A general, two-directional approach to aza-C-(1 ? 1)-linked disaccharide mimetics

May 23, 2017 | Autor: A. Kennedy | Categoría: Carbon, Biomimetics, CHEMICAL SCIENCES, Disaccharides, Hydroxylation, Molecular Structure
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2005 Carbohydrates U 0500 A General, Two-Directional Approach to Aza-C-(1→1)-Linked Disaccharide Mi— The synthesis of the title compounds, such as (VII), (VIII) and (XIV) is 34- 253 metics. achieved in a divergent manner. The divergency is caused by exploiting the different reactivity of the two heterocyclic rings and the complementary substrate-controlled stereoselectivity by using Upjohn and Donohoe dihydroxylation reagents. — (KENNEDY, A.; NELSON*, A.; PERRY, A.; Chem. Commun. (Cambridge) 2005, 12, 1646-1648; Sch. Chem., Univ. Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK; Eng.) — M. Paetzel

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