Anomalías típicas de las estructuras organizativas en Pymes del Conurbano Bonaerense.

June 3, 2017 | Autor: C. Vargas Eguinoa | Categoría: SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, Organizational Design and Structure
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This paper aims to identify structural abnormalities in suburbs of Buenos Aires’ SME business, and attempts to explain its causes. This research is the result of an observation made on 17 SMEs between 2012 and 2015.It is determined that the organizational structures show a particular condition from the perspective of the entrepreneur: they are flexible to retraction but rigid to expansion. This has resulted in the emergence of anomalies on the organizational design.The main cause identified of these problems is the lack of planning. In all cases, the unplanned growth of the structure, increases overheads because of inefficiency and lack of productivity, which makes compulsory, the analysis of the value chain and the resulting jobs.
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