Boletín de referencias bibliográficas (alimentación y consumo) nº 95/2016

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Sociología y Derecho del consumo y de la alimentación 109/07388551.2013.82359

Boletín nº 95 (2017)

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Acuacultura Brexit China Comercio internacional Complementos alimenticios Comportamiento y percepción del consumidor Contaminación Controles e inspecciones Denominaciones de origen y otras indicaciones geográficas Envases y embalajes Etiquetado e información del consumidor Evaluación, gestión y comunicación de los riesgos Leche y prouctos lácteos Nutrición y lucha contra la obesidad Pérdidas y desperdicio de alimentos Salud y bienestar animal Seguridad alimentaria (disponibilidad de alimentos) Seguridad e inocuidad de los alimentos Transtornos alimentarios Unión Europea - Taiwan Vino y otras bebidas alcohólicas De nuestros archivos…


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Libros y otros documentos

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● Yan Li y otros, “The Path Forward of Microalgal Biotechnology for Sustainable Aquaculture Development”. Current Biotechnology, Vol. 5 nº 4 (2016) 289-295. Abstract Background - Aquaculture's pressure on forage fisheries and environmental conservation remains hotly contested and thereby constrains the further development of aquaculture industry. With recent advances in microalgal biotechnology, the utilisation of algae in aquaculture is not only limited in traditional cultivation as sole feed to aquatic animals. Their remarkable capacity to fast growing in waste streams without competing arable land can also be greatly beneficial to aquaculture industry. Method - Research related to microalgae biotechnology is reviewed. The prospect of microalgal contribution to aquaculture has been summarised into several key themes, which are the advances in microalgae strains improvement, biorefinery-products for generation of renewable biofuels and aquaculture feed, and the algal bioremediate potential in aquaponics system. Results - Microalgae strains can be improved via bioengineering approach, targeting better traits for aquaculture. Furthermore, algal biorefinery derivatives show great potential to be fishmeal substitution with a number of environmental benefits, aligned with the biorefinery advance in biofuel industry. The cost and energy efficient microalgae cultivation module also provides a platform for aquaculture industry to strategically reduce hypereutrophic waste streams. In such a way, the ecological significances lie in alleviating the environmental pressure, offsetting the cost of algal production, and also generation of aquafeed functional inclusion with proven nutritional and immune benefits to the aquatic animals. Conclusion - With appropriate economic incentives, it is believed that the transition toward environmental friendly seafood production could be accelerated with concerted support of algal biotechnology, paving the way for aquaculture sustainable development. Keywords: Aquafeed alternatives, ecological significance, hypereutrophic water stream, large scale cultivation module, microalgae efficacy

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● Bob Jessop, “The Organic Crisis of the British State: Putting Brexit in its Place”. Globalizations, Vol. 14 nº 1 (2017) 133-141. Abstract The Brexit vote was a singular event that is one symptom of a ‘continuing organic crisis’ of the British state and society and a stimulus for ‘further struggles’ over the future of the United Kingdom and its place in Europe and the wider world. This crisis previously enabled the rise of Thatcherism as a neoliberal and neoconservative project (with New Labour as its left wing) with an authoritarian populist appeal and authoritarian statist tendencies that persisted under the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition (2010–2015). The 2015 election of a Conservative Government, which aimed to revive the Thatcherite project and entrench austerity, was the immediate context for the tragi-comedy of errors played out in the referendum. The ensuing politics and policy issues could promote the disintegration of the UK and, perhaps, the EU without delivering greater political sovereignty or a more secure and non-balkanized place for British economic space in the world market. Keywords: Brexit, conjunctural analysis, economic crisis, neoliberalism, organic crisis, political crisis


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● Luis Garicano, “Spain’s response to Brexit”. CentrePiece, Vol. 21 nº 3 (2016) 19-23. Abstract Despite tensions stoked by the position of Gibraltar, the UK and Spain have long enjoyed a close and mutually beneficial relationship. According to Luis Garicano, Brexit puts much of this at risk: with Spain unlikely to budge on freedom of movement and Gibraltar as a negotiating card, the UK is likely to find itself with a very bad deal.


● “Dark clouds hang over wine industry following Brexit”. Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker, nº 633 (2016) Summary;dn=513597663986622;res=IELNZC.

Publicado como avance online el 14 de noviembre de 2016 Abstract The Australian wine industry will be impacted by Brexit aftershocks according to Ray Ridgeway of World First, with the Australian dollar rising against the increasingly volatile

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and weaker Pound and Euro. Para más información, consultar:;dn=513597663986622;res=IELNZC


● Yao Liu y otros, “Plate Waste in School Lunch Programs in Beijing, China”. Sustainability, Vol. 8 nº 12 (2016) doi:10.3390/su8121288.

Publicado como avance online el 8 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract School plate waste is of particular concern worldwide due to its adverse impacts not only on resource use and the environment, but also on students’ health, physical maturation, and academic achievement in the long term. Previous studies on school plate waste have all been conducted in industrialized countries, and more studies are badly needed in developing countries. In this paper, we report a pilot study on the patterns and causes of plate waste in school lunch programs in Beijing, China, by a combination of physical weighing, questionnaire survey, and semi-structured interview approaches. Our results show that the average amount of food waste generated by school students in Beijing in 2014 was 130 g/cap/meal, accounting for 21% of total food served. Staple food (43%) and vegetables (42%) were the dominant proportions. Buffet meals resulted in less plate waste than packed meals and set meals. Food supply patterns, the quality of canteen service, and the dietary habit and students’ knowledge of food production were the main influencing factors behind plate waste. To our best knowledge, our pilot study provides a first understanding of the overlooked plate waste in school lunch programs in China, and a good basis for further analysis in this field, and will be helpful in informing policy-making in relevant nutrition and education programs in schools in China. Keywords: food waste, plate waste, school nutritional lunch program, dietary habit, sustainable consumption, China


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Comercio internacional

● Jesús López Colmenarejo, “Acuerdos de libre comercio 30 años después del mercado común”. Agricultura, nº 999 (2016) 779-779.

Complementos alimenticios

● Michael D. Levin, “The New Food Current Good Manufacturing Practices and Their Effect on Dietary Supplement Quality: What You Need to Know”. Integrative Medicine, Vol. 15 nº 5 (2016) 22-24. Consultar:

Comportamiento y percepción del consumidor ● Jill J. McCluskey y otros, “Media Coverage, Public Perceptions, and Consumer Behavior: Insights from New Food Technologies”. Annual Review of Resource Economics, Vol. 8 (2016) 467-486. Abstract The media often play the role of translating new science to consumers. We discuss the recent literature that has examined the supply and demand factors that affect media coverage of new food technologies and the impact on public perceptions and consumer behavior toward food that utilizes these technologies. We start with a discussion of the ways in which the media influence public perceptions and consumer behavior related to foods made with new technologies. We then discuss the incentives of news media and the potential sources of biases in their reporting. We review empirical studies that have examined media reporting of new agricultural and food technologies, especially biotechnology, in terms of both their agenda setting and framing effects and the social amplification of risk. We synthesize the findings of studies that have examined the

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influence of media coverage on public attitudes and consumer behavior. We conclude and discuss avenues for future research. Keywords: agenda setting, biotechnology, framing, GM foods, media, media bias, new food technologies, political economy


● Carissa J. Morgan y otros, “Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility of Prominent Fast Food Establishments by University Students”. Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. 47 nº 3 (2016) 18-31. Abstract Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can affect the way customers perceive a company and can influence product differentiation. This study assesses university students’ perceptions of CSR across eleven prominent fast food restaurants. A total of 550 students responded to in-person surveys administered on the campus of Purdue University. Chipotle and Panera Bread were perceived to be the most socially responsible out of the fast food restaurants studied, receiving mean preference shares of 31% and 30%, respectively. Keywords: consumer behavior, consumption patterns, corporate social responsibility, fast food perceptions


● Thomas J. Maronick, “Empirical Analysis of Consumers’ Understanding of ‘All Natural’ and Its Relationship to Genetically Modified Organisms [GMOs]”.

