A Copious Cornucopia of Crucial Critical Quests

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Critical studies focus on fairness, justice, democratic education, and student support. They are supposed to be a safeguard against muddled thinking, fallacious arguments, and illogical implausible claims, etc. The cornerstone of this project is to put forward an insight into the discursive structures of various texts, genres and cultures together with their socio-political effects. It also aims at detecting the potential pitfalls of CDA studies since any theory or paradigm is susceptible to the likelihood of turning into an institution or instrument of power itself, bitterly ironically. Strangely enough, individuals who never kick over the traces have embarked on CDA studies. What's more, some misperceptions misapplications and misinterpretations inflicting CDA will be demystified. Jumping on the bandwagon of CDA ! due to its dominance and popularity is a difficult nettle to grasp and an unfortunate event, let's call a spade a spade.
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