusion of the traditional food system of Gran Canaria and the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. (6) Initiate the dialogue for the creation of a Museum of the Mediterranean Diet in Gran Canaria. This project aims to create greater awareness among the population, about the many possibilities that the territory give us, creating a healthy diet plan to increase the quality of life of the population, respectful with the environment and economy, reverting traditional food system. Keywords: Gran Canaria, environment, culture, economy, gastronomy, Mediterranean diet


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Etiquetado e información del consumidor

● M. J. Walker, “Health and nutrition claims – guidance, regulation and self‐regulation”. Nutrition Bulletin, Vol 42 nº 1 (2017) 69-79. Abstract The law on nutrition and, especially, health claims on food is complex and evolving. There is a widely felt need for guidance and dialogue between stakeholders. A well‐attended seminar was organised in September 2016 that brought together regulators, enforcement practitioners and the trade and appeared to go some way to addressing this need. It was generally agreed that several next steps are desirable: to run the seminar again (e.g. in the north of England); to develop a multiple stakeholder forum in order to arrive at correct interpretation and shorten the decision‐making process in difficult cases; to introduce an ‘improvement notice’ option for UK implementation of Regulation 1924/2006; and to develop a checklist for use in examining labels and advertisements. This paper offers an illustration of how this might be commenced; readers are invited to comment. More guidance on priorities and analytical methods is needed for food and food supplements for which health claims are made. The US and European Union regulatory and enforcement attitudes to health claims have developed in quite different directions. With the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union, it will be interesting to see what challenges there are ahead for the protection of consumers and responsible businesses from food health fraud. Keywords: advert, enforcement, guidance, health claims, label

● D. Martini y otros, “Claimed effects, outcome variables and methods of measurement for health claims proposed under european community regulation 1924/2006 in the framework of protection against oxidative damage and cardiovascular health”. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases

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Publicado como avance online el 13 de febrero de 2017 Abstract Background and aims - The high number of negative opinions from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to the requests for authorization of health claims is largely due to the design of human intervention studies, including the inappropriate choice of outcome variables (OVs) and of their methods of measurement (MMs). The present manuscript reports the results of an investigation aimed to collect, collate and critically analyse the information in relation to claimed effects, OVs and MMs, in the context of protection against oxidative damage and cardiovascular health compliant with Regulation 1924/2006. Methods and results - Claimed effects, OVs and the related MMs were collected from EFSA Guidance documents and applications for authorization of health claims under Articles 13.5 and 14. The OVs and their MMs were evaluated only if the claimed effect was sufficiently defined and was considered beneficial by EFSA. The collection, collation and critical analysis of the relevant scientific literature consisted in the definition of the keywords, the PubMed search strategies and the creation of databases of references. The critical analysis of the OVs and their MMs was performed on the basis of the literature review and was aimed at defining the appropriateness of OVs and MMs in the context of the specific claimed effects. Conclusions - The information provided in this document could serve to EFSA for the development of further guidance on the scientific requirements for health claims, as well as to the stakeholders for the proper design of human intervention studies aimed to substantiate such health claims. Keywords: health claims, claimed effect, outcome variable, method of measurement, oxidative damage, cardiovascular health Para más información, consultar:

● Viachaslau Filimonau y Marija Krivcova, “Restaurant menu design and more responsible consumer food choice: An exploratory study of managerial perceptions”. Journal of Cleaner Production (2016)

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Publicado como avance online el 18 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract The restaurant sector imposes substantial impacts on the environment and society. A large share of the sector's negative impacts is attributed to irresponsible consumer choice. To enhance sustainability of food service provision, consumer choice ought to be architected to make it more responsible. Restaurant menu can be (re-)designed to inform customers about the environmental and societal implications of their choice and thus ‘nudge’ selection of more benign food options. This study explores managerial opinions on the role of menu design in shaping more responsible consumer choice. It finds that while restaurateurs acknowledge rising customer awareness about the ramifications of their food choice on personal health and the environment, they are sceptical about the use of menu design as a means to positively affect consumer choice. The lack of internal resources to implement and maintain the required menu changes, inconstant customer demand, organisational and operational complexities represent the key barriers. Keywords: private food service provision, consumer choice, menu design, carbon footprint, public health, managerial perspective, UK Para más información, consultar:

Evaluación, gestión y comunicación de los riesgos

● Luis González Vaqué, “La comunicación del riesgo alimentario en la Unión Europea y los Estados miembros: efectividad, transparencia y seguridad”. Revista de Derecho agrario y alimentario, nº 69 (2016) 103-124. Resumen La claridad y la eficacia de la información y la comunicación con el público y los gobiernos de la UE constituyen una parte fundamental de la respuesta a las crisis alimentarias. En la Unión Europea se trata de mejorarlas mediante: • el desarrollo de estrategias europeas

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• una mayor integración de los responsables de la comunicación en el proceso de gestión de las crisis • la consolidación de su cooperación con los responsables de las decisiones y los gestores de riesgos. Palabras clave: crisis alimentarias, evaluación de riesgos, comunicación de los riesgos, Unión Europea


● Pius Kölbener y Stefan Bieri, “Food Fraud and Adulteration, a Centuries-old Practice”. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, Vol. 70 nº 5 (2016) p. 317. Consultar: 1487446158&id=89955664&titleid=10984&accname=Guest+User&checksum=33584D2AE 3E7E65CAFF5E7C93B9F03EC


● Hiroharu Kamioka y otros, “Quality of systematic reviews of the foods with function claims registered at the Consumer Affairs Agency website in Japan: a prospective systematic review”. Nutrition Research (2017) DOI:

