Adopción homoparental, ámbito jurídico y social (Tijuana)

May 27, 2017 | Autor: Abril Xochitemol | Categoría: DERECHO CIVIL, Derecho Procesal Civil
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This research shows the penetrating reactions of society to the President when he issued a civil reform where there clearly establishes the acceptance of homoparental adoption, this research focused on two important points: the legal area in which only the requirements And the process for adoption in Baja California in addition to including the legal concepts and showing some points of the reform issued by the President, will also be taken by the social field, which includes the age range of acceptance and the rank of The cities that approve this reform, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of homoparental adoption, one of the main objectives of this research is to expand the knowledge of the reader but not change it as this is a social problem and a delicate issue as it is spoken Of a minor and should ensure the best interests of the child since he has the right to have a family, as well as see the future problems they would face in case of approving this reform, we can also observe that the Church has had a very important role in this issue, and that this problem is not current.Key wordsConcept, legal, family, homosexual, adoption, opinions, society, rights, expand, knowledge
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