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International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 7 nº 6 (2016) 10-19. Abstract Food labeled “natural” or “all natural” is estimated to be a $40 Billion industry and that “all natural” is the second most-used claim on new American food products. The problem is that neither the FDA nor the FTC has ever defined the word “natural,” preferring, at least from the FDA perspective, to give informal guidelines that a food product labeled “natural” should be one where nothing artificial or synthetic has been added or included that would not normally be in the food. Moreover, since the FDA has taken the position that genetically modified organism (GMOs) are “not substantially different from non-genetically modified foods,” food marketers are not required to label their products if they contain GMOs. To address the issue, the historical background of “natural” labeling at the FDA, the FTC, and state legislatures and actions being taken related to GMOs are examined and then the results of an on-line survey of 800 consumers who buy items labeled “all natural” is described. The on-line survey assesses consumers’ understanding of “all natural” and their perception of express and/or implied claims of “all natural” on a consumer product and their perceptions of GMOs. Policy implications that flow from these findings are also discussed. Keywords: consumer behavior, surveys, GMOs, all natural, regulations, FDA, FTC


● Fabio Verneau y otros, “Fair Trade Food Products: Insights about Motivations for Consumption Behaviour in Italy”. Calitatea, Vol. 17 nº 55 (2016) 99-105. Abstract This paper aims to provide insights into consumer motivational systems and their relations with fair trade product purchasing behaviour in Italy. In order to pursue this goal, the effectiveness of two alternative approaches were formally assessed and validated by using a sample of Italian consumers. One approach is based on two attitudinal scales, namely i) attitude to fair trade in general and ii) attitude to fair trade products. It involves a complex theoretical model, firstly validated in Belgium to assess the importance of the knowledge, information and attitude toward fair trade. The other approach considers intention and buying behaviour as determined by a synthetic indicator of action tendency, called Consciousness for Fair Consumption, resulting from personal experiences, norms, values and attitudes. Although both sets of scales showed good internal reliability and statistical evidence of behavioural predictive validity, one of the two sets is able to depict actual behaviour in much greater depth than the other. Keywords: fair trade, attitudes, Italy, scale validation, consumer behaviour

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● Jill J. McCluskey y otros, “Media Coverage, Public Perceptions, and Consumer Behavior: Insights from New Food Technologies”. Annual Review of Resource Economics, Vol. 43 (2016) 467-486. Abstract The media often play the role of translating new science to consumers. We discuss the recent literature that has examined the supply and demand factors that affect media coverage of new food technologies and the impact on public perceptions and consumer behavior toward food that utilizes these technologies. We start with a discussion of the ways in which the media influence public perceptions and consumer behavior related to foods made with new technologies. We then discuss the incentives of news media and the potential sources of biases in their reporting. We review empirical studies that have examined media reporting of new agricultural and food technologies, especially biotechnology, in terms of both their agenda setting and framing effects and the social amplification of risk. We synthesize the findings of studies that have examined the influence of media coverage on public attitudes and consumer behavior. We conclude and discuss avenues for future research. Key words: agenda setting, biotechnology, framing, GM foods, media, media bias, new food technologies, political economy


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● Vincenzina Caputo y otros, “Cue versus independent food attributes: the effect of adding attributes in choice experiments”. European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 43 nº 5 (2016) doi: 10.1093/erae/jbw022.

Publicado como avance online el 4 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract We examine the effects of adding an independent food attribute on consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) estimates for both cue and independent food attributes. In three separate choice experiments, a cue attribute present along the entire sequence of choices had independent food attributes enucleated and made explicit from the cue at later stages. Logit models were estimated using (i) a complete panel approach; (ii) error components and (iii) utility in WTP-space. Results suggest that the way a subject processes food attributes depends not only on the design dimensions but also on food attributes’ functional roles. When complexity of designs increases, models that account for different sources of heterogeneity have better fit to the data. Key words: choice experiment, choice design complexity, cue and independent food attributes, complete panel data approach, willingness to pay Para más información, consultar:

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● Jing Shi y otros, “Consumers' climate-impact estimations of different food products”. Journal of Cleaner Production (2016)

Publicado como avance online el 24 de noviembre de 2016 Abstract In contemporary society, sustainable food production and consumption are increasingly important to mitigate climate change. Food production and consumption result in large greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and thus have a large environmental impact. To positively influence consumers in reducing their food related climate impact, it is important to understand their perception of the climate impacts related to food products. We conducted five online experiments to better understand how laypersons assess the climate impact of various foods. In each experiment, one or two characteristics of the food products were varied to find out whether and how these characteristics affected people's climateimpact estimations. We investigated the influence of different types of meat, protein-rich products, and vegetables with varying production practice, country of origin, transportation mode and seasonality. The results showed that participants were able to correctly order foods' climate impact based on the type of food, its country of origin, its transportation mode and its season, whereas they were less knowledgeable of the extent to which the food products differed in their climate impact. Further, some misconceptions were found: people tended to underestimate the climate impact of organic and national produced meat products and of vegetarian protein-rich products; consumers seemed to rely on the country of origin to estimate the climate impact of vegetable products rather than on their transportation modes; and they did not seem to consider the interaction between seasonality and origin in the climate impact estimations of vegetables. We therefore suggest that better communication with consumers about the climate-impact of food products is needed to motivate them to make climate-friendly food choices. Keywords: consumer estimated climate impact, food products, production practice, country of origin, mode of transport, seasonality Para más información, consultar:

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● E.D. van Assel y otros, “Prioritization of chemical hazards in spices and herbs for European monitoring programs”. Food Control (2016)

Publicado como avance online el 18 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract Monitoring programs are preferably risk-based, which allows focusing on the most relevant human health risks. In this study, a risk matrix was used to identify those chemical hazards that have the highest human health risk for the following spices and herbs: paprika/chilli powder, black pepper, nutmeg, basil, thyme, and parsley. Both the probability of occurrence and the severity of the hazard were assessed for 36 chemical compounds and classified into low, medium, high, and severe. Probability of occurrence was evaluated based on available monitoring data and RASFF notifications as well as possibilities for economic adulteration. Severity was assessed based on available toxicological reference values and classification of carcinogenicity. The results demonstrated that the mycotoxins aflatoxins and ochratoxin A, the pesticides chlorpyrifos and triazophos, and the dye Sudan I posed the highest human health risk for spices and herbs. These compounds should, therefore, have an increased monitoring frequency in these products. Keywords: chemical compounds, risk matrix, risk ranking, contaminants


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● Fabiana Vanni y otros, “Agricultural areas in potentially contaminated sites: characterization, risk, management”. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Vol. 52 nº 4 (2016) 500-504. Abstract Introduction - In Italy, the current legislation for contaminants in soils provides two land uses: residential/public or private gardens and commercial/industrial; there are not specific reference values for agricultural soils, even if a special decree has been developed and is currently going through the legislative approval process. The topic of agricultural areas is relevant, also in consideration of their presence near potentially contaminated sites. Aim and results - In this paper, contamination sources and transport modes of contaminants from sources to the target in agricultural areas are examined and a suitable “conceptual model” to define appropriate characterization methods and risk assessment procedures is proposed. These procedures have already been used by the National Institute of Health in various Italian areas characterized by different agricultural settings. Conclusion - Finally, specific remediation techniques are suggested to preserve soil resources and, if possible, its particular land use. Keywords: agriculture, soil . risk assessment


