Bases teóricas de la Ecología Humana de la Comunicación. Theoretical basis of Human Ecology of Communication

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This article explores the theoretical basis of a new school of thought which, from the approaches of Human Ecology, focuses its research field in the area of communication. This is called Human Ecology of Communication (HEoC).The theoretical research presented is the result of a work of reflection and deepening of the doctrine. It establishes the main lines of thought that follows this new discipline. This article details schools, trends and authors where the theoretical basis is based. In addition to the aforementioned Human Ecology, some aspects of other schools are collected, such as the Media Ecology or, Theory of Human Communication, especially the so-called axioms of Watzlawick; also some constructionist authors, such as anti-materialist Berkeley; likewise, we look at certain principles of Ethnomethodology developed by a branch, especially the classic conversationalists Berger and Luckmann -by the symbolic interactionism, while global communication goes far beyond oral language. Finally, we look at the Interpretative Perspective integrating communication processes and interpersonal communications with social components of each reality.
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