A (The) Grand Unifying Particle A Two Dimensional Particle Model in Euclidean Space for Energy and Matter

June 2, 2017 | Autor: John Blaszynski | Categoría: Theoretical Physics
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While embracing Einstein's idea of relativity and noting a few shortcomings in Einstein's SRT paper of 1905, I increased the Boundary conditions and developed a myriad of relativities that varied with type and direction of motion. The macroscopic effects can be understood using a Dynamic Space Metric. The concept involves the understanding that space is not static. For example the space you were in a second ago has moved 300 meters due to the orbit of the earth. Most likely we are traveling at a significant fraction of the speed of light with in the Universe. The particulate that this model predicts is a zero dimensional point particle with infinite density of compressed space or what I term True Free Space or TFS. A Two dimensional particle is created in this space created by a spiral propagation of two paired particulate. Particulate exists in quasi two dimensions in a vacuum or Free Space. It is a one dimension line spanning a distance d=Ct. Its line width is created by a quasi second dimension in Free Space as the particulate spin together. This allows us to draw a one dimensional line in our Universe to measure distance. This line becomes visible in Free Space when we add energy to one particulate to create a vibrating piece of string known as the photon. Its elastic vibration is created as the radius shrinks to zero and then back to a spin radius as it spins. Analysis in one dimension predicts the Schrödinger equation. Models can be developed using the mass of the center of mass of the particle as the mass of the electron or Particulate B having the mass of half an electron or and anti particle A the negative half the mass electron. The existence of this `pencil widthlinè`forces matter and the fields. Its mathematical story is as follows.
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