AL QAEDA ,portuguese ...OTORRINO..HOSPITAL SANTA MARIA ..os doentes eram submetidos ciclicamente, \"...\"epilepsy surgery patients\"

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"​Damasio H​,​ ​Damasio AR

...​ they received a ​reward or a punishment ​.... whereas​


patients failed to do so. In a Pavlovian conditioning experiment​...​paired

with an aversive ​loud sound

Amygdalo​ hippocampectomy ​– EPILEPSY SURGERY - A. J. Gonçalves Ferreira 2 cases of victims...

"​A chronic ​microelectrode​ investigation of the tonotopic organization of human

auditory ​cortex ...​Hanna Damasio

​....​potentials ​have been recorded from​ macroscopic​ clinical depth electrodes

epilepsy surgery patients​ "

placed in ​

​Doctors can target specific electrical signals...and cancel them out using

electrical signals, optimally with ​alternating

low and high​ ​frequencies​.​"

"... ​smaller than a grain of rice implant can send electrical signals​...Scientists of ​MicroTransponder​, an institute attached to the University of Texas in the United States, are developing a technology that promises to use​ ​RFID ​(Radio ​Frequency​ Identification)​ ​to​ ​energize

tiny electrodes​ injected​ ​into patients. "

"...some ​stimulus

the gland​ ..​.......

local or in the blood​, ​arouse

Louis Berman (associate in biological chemistry, Columbia university 1921


""MICROTRANSPONDER​...Professor Dirk De Ridder is a ​neurosurgeon​, working in Antwerp, Belgium, whose research is focused on tinnitus. He developed the​ technique of electrical auditory cortex

tinnitus​ and somatosensory cortex stimulation for ​pain​ and recently for

stimulation for ​

auditory hallucinations​ ​as well. His expertise extends beyond tinnitus and he is

additionally investigating a diversity of clinical populations with a variety of neuroimaging techniques and neuromodulatory interventions."​http://www​.microtransponder​.com/?page_id=88

"​OTORRINO​....​ prof mario andrea , HOSPITAL SANTA MARIA

os doentes eram submetidos ciclicamente, sem estarem informados ou darem o seu consentimento, a técnicas em fase experimental..​." ​ ​


"...​ ​personality

​and other correlations with ​telepathy​ in the laboratory.The work... is

funded by a grant from the ​Bial

foundation in Portugal​."


BIAL, em conjunto com o Conselho de Reitores das Universidade Portuguesas​, com a missão de ​incentivar o estudo científico do ser humano,​ tanto do ponto de vista físico como do ponto de vista ​espiritual."​ ​ BIAL:

​ "​Electricity​ is the brain’s language, and now we can speak to it without wires or implants. ​Nanoparticles can be used to stimulate regions of the brain electrically...​allow the routine exchange of data between computers and the brain. ... ."​

Amygdalo​ hippocampectomy ​– EPILEPSY SURGERY - A. J. Gonçalves Ferreira %2Fpii%2FS0896627300001690%3Fshowall%3Dtrue&cc=y​=

the participants were AWAKENED​ to test their ​dream recall."


"Dream recall frequency and content in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.

Carla Bentes​, ​João Costa​, ​Rita Peralta​, ​Joana Pires​, ​Paula Sousa​,

Teresa Paiva

INDUCING SUDEP vagus​ ....​Very intense slap behind ​ear​ or intensive pressure on neck area could​ lead to death as n.vagus is overstimulated.​ " "​Nervus

"... ​The kind of nervous system stimuli used in this study has already been shown to safely and effectively help ​people with epilepsy​ ...This therapy could offer a profoundly better way to treat tinnitus." During therapy, ​patients ​hear​ a series of single-frequency tones​ .... ​At the same time, stimulation is delivered to the vagus nerve​,​ which runs from the head and neck to the abdomen. When stimulated, the vagus nerve releases chemicals that can rewire the brain, the researchers explained in the news release.Previous studies in rats and humans suggested that vagus nerve stimulation could be effective in reducing or eliminating tinnitus, according to the NIDCD.. ...The American Academy of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery..."

"A chronic microelectrode investigation of the tonotopic organization of human a​ uditory ​cortex

Hanna Damasio ....​potentials

have been recorded from​ macroscopic​ clinical depth electrodes placed in epilepsy surgery patients... Chronic single unit microelectrode recordings were obtained using a recently developed

hybrid​ ​depth electrode....... HDEs are implanted in epilepsy surgery patients "

​ otificação de despacho de arquivamento CSM - Proc. N 2014/D2/578 sem qualquer tipo de examinacao medica... "...​These killings are often conducted in ways meant to ensure the secrecy of the killers' identities, so as​

​to avoid accountability​.

... death squads have been employed under different guises throughout history. "

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