Controles e inspecciones

● G. Cugat y M.R. Biel, “Official quality controls and the fight against fraud in the olive oil sector in Catalonia. Results 2011–2014”. Grasas y aceites (2016)

Publicado como avance online el 7 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract This article highlights the key aspects of the official control procedures concerning quality and in the fight against food fraud in the oil sector implemented in Catalonia by the Ministry for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Government of Catalonia and, more

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specifically, by the Subdirectorate General of Agri-food Inspection and Control. This summarized view focuses on issues related to the legality and competence framework for official controls, the goals and purpose thereof, the area’s object of investigation and technical scope, the stages of the food chain at which measures are carried out, the types of inspection and control actions and the main investigation techniques. It also presents the results of the inspections, with a summary of the types of irregularities detected in the olive oil sector over the 2011–2014 period. Keywords: food fraud, inspection, official control, oil, quality


Denominaciones de origen y otras indicaciones geográficas

● Kelly Lissandra Bruch y otros, “Reconfigurações institucionais nos mercados agroalimentares: a construção dos Regulamentos de Uso das Indicações Geográficas para vinhos no Brasil”. Mundo agrario, Vol. 7 nº 36 (2016) e033. Resumen O artigo analisa as mudanças ensejadas pela estruturação das Indicações Geográficas (IG) no segmento vinícola brasileiro. Inicialmente, discute o papel das normas e padrões na governança dos mercados. Em seguida, com base em pesquisas conduzidas em cinco regiões vinícolas brasileiras, analisa o processo de construção dos Regulamentos de Uso. Os resultados demonstram que, apesar das fragilidades institucionais que caracterizam o uso deste instrumento de propriedade intelectual no Brasil, existe coerência nas normas estabelecidas para os diferentes contextos estudados. Isto decorre de um processo de coordenação setorial, o qual se pauta pela construção de um sistema de IG que mescla mudança organizacional e tecnológica com a revalorização dos atributos socioculturais dos territórios.


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● Amalia Maceda Rubio, “El vino y el sistema de protección de su origen y calidad”. Ería, nº 99-100 (2016) 157-182. Resumen En este artículo se analizan los eslabones de la cadena vitivinícola correspondientes a las fases agraria e industrial y se consideran más específicamente los vinos que cuentan con menciones de calidad diferenciada. La evolución y distribución del viñedo y las características de las explotaciones vitícolas, la producción de vino y la importancia creciente de los vinos con denominación de origen y otros tipos de distinción, así como la industria vinícola y las características y tipos de empresas en el sector bodeguero, constituyen los contenidos fundamentales del estudio.


Envases y embalajes

● Gregory Simmonds y Charles Spence, “Thinking inside the box: How seeing products on, or through, the packaging influences consumer perceptions and purchase behaviour”. Food Quality and Preference (2016)

Publicado como avance online el 3 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract Images of food constitute salient visual stimuli in the mind of the consumer. They are capable of promoting both feelings of hunger and the desire for food. It should not, then,

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come as any surprise that many product packages present the food contained within as a salient aspect of their visual design. Conventionally, this has been achieved primarily by the use of attractive visual imagery showing the product on the outside of the packaging. Nowadays, however, developments in packaging are increasingly enabling designers to add transparent elements, thus allowing consumers to directly see the product before purchase. Yet relatively little is known about the effectiveness of product imagery as compared with transparent packaging. In this review, we address the various ways in which seeing (images of) food influences the consumer. The implications for packaging designs which include: (a) images of food, and (b) transparent elements, are investigated. Guidelines are also provided for designers and brands on the ways in which to take advantage of these effects of being able to see the food. Keywords: packaging, packaging design, transparent packaging, food aesthetics, consumption Para más información, consultar:

Etiquetado e información del consumidor

● Adrienne Hall-Phillips y Purvi Shah, “Unclarity confusion and expiration date labels in the United States: A consumer perspective”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 35 (2017) 118–126. Abstract This paper discusses findings from a qualitative study about the role played by unclarity confusion related to expiration dates in the purchase of perishable grocery products from the perspective of consumers in the United States. Participants emphasized that expiration dates provide important point-of-purchase information that facilitates consumer decisionmaking at the shelf when tasting or smelling the product for freshness is not an option. Issues related to understanding the meaning of expiration dates, confusion caused by varying formats and how this confusion produces affective, cognitive, and behavioral consequences are also highlighted. Based on these findings, this paper presents a conceptual framework explicating the role of unclarity confusion surrounding expiration dates on the consumers’ path to purchasing perishable grocery products. We expect that our findings and proposed framework will allow for more exploration of the use of expiration

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dates, highlight the consequences faced because of unclarity confusion caused by expiration dates, and call attention to opportunities for retailers and manufacturers to play a larger role in ensuring consumers can make better informed decisions at the grocery shelf. Keywords: expiration dates, unclarity confusion, semi-structured interviews, thematic analysis, dynamic consumer response framework, hermeneutical interpretation

Consultar: sion_and_expiration_date_labels_in_the_United_States_A_consumer_perspective/links/58 6071ed08ae6eb871a43b84.pdf

● Gaia Claudia Viviana Viola y otros, “Are food labels effective as a means of health prevention?”. Journal of Public Health Research, Vol. 5 nº 3 (2016) 139-142. Abstract Chronic diseases related to unbalanced and unhealthy eating habits have definitely become one of the major issues of modern age, not only in western countries but also in those ones where rapid economic growth has increased global prosperity levels. In order to avoid medical systems to collapse under excessive costs, International and Public Organizations strongly support health policies that aim to make people shift towards wholesome dietary patterns, also encouraging the use of food-labels to choose healthier products. To evaluate the consumers’ knowledge and perception about food-labels a brief questionnaire was developed and shared on Facebook between January-March 2016. Most of the participants were young adults with higher education. They declared to do their shopping at least once a week, reading the foodlabels quite often. Despite owing limited knowledge in basic nutrition principles and food-labelling they were generally able to recognize healthier products looking over their nutritional fact tables. Anyway, on average, what they care the most about the products they purchase is the global quality level rather than the nutritional values. In order to induce the whole population to use food label as an effective self-protection tool, more efforts should be done to improve their knowledge on nutrition fundamentals and basics about food labelling, because that would make them able to take safer and more conscious choices as regards their own health.


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● Nicolas Carbonnelle y otros, “Country of Origin Labelling Rules for Prepacked Foods and Ingredients – An International Perspective”. European Food and Feed Law Review, Vol. 11 nº 6 (2016) 472-485. ● Emmanuel Treuil, “The French Decree on the Labelling of the Origin of Milk and Meat Used as an Ingredient and its Compliance with European Rules”. European Food and Feed Law Review, Vol. 11 nº 6 (2016) 486-493. ● Silvia Bañares Vilella y otros, “The European Court of Justice Declares that Regulation No 1924/2006 Applies to Health Claims Directed at Health Professionals: the Verband Sozialer Wettbewerb eV Judgment (Case C-15/19)”. European Food and Feed Law Review, Vol. 11 nº 6 (2016) 508-516.

