Bacward Muslims : Denial, Dilemmas Debates

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ȤæòÚUßÇüUU Âýðâ | ¥»SÌ 2011




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Denial, Dilemmas Debates


13.06.2011 Dear Ivan Kostka, Thought a friend I was introduced your bilingual magazine FORWARD Press for June 2011. I was particularly impressed by Shri Pramod Ranjan’s article on Caste Composition of Bihar Media. On page 23 under the column ‘in Bihar’ it gives the Caste composition of the state based on 1931 Census. But the Muslim have been divided between upper caste Muslims and Pasmanda Muslims while no such classification has been made for backward class and most Forward class. The Sachar Report have brought out that in the country as a whole the Muslim as backward as the Schedule Caste and the Schedule Tribes and more backward than non- Muslim Backward Classes. It has also come to the conclusion that there is no substantial socio-economic difference between the Ashraf & others among Muslims. There is a backward core even in Hindu upper castes. Their population may be small but their level of backwardness may be comparable to that of Hindu OBC’s. Presumed that the figures of 1931 Census have been adjusted to the recent division of Bihar. The Muslim commu-

nity constitutes a minority in Bihar, the castes/baradaris which have been included in the state list of OBCs have no separate sub-quota and they feel that they are not getting their due under Mandal dispensation. The community is now demanding separate quota which is being resisted for various reason. Some are historical, psychological & political in nature. Many arguments are being but forward but the real purpose is to break the solidarity of Muslim community in their struggle & thus keep the bulk of them within the common Hindu dominated OBC category. Many sociologists project the Muslim community as the seventh caste group after Brahmin, Bhumihar, Rajput, Kayasth. Vaishyas, Shudras & SC’s. Only by conducting a Universal Census of all identifiable social groups to collect information of population & uniform set of socioeconomic parameters their reservation sub-quota under a universal justifiable formula can be worked out & they can be categorised according to their choice. The terminology of OBC, MBC, EBC and various sub-group of forward and backward Muslims should be given up. If Mr Ranjan is available in Delhi, I would be very glad to meet him. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, Syed Shahabuddin

In the June issue of FORWARD Press, we published an article on the caste composition of Bihar media by our Editor (Hindi) Pramod Ranjan. Among many other responses, we received a letter from noted Muslim leader Mr Sayed Shahabuddin. We are grateful to Mr Shahabuddin to engage with the issue. The letter we received opens the possibilities for further reflection on the issue of caste, religion and political interventions. We are publishing the letter as it is with a brief note by Pramod Ranjan – EDITORS ȤæòÚUßÇüU Âýðâ ·ð¤ ÁêÙ ¥¢·¤ ×ð´ ãU×Ùð´ â¢Âæ¼·¤ (çã¢U¼è) Âý×ô¼ Ú¢UÁÙ ·¤æ çÕãUæÚU ×èçÇUØæ ·¤è ÁæçÌ»Ì â¢ÚU¿Ùæ ÂÚU °·¤ Üð¹ Âý·¤æçàæÌ ç·¤Øæ ÍæÐ ·¤§ü ¥‹Ø ÂýçÌç·ý¤Øæ¥ô¢ ·ð¤ ¥Üæßæ ãU×ð´ ç߁ØæÌ ×éçSÜ× ÙðÌæ Ÿæè â§ü¼ àææãUÕégèÙ ·¤æ ˜æ Öè ç×ÜæÐ ãU× Ÿæè àææãUÕégèÙ ·ð¤ §â ×égð ÂÚU ÕæÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° ãU× ©Uٷ𤠥æÖæÚUè ãñ´UÐ ©UÙ·ð¤ ç×Üð ˜æ âð ÁæçÌ, Ï×ü ¥õÚU ÚUæÁÙñçÌ·¤ ãUSÌÿæð ·ð¤ ×égô´ ÂÚU ¥æ»ð âô¿Ùð ·¤è â¢ÖæßÙæ°¡ ¹éÜÌè ãñ´UÐ ãU× ©Uâ Â˜æ ·¤ô ßñâð ·¤æ ßñâæ ÀUæ ÚUãðU ãñ´UÐ âæÍ ãUè Âý×ô¼ Ú¢UÁÙ ·¤è â¢çÿæŒÌ çÅUŒÂ‡æè Öè ãñUÐ — â¢Âæ¼·¤

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Letter of Response by PRAMOD RANJAN

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Dear Shahabuddin Sahib, You read my article seriously and have given a prompt reaction. I am grateful. Dialogue despite disagreements is what is important. This letter of yours has startled me on various counts and has forced me to think further on emotional unity between Ashraf Hindus and Ashraf Muslims. I did the survey about social groups of people occupying premier posts in Bihar media in 2009. At that time, on 30 August 2009, an article of mine was carried in Hindi daily Jansatta, in which my basic argument was that caste-based corruption is worse than economic corruption. Late journalist, Prabhash Joshi had objected to it rather indecently. In his column on 6 September 2009, using insulting words for me he had threatened that if I opposed him, I would not be able to hold my ground! What is the reason that on the question of representation of castes situated lower in the social hierarchy, Brahmin(ical) Prabhash Joshi and you are seen to be sharing the platform? While remembering Joshi’s contribution, his support [for the Muslims] during the time of Babri Masjid demolition very naturally comes to mind. You too have been supporting the Babri Mosque, but I was more in awe of that stance of late Joshi and not yours. That is why when once an elder brother and friend, the writer, Prem Kumar Mani addressed him as a “wily brahaminist”, I raised an objection to that. I used to think that at the time of the demolition of the Babri Masjid, Joshi had forgotten that he was a Brahmin and he took a stand with the Muslims of the country. But as I learnt more about the reason for his support, I was increasingly surprised. Joshi was extremely liberal about the Mughal rulers of the country and the reason was that the Muslims who ruled India kept the brahmanical traditions and caste system intact. In one interview, Joshi says, “All the great Muslim kings including Akbar respected your (Hindu) caste system, your tradition. There haven’t been any people who gave greater respect than they did.” Joshi considered the fight between upper-caste Hindus and Ashraf Muslims inappropriate and saw the possibility of harmony and co-existence between the two. Evidently, the late Joshi understood very well the history of this alliance and its benefits in the past to Brahmins and Kshatriyas. The deprived section of Muslims was never the focus of his concern; just as Islam is at the centre of your concern – but definitely not the lower sections of Muslims. You explain the right way [dharma] to be a Muslim and Joshi, “the right way to be a Hindu”. You say that there is no caste system among the Muslims, while you yourself have used the word Ashraf in your letter. What is this Ashraf, Ajlaf and Arzal? Is there a relationship of roti–beti (marriage and inter-dining) between them? What kind of hypocrisy is that you admit the caste system among Hindus and deny it among Muslims? I hope you will reflect in a generous manner on what I have said. I too will be very happy to meet you. Yours sincerely, Pramod Ranjan

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