Aporte para la discusión sobre la educación inclusiva: configuración de subjetividades políticas en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual o cognitiva*

June 4, 2017 | Autor: Diana Convers Lozano | Categoría: Inclusive Education
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Nowadays, it is recognized that there is a significant relationship between socialinclusion and the efforts to improve the development of a society. This meansthat the concept of inclusion is not only incorporated into education, but alsointo work, culture, environment, and politics. The mentioned incorporation isconsidered as an essential mechanism for citizens to keep a decent standardof social participation, and the development of new citizenships. Based on thisapproach, this paper explains the main variables that guided a qualitative andinterpretative research done in several educational institutions in the middlesizedcity of Mosquera, Colombia. The main objective of this research was tounderstand how familiar, schoolar and comunity contexts influence on the configurationof political subjects as well as the processes of political socializationamong youth affected with mild intellectual disability.
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