Águilas canoras: los jesuitas valencianos y la música (1573-1767)

May 28, 2017 | Autor: Andrea Bombi | Categoría: Music History, Jesuit Music, Urban musicology
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Summary - Memorials and financial records allow to reconstruct the presence of music in the pastoral and cultural activities promoted in Valencia by two institutions of the Society of Jesus: the Colegio de San Pablo, with the adjoining Seminario de Nobles de San Ignacio, and the Casa Profesa, since their foundation (respectively 1549, 1670 and 1579) until the expulsion of the Jesuits from the dominions of the Spanish Crown (1767). In particular, the paper documents the regular participation of members of the order singing in the most solemn liturgical celebrations and, in the same occasions,  the performance of music by external singers and instrumentalists. It furthermore recognizes the relevance of instrumental music in certain liturgical or devotional practices, the role of music in public ceremonies (certami and theatre performances) of the Seminario de Nobles and, finally, the musical education imparted in this centre. Hence becomes apparent the prominent place taken by these institutions in the musical life of the city, both in terms of production, through direct sponsorship, and training for the role given to music in education. Affinities –predictable, in the case of a strongly centralized Order as that Jesuit– between the practices cultivated in Valencia and in other French, German or Italian centres also come to light, as well as peculiar characteristics, due to the specific local situation. The article offers then a first reflection on the contribution of the Society of Jesus to the music Spanish in the modern age.
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