Al servicio del Rey en las cortes de Cagliari, Valencia y Madrid: Jorge de Castelví y Melchor Sisternes

May 30, 2017 | Autor: J. Revilla Canora | Categoría: Early Modern History, Early Modern Italy, Court history, Sardinia, Sardinian history
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The Catholic Monarchy in the 17th century was organised according to a system of courts which ruled over wide areas of Europe and America. This generated a high level of mobility among the elite whose duty was to implement royal authority. Traditional research has privileged the study of members of the highest lineages with the most distinguished cursus honorum to the detriment of other families who held important positions within the organisation of the Catholic Monarchy. The aim of this paper is to analyse two individuals who illustrate what has been stated above: Melchor Sisternes de Oblites and Jorge de Castelví. Melchor Sisternes de Oblites belonged to a family of Valencian jurists who traditionally served the Monarchy. After having served for years in the Valencian Royal Audience, Sisternes was appointed regent of the Chancellery of the Kingdom of Sardinia, a position he held for a decade. On his part, Jorge Castelví was a member of one of the most important families in the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Marquis of Cea. He held the position of Head Chaplain in the Convent of Las Descalzas Reales in Madrid during the second half of 17th century. This period was crucial for the political development of Sardinia and dra- matically altered the Court of Cagliari’s political role during the reign of Charles II.
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