● Sabine Duvaleix-Tréguer y Louis-Georges Soler, “Prescriptive Labeling of Food Products: a suitable Policy Instrument?”. Revue d'économie politique, Vol. 126 (2016) 895-919. Abstract Prescriptive labels, which include the use of “traffic light” rankings on food products and energy efficiency classifications on electrical appliances, modify firms’ decisions. Thus, a

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labeling policy that accounts only for consumer responses may not achieve its intended outcome. This study uses a vertical differentiation model in which three firms compete in a market to examine the changes in consumers’ quality perceptions caused by prescriptive labeling and to identify how these policies impact market share, prices and welfare. We examine two cases faced by the public regulator. When the regulator wants to reinforce the valorization of the dominant quality attribute, we find that a rewarding labeling strategy yields more weighted quality in the market than a penalizing strategy. Furthermore, a mildly stringent rewarding strategy generates the highest results. In the case where the regulator wants to weaken this quality perception, a penalizing labeling strategy is the best scenario. Keywords: vertical differentiation model, prescriptive labelling, firm strategy

● Jesús Cruz, “El etiquetado alimentario ofrece cada día mayor información al consumidor”. Eurocarne, Vol. 251 (2016) 33-39. Resumen Además de la inminente obligación del cumplimineto del Reglamento (CE) nº 1169/2011 sobre la información alimentaria facilitada al consumidor, existen en la UE diversas estrategias que buscan maejorar el conocimiento sobre las características nutricionales de los productos. A esto hay que sumar la tendencia a incluir también más datos sobre el origen de la carne con la que están elaborados los derivados cárnicos.

● Sergio Zamora, “Etiquetado internacional de productos cárnicos”. Eurocarne, Vol. 251 (2016) 40-44. Resumen Se analiza la normativa que regula el etiquetado de los productos cárnicos en tres de las principales regiones consumidoras: Estadios Unidos, China y Japón, haciendo hincapié en los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM) y en el etiquetado de país de origen.

Evaluación, gestión y comunicación de los riesgos

● Luis González Vaqué, “La comunicazione del rischio alimentare nell’Unione Europea e negli Stati membri”. Rivista di diritto alimentare, nº 3 (2016) 20-33. Consultar:

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Leche y prouctos lácteos

● Tanzina Azad y Shoeb Ahmed, “Common milk adulteration and their detection techniques”. International Journal of Food Contamination, Vol. 3 nº 22 (2016) DOI: 10.1186/s40550-016-0045-3.

Publicado como avance online el 5 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract Food adulteration is a global concern and developing countries are at higher risk associated with it due to lack of monitoring and policies. However, this is one of the most common phenomena that has been overlooked in many countries. Unfortunately, in contrast to common belief, milk adulterants can pose serious health hazards leading to fatal diseases. This paper presents a detailed review of common milk adulterants as well as different methods to detect the adulterants both qualitatively and quantitatively. This study is organized to be an 'adulterant based' study instead of 'techniques based' one, where qualitative detection for most of the common adulterants are enlisted and quantitative detection methods are limited to few major adulterants of milk. Apart from regular techniques, recent development in these detection techniques have also been reported. Nowadays milk is being adulterated in more sophisticated ways that demands for cutting edge research for the detection of the adulterants. This review intends to contribute towards the common knowledge base regarding possible milk adulterants and their detection techniques. Keywords: milk processing, adulteration, product safety, dairy, ELISA


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Nutrición y lucha contra la obesidad

● L. Kirwan y otros, “Comparison of the portion size and frequency of consumption of 156 foods across seven European countries: insights from the Food4ME study”. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 70 (2016) 642-644. Abstract There are no standardised serving/portion sizes defined for foods consumed in the European Union (EU). Typical serving sizes can deviate significantly from the 100 g/100 ml labelling specification required by the EU legislation. Where the nutritional value of a portion is specified, the portion size is determined by the manufacturers. Our objective was to investigate the potential for standardising portion sizes for specific foods, thereby ensuring complementarity across countries. We compared portion size for 156 food items measured using a food frequency questionnaire across the seven countries participating in the Food4me study. The probability of consuming a food and the frequency of consumption differed across countries for 93% and 58% of the foods, respectively. However, the individual country mean portion size differed from the average across countries in only 16% of comparisons. Thus, although dietary choices vary markedly across countries, there is much less variation in portion sizes. Our results highlight the potential for standardisation of portion sizes on nutrition labels in the EU.

Pérdidas y desperdicio de alimentos

● Géraldine Chaboud y Benoit Daviron, “Food losses and waste: Navigating the inconsistencies”. Global Food Security, Vol. 12 (2016) 1–7. Abstract In recent years, the question of food losses and waste (FLW) has been the subject of much debate. When it comes to food security, the preservation of natural resources and potential economic benefits, the general public, scientists and politicians all agree that FLW needs to

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be reduced. However, there are numerous inconsistencies in terms of how the problem of FLW has been presented and analysed. This article aims to highlight these inconsistencies and help identify the areas of research that could contribute to a more effective handling of FLW issues. The article examines: (i) whether the choice of definition(s) adopted are consistent with the problem(s) targeted; (ii) the efficiency of the methodologies used to address the issues raised, and (iii) the relevance of arguments put forward concerning FLW reduction. Keywords: food losses, food waste, inconsistencies, definitions, methodologies, arguments

● Daniel N. Warshawsky, “Food waste, sustainability, and the corporate sector: case study of a US food company”. The Geographical Journal, Vol. 182 nº 4 (2016) 384-394. Abstract Food waste has emerged as one of the world's most critical issues, as record levels of food waste have resulted in negative outcomes for food security, land use, and methane production associated with climate change. As key institutions in the world's food system, retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers have taken steps to reduce food waste. Yet, while food corporations promote their food waste programs as part of their broader green sustainability initiatives, it is unclear how and why they have developed these initiatives. To fill this research gap, this study examines a US company's food waste reduction programs as a case study. To this end, this study utilises interview data of key stakeholders to examine the ways that food waste is produced, regulated, and reused by food corporations. Research findings point to some positive outcomes, such as the transformation of food waste into alternative energy and increased efficiency in food donation systems. Yet, these positive outcomes may be overshadowed by corporate priorities which privilege profitability, brand enhancement, and short‐term high‐visibility solutions. This research highlights that the broad and somewhat diffuse definition of sustainability may allow corporations to highlight narrow, company‐specific technical fixes rather than do the hard work associated with reducing food waste in their supply chains. Moreover, data suggest that many food corporations use the sustainability trope as a way to ensure that they are recognised as legitimate, ethical, and profitable companies. Thus, while some argue that sustainable development institutionalises important environmental practices into the market, evidence from this study suggests that these corporate practices may be evidence of neoliberal environmental governance which is determined by market logics rather than environmental or social justice. In this way, corporate profitability

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determines how sustainability is defined, when and where sustainability is implemented, and how sustainability is to be measured. Keywords: United States, food corporation, food insecurity, food waste, green, sustainability

● Norbert Raak y otros, “Processing- and product-related causes for food waste and implications for the food supply chain”. Waste Management (2016)

Publicado como avance online el 27 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract Reducing food waste is one of the prominent goals in the current research, which has also been set by the United Nations to achieve a more sustainable world by 2030. Given that previous studies mainly examined causes for food waste generation related to consumers, e.g., expectations regarding quality or uncertainties about edibility, this review aims at providing an overview on losses in the food industry, as well as on natural mechanisms by which impeccable food items are converted into an undesired state. For this, scientific literature was reviewed based on a keyword search, and information not covered was gathered by conducting expert interviews with representatives from 13 German food processing companies. From the available literature, three main areas of food waste generation were identified and discussed: product deterioration and spoilage during logistical operations, by-products from food processing, and consumer perception of quality and safety. In addition, expert interviews revealed causes for food waste in the processing sector, which were categorised as follows: losses resulting from processing operations and quality assurance, and products not fulfilling quality demands from trade. The interviewees explained a number of strategies to minimise food losses, starting with alternative tradeways for second choice items, and ending with emergency power supplies to compensate for power blackouts. It became clear that the concepts are not universally

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applicable for each company, but the overview provided in the present study may support researchers in finding appropriate solutions for individual cases.

