Atenas: Luchas en el cotidiano por la reconstrucción de la autonomía alimentaria (urbana)

May 29, 2017 | Autor: I. Morales-Bernardos | Categoría: Social Movements, Agroecology, Urban Studies, Social reproduction
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Processes for the collective re-appropriation of spaces, times and the material needs which enable the reproduction of life, such as the ones involved in the sustainable production of food, have been developed in the cities of the southern European periphery as neoliberalisation within these spaces is strengthening. In this paper we aim to analyse these processes and the " everyday life struggles for the reconstruction of urban food autonomy " , in the city of Athens. This research takes as starting point the 2008 " December " revolts in Athens, and embrace agroecology and radical geography as analysis frameworks. To conclude, that these struggles not only got to transform Athens socio-spatiality integrating ruralities, but also have created new forms of social reproduction and have recovered autonomy as forms of doing politics in the everyday life.
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