A Case of Omphalo-Ischiopagus (Dicephalic Dithoracic Abdominopagus Tetrascelus Tetrabrachius) in Lambs

June 4, 2017 | Autor: Michael Samuel | Categoría: Anatomy
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This case report describes a rare occurrence of asymmetrical conjoined twinning in lambs in Makurdi (Benue state), Middle Belt region of Nigeria. The conjoined twins were delivered normally by a multiparous ewe of about three and a half years old; the female twins had two complete set of limbs. Barium meal and X-ray revealed abnormalities of the skeletal, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. This condition is rare in sheep and is to the best of our knowledge the first report of omphalo-ishiopagus (dicephalic dithoracic tetrab-rachius) twinned lambs. The condition always leads to death of the twin lambs due to various physical abnormalities.
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