Keywords: food waste, food processing, by-products, food losses, sauboptimal food, literature review, expert interview Para más información, consultar:

Salud y bienestar animal

● Marta Luciane Fischer y otros, “Environmental enrichment as an ethical principle in animal research”. Revista Bioética, Vol. 24 nº 3 (2016) 532-544. Abstract Animals used in experiments have reduced levels of welfare and are thus vulnerable to pain and suffering. Considering that environmental enrichment increases the quality of life of captive animals, we aimed to assess its scientific application regarding the promotion of animal welfare by recognizing the vulnerability of biological models. Documentary analysis and experimental tests were conducted, stating that despite this technique having been applied mainly in neuroscience studies, endorsing their feasibility and the improvement in learning, the rationale for its use has been limited to the successful development of research, that is, not in recognition of animals' vulnerability, their need for welfare and quality of life. In contrast, we proposed the application of environmental enrichment for laboratory animals, within a framework of scientific contractualism and the researcher's responsibility, as a standard to be adopted for the mutual benefit of scientific development and the quality of animal life. Keywords: Bioethics, Bioethics-Enviromental, Animal Experimentation, Scientific misconduct, Psychology Experimental Consultar:

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Seguridad alimentaria (disponibilidad de alimentos)

● Sannoy Das, “Food Security Amendments to the WTO Green Box: A Critical Re-Examination”, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 50 nº 6 (2016) 1111–1132. Abstract This article deals with one among the many significant issues with the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture that brought trade negotiations during the Doha Round to a standstill; and it continuous to remain contentious. The genesis of the conflict lies in a proposal to amend the Agreement to exclude certain policies of price support, given by developing countries to answer their food security goals, from the disciplines of the Agreement. The issue has thrown into sharp relief the overall conflict between development oriented goals and trade liberalization within the WTO legal order. This article posits that the most significant opposition to the amendment pretends to be economic in content, while masking an obviously political nature. In order to unmask this, the article investigates some theoretical foundations of subsidy regulation in WTO law, and particularly attacks the concept of distortion which is frequently used to classify subsidies. This article aims to show that as a theoretical matter, the amendment to Agreement on Agriculture is not perniciously trade-distorting as has been projected, and that developing countries can stake legitimate claim to have such amendment passed. Finally, through such argument, the article aims to place the conflict between two normative ideals, trade liberalization and food security in proper perspective.

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Seguridad e inocuidad de los alimentos

● Jenifer Buckley, “Interpersonal Skills in the Practice of Food Safety Inspections: A Study of Compliance Assistance”. Journal of Environmental Health, Vol. 79 nº 5 (2016) 8-12. Abstract Conducting food safety inspections requires interpersonal skills and technical expertise. This requirement is particularly important for agencies that adopt a compliance assistance approach by encouraging inspectors to assist industry in finding solutions to violations. This article describes a study of inspections that were conducted by inspectors from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Food and Dairy Division at small-scale processing facilities. Interactions between inspectors and small processors were explored through a qualitative, ethnographic approach using interviews and field observations. Inspectors emphasized the importance of interpersonal skills such as communication, patience, empathy, respect, and consideration in conducting inspections. This article examines how these skills were applied, how inspectors felt they improved compliance, the experiences through which inspectors attained these skills, and the training for which they expressed a need. These results provide new insights into the core competencies required in conducting inspections, and they provide the groundwork for further research.

Transtornos alimentarios

● Juan José Labora González, “La evolución de la percepción social de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, y de la imagen, de los trabajadores/as

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sociales y su influencia en la práctica profesional”. Imagonautas, nº 8 (2016) 27-49. Resumen Este trabajo expone, como fruto de una investigación de carácter cualitativo y dentro del marco de la teoría sistémica, cómo la percepción de los trastornos de la alimentación y de la imagen, de los/as profesionales del Trabajo Social está determinada por el imaginario del llamado modelo médico. Por lo cual esos trastornos son percibidos desde un punto de vista empirista y reduccionista, adoleciendo de un bajo nivel de complejidad. Tal percepción, por otro lado, estaría cargada de nociones de carácter moral (culpa, voluntad…). Asimismo, se expone la influencia de esa percepción sobre la práctica profesional, la cual puede ser gravemente sesgada. Se compara a los estudiantes con profesionales en activo que muestran una percepción con un mayor nivel de complejidad de estos trastornos. Palabras clave: percepción, imaginarios sociales, complejidad, teoría sistémica, trastornos alimentarios.


Unión Europea - Taiwan

● Der-Chin Horng, “The EU Food Police. Its Lessons for Taiwan”. Journal Global Policy and Governance, Vol. 5 nº 2 (2016)

Publicado como avance online el 9 de diciembre de 2016 Abstract Food police emerged as a key role for legal implementation following a series of food scandals in Europe and Taiwan which began in the 1990s. Proper institutional control has been recognized as an essential element in protecting consumers with respect to food, and so, following the adoption of Regulation 178/2002, the EU acted to establish an effective food control system converting all the food chain from farm to table. The EU applied a separation principle for risk assessment and risk management in food safety. In line with the European Commission responsible for risk management, the food police in the EU and

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its Member States play a critical function in auditing food products and cracking down illegal activities. The EU food police would enhance the EU’s food safety governance and promote the implementation of EU food law. This food police system thus facilitates the Europeanisation of food inspection at the European level and provides a multilevel institutional protection for food safety and consumer interest in the EU. This paper examines EU food control jurisprudence and the associated implement framework on food police, and compares these with corresponding institutions and practices in Taiwan. It also offers some proposals for food police reform in Taiwan to enhance the food law implementation in general. Keywords: EU, Food safety, Food control, Food police, Consumer interest , The Act Governing Food, Safety and Sanitation Para más información, consultar:

Vino y otras bebidas alcohólicas

● J. L. García-Alcaraz y otros, “Impact of human resources on wine supply chain flexibility, quality, and economic performance”. Ingenieria e investigación, Vol. 36 nº 3 (2016) 74-81. Abstract This article assesses the impact of human resources skills on production quality, flexibility, and economic performance of La Rioja’s wine supply chain. These four elements were integrated as latent variables composed of 15 observed variables and associated through six hypotheses. Data were gathered from 64 wineries located in La Rioja, Spain, and hypotheses were validated in a structural equation model using WarpPLS v.5 software. Results indicate that human resources skills have a positive direct impact on SC flexibility and quality, but not on economic performance; however, these variables are indirectly associated through SC quality and SC flexibility. Keywords: supply chain, flexibility, quality, economic performance, structural equation model, human resources


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● Franck Celhay y otros, “Design graphique du packaging et innovation : Une étude comparative des codes visuels des vins de Bordeaux et de la Barossa Valley”. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (2016) DOI: 10.1177/0767370116678732.