Publicado como avance online el 20 de febrero de 2017 Abstract The objective of this review was to assess the quality of systematic reviews (SRs) based on the Foods with Function Claims (FFC) registered at the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) website in Japan by AMSTAR checklist. Study design was a prospective SR of SRs based

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on the FFC registered at the CAA website in Japan. We searched the database from 1 April 2015 (starting date) through 27 October 2015 on the CAA website. A full quality appraisal of identified papers was made using the combined tool based on the AMSTAR checklist developed to assess the methodological quality of SRs. Each item was scored as ‘present’ (Yes), ‘absent’ (No), ‘unclear or inadequately described’ (Can't answer), or ‘Not applicable’ (n/a). Forty-nine SRs met inclusion criteria. The quality of the articles was in the poor description category (mean ± SD; 6.2 ± 1.8 pts., range; 2–11 pts.). Especially, there were very poor descriptions and/or implementations regarding the registration (2%), evaluation of publication bias (12%), and appropriate conclusions based on scientific quality of the included studies (27%). As a whole, the quality of SRs based on the FFC was poor in methodology and reporting. To develop SRs of the FFC and healthy foods, it will be important for future research to introduce and use (i) the AMSTAR checklist (i.e., a tool to assess the methodological quality of SRs), (ii) the PRISMA (i.e., a checklist in the general description of SRs) and PRISMA-NMA checklists (i.e., a checklist in the specific description of SRs with meta-analysis), (iii) many English databases, (iv) development of the original checklist for the FFC and healthy foods, and (v) notification documents (including SR) of the FFC in English. Keywords: Quality, Systematic review, Foods with Function Claims, Health claim Para más información, consultar:

Nutrición y lucha contra la obesidad

● Teresa Briz y otros, “Relative impacts of health and obesity on US household servings of fruits and vegetables”. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2017) DOI:

Publicado como avance online el 17 de febrero de 2017 Abstract Discrete choice models estimated over a large household database, show the impacts of demographics, household behavior, health status, obesity issues and prices on household servings of fruits and vegetables. These impacts are ranked from the most to least effects on daily servings. A major result is the importance of obesity and calorie issues relative to other major demand drivers. Para más información, consultar:

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Pérdidas y desperdicio de alimentos

● Mattias Eriksson y otros, “Take-back agreements in the perspective of food waste generation at the supplier-retailer interface”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 122 (2017) 83–93. Abstract Food waste must be minimised to make food supply chains sustainable. This is especially relevant since food waste valorisation measures, such as energy recovery, have limited possibilities to fully recover the resources invested in food production. However, waste minimisation is costly when it includes new infrastructure or technology. Policy measures, on the other hand, can provide a low-cost option. Food rejection practices in supermarkets, such as take-back agreements (TBA), have long been identified as risk factors for food waste generation at the supplier-retailer interface, but given the relational, and often discreet, nature of these agreements, there is little evidence of their impact. In this study we provide, concrete evidence of different rejection practices. This is done by studying three types of food chains – those for bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk – with different rejection practices in Sweden. Based on a combination of primary company information and stakeholder interviews, we found that a full TBA is in operation for bread. The retailer only pays for bread that is sold and any bread left unsold three days before the best-before date is returned to the supplier. For fresh fruit and vegetables, only goods of ‘inadequate’ quality are returned, but supermarkets have sole rights of determination on quality, posing a risk of categorising unsold fruit and vegetables as inadequate quality and returning them to suppliers. In the case of milk, suppliers take back unsold items, but only for waste management. The trend found in this study was that bread had the highest waste, and the most extensive take-back policy. Fresh fruit and vegetables had medium levels of waste, partly due to unverified rejections, while milk had a very low level of waste combined with an even lower level of rejections. It can be concluded that a food supply chain system where the direct costs of waste management or incentives for waste reduction are separated from the organisation responsible for generating the waste poses a significant risk factor in food waste generation and is therefore a potential hotspot for waste-reducing measures. Keywords: Food waste, Reclamation, Take-back policy, Supermarket, fruit & vegetables, Bread

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Salud y bienestar animal

● P. Brandt y otros, “Development of an index for the assessment of welfare of finishing pigs from farm to slaughter based on expert opinion”. Livestock Science, Vol. 198 (2017) 65–71. Abstract For pigs, the day of slaughter involves potential animal welfare threatening elements at different stages such as pick-up pens, loading, transport, unloading, lairage and race. At present no tool for assessing the welfare of finishing pigs from farm exit to stunning is available. The present study builds on a protocol for assessment of animal welfare of finishing pigs on the day of slaughter, a protocol which was based on the structure of the Welfare Quality® protocol for finishing pigs at an abattoir. The present study aimed to develop an animal welfare index (AWI) for the day of slaughter by aggregating 25 primarily animal-based measurements based on 38 experts opinion on inter-measurement and interstage weights. AWIs were calculated on animal level as the weighted sums of prevalence of the measurements, and were calculated for each of the six stages: pick-up pen, loading, transport, unloading, lairage and race (AWIStage) and across the stages (AWIOverall). The AWIs were tested in 5 farms including a total of 45 fattening pigs delivered to two Danish abattoirs. Possible inter-relations between the AWI and heart rate measurements were examined. For each welfare measurement within stage, significant differences between the mean expert scores were found. However, no difference between stage weights was found. Statistically significant differences in average heart rate between stages were found: 123a (pick up pen), 139b (loading), 120a (transport), 132d (unloading), 114c (lairage) and 134bd (race) bpm, respectively, (different letters indicate differences of P
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