Análisis de técnicas para la biorremediación de ácido sulfhídrico como contaminante atmosférico en México

May 28, 2017 | Autor: Kr Soulsfrik | Categoría: Environmental Engineering, Biotechnology, Environmental Chemistry
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Hydrogen sulphide is an extremely dangerous gas for humans, for systems engineering and the environment. The search for renewable energy sources has leaded to use of biogas. However its use is restricted by í µí°» 2 í µí±† pollution because prevents its efficient exploitation, and this makes important its removal. Different alternatives of bioremediation for this pollutant are analyzed and discussed because of its environmental and economic viability respect of physical and chemical methods. Species which use sulfur groups as electron donors and nitrate as acceptors in anaerobic conditions (with dissimilatory reduction in presence of í µí°» 2 í µí±† by Thiomicrospira denitrificans) in biotrickling with beds of polypropylene rings with efficiency of 99 %, are object of discussion, such as Biosulfurex biofilters, where Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans uses an aerobic process for pollutant conversion onto sulfuric acid using a DMT bed with efficiency of 98 %. Some detection techniques as gas chromatography, gas sensors, and conversion onto acid sulfuric, and Thorin indicator analysis are explained. The situation in Mexico about í µí°» 2 í µí±† with current normativity (emissions determination, operation conditions with dangerous substances) and the need of more rigorous regulation for this pollutant is addressed too.
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