Publicado como avance online el 7 de diciembre de 2016 Résumé Cette recherche explore l’introduction de designs innovants au travers d’une analyse de contenu et d’une analyse sémiotique des codes visuels de deux régions viticoles : l’une connue pour être traditionnelle (Bordeaux) et l’autre pour être innovante (la Barossa Valley). L’analyse de contenu révèle que les vins australiens se différencient entre eux en utilisant des thèmes et des styles d’illustration variés, tout en se conformant à des codes visuels « dominants » en matière de mise en page, composition, polices de caractères et couleurs. L’analyse sémiotique montre que les thèmes et styles d’illustration introduits par les vins de la Barossa Valley portent des « signifiés » qui sont pertinents pour la catégorie de produits. Ainsi, les résultats indiquent que les « wineries » de la Barossa Valley respectent deux conditions suggérées par la littérature : un degré modéré de nouveauté et un niveau « idéal » d’incongruence (inattendue mais pertinente). Notre étude des significations des codes visuels des deux régions décode les éléments de langage du design graphique des étiquettes de vin. Cela permet de comprendre comment il est possible de créer un design d’étiquette de vin « inattendu mais pertinent ». Enfin, cette recherche identifie quatre stratégies de positionnement des marques de vin et indique comment les exprimer à l’aide du design graphique de l’étiquette.


● Creina Stockley y Rachel Triggs, “Wine labelling regulations reviewed health-related and compositional claims, geographical indications and traditional expressions”. Wine & Viticulture Journal, Vol. 31 nº 6 (2016) 63-65. Abstract Drawing on a workshop they convened at this year's Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference, Creina and Rachel bring wine producers up to speed on the changes to winemaking, labelling and marketing regulations that have occurred in the last three years.

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♦ Mazni Saad y otros, “ Temporary Food Handlers’ Compliance with Effective Food-hygiene Practices”. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, Vol. 4, nº 14 (2014) 63-73. Consultar:

● Comercio internacional agroalimentario [International Agri-Food Trade] [429 miembros] - “CHILE: Ley de Alimentos – Nuevo etiquetado de alimentos”:

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● Food Label Community [8.170 miembros] - “Food Labeling”: 1

● Intellectual Property Rights for Geographical Indications: What is at stake in the TTIP? [93 miembros] - “Manufacturing Discontent: The Rise to Power of Anti-TTIP Groups”: 2

● AIBADA, Asociación Iberoamericana para el Derecho Alimentario [1.277 miembros] - “LA MESA ARGENTINA EN LAS ÚLTIMAS DOS DÉCADAS”:

● China-European Union Food Law Working Party [729 miembros] “RACHEL SHEN: China Health Foods: CFDA Grants Grace Period for Health Food Registration Renewal”: 3


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● Global Trade and Investment [693 miembros] - “Brexit and Trade: Between Facts and Irrelevance”: 4

● Food Law Latest [2.783 miembros] - “USA - FDA Clarifies Applicability of Color Additive Regulations for Vegetable and Fruit Juice”: 5

● Agronegocios & Alimentos [6.628 miembros] - “UNIÓN EUROPEA: Informe relativo a los alimentos e ingredientes alimentarios tratados con radiaciones ionizantes correspondientes al año 2015”: 6

● Legislación alimentaria [783 miembros] - “Acuerdo por el que se otorga a la UE un estatuto particular en la Organización Internacional de la Viña y el Vino”: 7


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● Espacio GRC (Governance, Risk management & Compliance) [6.041 miembros] - “Coeliac Disease: Gluten Free Diet and… What Else?”: 8

● Derecho del Consumo - España [638 miembros] - “Economía colaborativa: un nuevo mercado para la economía social”: 9

● Food Label Community [8.170 miembros] - “The Dutch food industry has pledged to restrict the use of licensed cartoon characters from the packaging of unhealthy foods aimed at children”: 10

● Brexit updates [1.330 miembros] - “Major food industry bodies have written to the UK government demanding priority for EU workers after Brexit, saying ‘unambiguous reassurance’ should be given for the right to remain”: 11


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● Comercio internacional agroalimentario [International Agri-Food Trade] [429 miembros] - “Brexit: EU negotiator says 'time's short' for reaching deal”:

● Seguridad e inocuidad alimentarias (AIBADA) [1.463 miembros] - “USA FDA on Enforcement: Our Goal is To Help, Not Punish”:

Libros y otros documentos

● Brigitte Sebastia, “Eating Traditional Food: Politics, identity and practices”. Routledge (2017) 226 págs. Description Due to its centrality in human activities, food is a meaningful object that necessarily participates in any cultural, social and ideological construction and its qualification as

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'traditional' is a politically laden value. This book demonstrates that traditionality as attributed to foods goes beyond the notions of heritage and authenticity under which it is commonly formulated. Through a series of case studies from a global range of cultural and geographical areas, the book explores a variety of contexts to reveal the complexity behind the attribution of the term 'traditional' to food. In particular, the volume demonstrates that the definitions put forward by programmes such as TRUEFOOD and EuroFIR (and subsequently adopted by organisations including FAO), which have analysed the perception of traditional foods by individuals, do not adequately reflect this complexity. The concept of tradition being deeply ingrained culturally, socially, politically and ideologically, traditional foods resist any single definition. Chapters analyse the processes of valorisation, instrumentalisation and reinvention at stake in the construction and representation of a food as traditional. Overall the book offers fresh perspectives on topics including definition and regulation, nationalism and identity, and health and nutrition, and will be of interest to students and researchers of many disciplines including anthropology, sociology, politics and cultural studies.

● “Experiencia de los Estados miembros con la Directiva 2009/41/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 6 de mayo de 2009, relativa a la utilización confinada de microorganismos modificados genéticamente (versión refundida) en el período 2009- 2014. Comisión Europea, COM(2016) 808 final, 14 págs. Consultar:

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● “Dictamen del Comité Económico y Social Europeo sobre «La posición del CESE sobre aspectos clave de las negociaciones de la Asociación Transatlántica de Comercio e Inversión (ATCI)»”. CESE (DOUE C 487/30, 28.12.2016), 11 págs. Consultar:

● Reinhilde Schoonjans, “Annual report of the EFSA Scientific Network of Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies in Food and Feed for 2016”. European Food Safety Authority – EFSA (2016), 14 págs. Abstarct To enhance cooperation with EU Member States on nanomaterials, EFSA established in 2010 the Network for Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies in Food and Feed. This Network facilitates the exchange of information between EFSA and Member States, as well as the prioritisation of risk assessment activities. The publication of this annual report informs the public, stakeholders and research communities about elements of risk assessment that need expert advice or further development. During the 2016 meeting hosted in Madrid by the Spanish Authorities, the Network discussed its priority topic of test methods needed for risk assessment of nanomaterials in complex matrices. Twenty-one Member State delegates participated to the meeting and received updates on: EFSA’s reevaluation of food additives, the update of the 2011 EFSA guidance for risk assessment of nanomaterials in agricultural/food/feed products, and on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) guidance development. Four Member State delegates presented national views on risk communication about engineered nanomaterial versus nanofractions, implementing the new Novel Food Regulation, read-across, intake levels and toxicokinetic considerations. Activities at the European Commission were presented, with many safety-related research projects taking place in DG JRC or being coordinated by DG RTD. Such activities provide technical information on the implementation of the EC Recommended definition for Nanomaterial or fill knowledge gaps with respect to safety. The new Novel Food legislation

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was also presented as well as three Horizon 2020 projects and their state of play. The list with national research projects and the list with contact details of national laboratories that can analyse nanomaterials in complex matrices remain available. Key words: nanomaterial, food, feed, contact material, risk assessment, toxicity


● Albert Vinyals i Ros, “El consumidor consciente: Análisis de los factores psicosociales implicados en el consumo sostenible, a partir del estudio de miembros de cooperativas de consumo agro-ecológico”. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2016), 167 págs. Consultar:

● Clara Aragonés Sangüesa, “Alimentos funcionales en Aragón. Caracterización y comparación”. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte, Universidad de Zaragoza (2016) 18 págs. Resumen En este trabajo se ha elaborado una base de datos con una muestra representativa de productos funcionales enriquecidos y/o fortificados disponibles en los supermercados de Aragón y alimentos pertenecientes a la dieta mediterránea. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica; se ha llevado a cabo un análisis semicuantitativo de la información suministrada en el etiquetado y una valoración del cumplimiento de la legislación vigente de los distintos alimentos funcionales encontrados en el mercado aragonés. Finalmente, basándonos en nuestra base de datos, se ha realizado una comparativa entre la

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aportación de nutrientes de la dieta mediterránea española y distintos alimentos funcionales enriquecidos y/o fortificados. Palabras clave: alimentos funcionales, dieta mediterránea, enriquecidos y/o fortificados


● Alexandra Festila, “Health Metaphors of Package Design”. BSS, Aarhus (2016) 189 págs. Summary Recent literature suggests that package design visuals such as shape, size, colors, and imagery can impact higher-level food inferences, while at the same time acting as cues for specific perceptual judgements that further impact food choice and consumption. Considering the recent interest in healthy eating, and the role of package design in influencing both in-store and post-purchase food decisions, it is important to acquire a more in-depth understanding of the role of package design in influencing health-related inferences and behaviors. In regards to health communication, most studies have thus far focused on the role of informational elements, and only sparse research has addressed the role of more implicit forms of package design (such as graphic and structural elements) in generating health-related inferences and influencing consumption behavior. Structural and graphic elements operate at a level outside of conscious awareness, affecting consumers’ perceptions more implicitly. This becomes especially relevant in low-involvement contexts such as food shopping, where consumers spend a limited amount of time and cognitive resources to evaluate products and make a decision. When consumers are unmotivated or uninvolved, they are more prone to rely on unrelated cues (such as package design visuals) to make inferences about and evaluate the food products. Considering the above, the undertaking in the present dissertation is to shed light on the role of package design visuals in regards to health communication and behaviors. In order to get a broader picture of the phenomenon, it takes on to explore both the marketing communication side – by trying to identify specific patterns of package design communication for health brands – but also looks into how consumers actually respond to specific manipulation of package design visuals in regards to health-related inferences and behaviors.


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● Ramona Teuber y Jørgen Dejgård Jensen, “Food losses and food waste”. University of Copenhagen (2016) 109 págs. Consultar:

● Andżelika Kuźnar, “How Important Are Geographical Indications in Trade Relations between the European Union and The United States?”. Institute of International Economics, Warsaw School of Economics (2016) 19 págs. Abstract The European Union creates many common standards which have to be obeyed by its member states. What is more, it also pushes other countries to accept some of its standards in international treaties. One of the areas in which the EU has vital interests in creating common rules are geographical indications (GIs), as part of the system of intellectual property rights (IPRs) protection. This area is regulated at the European level and all member states had to implement appropriate rules to their legal systems. The EU is also making constant efforts to increase the level of international protection of IP rights in WTO level and in its bilateral trade relations. This is not an easy task, as for example the current talks with the United States show. TTIP negotiations revealed the importance of geographical indications in mutual trade relations, not only in this particular agreement but also in other RTAs negotiated by both the USA and EU. The commercial value of European GI-protected goods is one of the reasons of why there are strong lobbying pressures in the EU to increase the level of worldwide protection of GI. At the same time the American firms are interested in maintaining the status quo. This might be to some extent surprising as both the EU and the USA are recognized world leaders in terms of the level of IPR protection. They both have a long history of protecting IP rights justified among others by its importance for development of international trade. Higher level of IP protection provides incentives for firms to engage their resources in costly R&D as they can appropriate the returns to producing knowledge. As a result they produce more IP-intensive goods and are important providers of such goods in international trade. There are researches proving that the intensity of such trade depends on the level of IP protection. The paper 2 presents the European model of GI protection as compared to the American and multilateral approaches. The aim of the paper is to determine the reasons of the lack of

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compromise between the European Union and the United States in terms of the desired level of GI protection and to assess the possibilities of finding a common ground of talks in this area. The paper is divided into introduction, four sections, and conclusions. The first section explains the economic rationale that justifies legal protection of GIs. In the second section the provisions relating to GIs in the European law are analysed. The next section is devoted to regulations of this subject in the U.S. legislation. The last section presents the European and American systems compared to provisions on GI in TRIPs. Keywords: intellectual property rights, geographical indications, TRIPs, TTIP


● Christian Camilo Quintero Valderrama, “Las Denominaciones de Origen, ámbito legal y desarrollo económico”. Facultad de Derecho Campus, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (2016) 83 págs. Resumen La Propiedad Industrial ha surgido a raíz de las diversas situaciones históricas de creaciones existentes en el mundo. En donde el incentivo al ingenio humano, debe ser la protección al resultado de su intelecto, con base en las legislaciones desarrolladas en Propiedad Industrial; dentro de la Propiedad Industrial aparecen los signos distintivos entre los cuales se encuentran las Denominaciones de Origen, las que tienen como objetivo determinar la protección legal a aquellos productos internos de cada Estado o territorio, que por sus características de calidad en su producción por aspectos tales como la zona geográfica de creación, la forma de creación y el tipo de materiales que se utilizan, generan una imagen favorable al Estado productor y establece una medida de desarrollo para el mismo. Es necesario establecer un blindaje jurídico que impida la usurpación de Derechos de Propiedad Industrial y de como resultado la adquisición de bases de desarrollo para un País con la efectiva protección a los productos con Denominación de Origen protegida. Dichos signos distintivos hacen parte del desarrollo económico de los

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estados, intercambio comercial al exterior de estos, es un resultado del efectivo cumplimiento al régimen legal de la Propiedad Industrial.

Consultar: milo2016.pdf

● Diana Milena Belalcázar Cifuentes, “Análisis comparado de la regulación en la publicidad de alimentos en Uruguay, México y Colombia, y su relevancia en la prevención y control del exceso de peso en la población infantil”. Universidad de Antioquia (2016) 80 págs. Resumen El exceso de peso ha sido catalogado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como una enfermedad prevalente en la población mundial que afecta no solamente a adultos, también se ha incrementado en la infancia. Se han generado diferentes estrategias para su prevención por parte de los gobiernos, teniendo en cuenta las recomendaciones de los organismos internacionales sin obtener un resultado positivo. Estudios e investigaciones en Europa, América Latina y Estados Unidos han establecido la posibilidad de vincular el exceso de peso en los niños con la publicidad alimentaria de las industrias, llegando a la conclusión que es un factor favorecedor para incentivar el consumo de ciertos alimentos considerados poco saludables; y esgrimiendo para los países la necesidad de legislar y regular la publicidad de alimentos con relación a los infantes y adolescentes. Hasta el momento, con una aplicación media en las regiones. Este trabajo de tipo descriptivo observacional revisa y contrasta las leyes y regulaciones de 3 países latinoamericanos elegidos con muestreo no probabilístico intencional por conveniencia: Uruguay, México y Colombia; se basa en el análisis comparado de las regulaciones propias y la aplicación de las recomendaciones internacionales y normativas nacionales desarrolladas en políticas públicas de regulación respecto a la publicidad de alimentos en la población infantil y su impacto; comparando cada resultado. Para llegar a la conclusión que a pesar de los esfuerzos propios respecto a la regulación de la publicidad alimentaria para niños, solamente Uruguay tiene políticas que cubren a todo el territorio nacional y se aplican de manera formal para todas las industrias alimentarias; mientras que Colombia y México requieren de intervenciones legislativas que sean aplicables sin distinción a todas las industrias de alimentos y prohíban de manera expresa ciertos comportamientos de las empresas con relación a la oferta alimentaria para los infantes y adolescentes.

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Palabras clave: Adolescente, Colombia, exceso de peso, infancia, México, publicidad, Uruguay

Consultar: AnalisisRegulaci%C3%B3nPublicidadAlimentosUruguay%20M%C3%A9xicoColombia.pdf

● Darwin Fabia Sandoval Lozano, “Valoración del consumo energético y evaluación de los cambios en las propiedades nutricionales y cualidades organolépticos de alimentos preparados en cocinas de inducción”. Universidad del Azuay (2016) 103 págs. Consultar:

● Kris Murray, “School staff identified barriers, facilitators, and perceptions of implementing a school nutrition policy in a First Nation community school”. Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science - University of Alberta (2016) 212 págs. Abstract School health policies establish nutrition standards for schools and provide guidelines for the operation of a health-focused school environment. Little research has been conducted to understand implementation of school nutrition policies, and even fewer studies have assessed policy implementation in Aboriginal schools. Historical, cultural, and societal differences between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal schools may play an important role in the adoption and implementation of health and wellness policies and practices in First Nation communities. The present thesis utilized a community-based participatory research approach to generate a school staff-focused perspective of school nutrition policy

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implementation in a First Nation community school in Alberta. The research was an evidence-based process evaluation that aimed to understand policy implementation strategies by investigating staff perceived facilitators and barriers of policy implementation, as well as the relationship between staff eating habits and policy implementation. A concurrent triangulation mixed methods approach utilized results of a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews to understand school staff perceptions. Themes derived from the qualitative interviews were woven and integrated with the statistical frequencies derived from a quantitative survey; subsequently a comprehensive set of findings was presented to the community school research committee for review and interpretation. Significant enabling factors for policy implementation were found to be the school environment, administrative and personnel support for the school nutrition policy, and preceding foundational health programming. An innovative facilitator of policy implementation was the identification of the school as a role model for First Nation community members, for example in leading health initiatives, providing a place for nutritious food and physical activity opportunities, and as a health resource for all community members. The health behaviours of school staff played a role in policy adoption. Staff members who self-rated their diets as above average were more likely to agree with policy tenets and to perceive fewer barriers to school nutrition policy implementation. Barriers to school nutrition policy implementation such as inconsistent policy implementation by staff and parents’ lack of awareness of policy can be respectively addressed by increased staff nutrition education opportunities and improved communication avenues with families of students. An unanticipated barrier was a perceived discordance between the foods served at First Nation cultural events such as bannock or wild game and federally derived policy nutrition standards such as those of Canada’s Food Guide that emphasize a low fat diet. Staff members spoke to the perceived conflict between public health initiatives to promote appreciation for Aboriginal traditional foods with public health messaging that also encouraged Canadians to reduce saturated fat intake, which would be present in traditional foods such as wild game. In conclusion, staff’s personal healthy practices, perceptions of the school nutrition policy and support for the policy were significant influencing factors for the adoption and implementation of school nutrition policy, and therefore are also important factors for student, family, and community health. The conclusions presented encourage consideration of First Nation wellness perspectives in policy development, and inclusion of traditional foods and cultural activities as part of a First Nation school nutrition policy.


● Hazel V. J. Moir, “Geographical indications: EU policy at home and abroad”. Centre for European Studies, The Australian National University (2016) 19 págs. Abstract The European Union (EU) has been the principal driver of policy of geographical indications (GIs). This paper considers how GI policy is implemented within the EU and

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what are the key features the EU seeks in its trade treaties. Comparing EU demands and outcomes with the GI outcomes in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) provides some insights into this aspect of trade negotiations for the foreshadowed agreement between the EU and Australia and New Zealand.


● Elena M. Gomez Chavarro, “Implementation of Effective Geographical Indications – A Developing Point of View”. Centre for European Studies, The Australian National University (2016) 48 págs. Consultar: df

● Nor Azila Mohd Noor y Khandoker Mahmud, “Exploring The Impact Of Use And Non-Use Value On Behavioral Intention To Purchase Organic Foods: Evidence From A Developing Country’s Context”. Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia (2016) 5 págs. Abstract A number of determinants have been investigated by past researchers in the framework of theory of planned behavior. In addition to attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control, use and non-use values have been studied by past researchers with inconsistent results. This article is aimed at identifying the impact of ‘use’ and ‘non-use’ values on organic food purchase intention in a developing country’s context like Bangladesh. Some past studies found both the values significant, whereas some studies found only use-values as dominant determinant in the consumer decision making process. The current study is aimed at exploring the impact of both the use and non-use values

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simultaneously on the purchase intention of organic foods. The study employs the theory of planned behavior as the research framework to investigate the impact of these values on intention. Partial least-square structural equation modeling (PLSSEM) was adopted. Results showed that both the values were significant predictor of purchase intention along with attitude and subjective norm (SN). Perceived behavior control (PBC) appeared to be non-significant relationship. Although both the use and non-use values appear to be important in determining consumer intention, use-value carries higher impact compared to non-use value. Keywords: Use value, non-use value, organic food purchase intention, theory of planned behavior


● Martina Lawlessa y Edgar L. W. Morgenroth, “The Product and Sector Level Impact of a Hard Brexit across the EU”. The Economic and Social Research Institute (2016) 29 págs. Abstract The UK exit from the European Union (Brexit) is likely to have a range of impacts, with trade flows likely to be most affected. One possible outcome of Brexit is a situation where WTO tariffs apply to merchandise trade between the UK and the EU. By examining detailed trade flows between the UK and all other EU members, matching over 5200 products to the WTO tariff applicable to external EU trade this paper shows that such an outcome would result in significantly different impacts across countries. Our estimates of exposure at the country level show an extremely wide range with reductions in trade to the UK falling by 5% (Finland) to 43% (Bulgaria) taking into account the new tariffs and the elasticity of the trade response to this price increase. Food and textiles trade are the hardest hit, with trade in these sectors reducing by up to 90%. Keywords: Brexit, WTO tariffs, merchandise trade


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● Domenico Carlucci y otros, “Certification Labels Vs Convenience Formats: What drives the market in aquaculture products?”. MPRA (2016) 30 págs. Abstract Consumer expectations in relation to food quality present new business opportunities for EU aquaculture producers who are willing to differentiate their products. In particular, new convenience formats and certification labels are likely to influence consumer choices. This study uses the choice experiment method to investigate consumer preferences and willingness to pay for new convenient formats and certification labels for oysters. Crosssectional data were collected through a web-based consumer survey carried out in Italy in 2015. The main result of the study is that certification labels are decisively more effective than new convenient preparation formats to differentiate high quality products. However, some heterogeneity was detected in consumer preferences. Keywords: consumer, convenience, discrete choice, ecolabels, fishery, Italy, LCM, oyster


● Will Chu, “Tomorrow’s foods: How do you sway consumer choice and acceptance?”. Food (7.12.2016). Consultar:

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● “Alimentos e Manifestações Culturais Tradicionais - Alimentação e Cultura: Tradição e Inovação na Produção e Consumo de Alimentos”. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (2016) 693 págs.

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● “Establecimiento de áreas de acción prioritarias para la prevención de la obesidad infantil”. OMS (2016) 88 págs.

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● “Sustainable value chains for sustainable food systems”. FAO (2016) 352 págs.

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● “Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics - 2016 edition”. Eurostat- EU (2016) 230 págs.

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