3 23 Zapp Ingles Vocabulario Controversial

June 13, 2017 | Autor: Eva Maria Marc | Categoría: Ebook, Audio, Podcast, English Listening
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Vocabulary 3.23

Zapp! English podcasts by Inglés.fm

Vocabulary & Pronunciation / Level 3 Unit 23 - Controversial Issues

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Vocabulary 3.23

Zapp! English podcasts by Inglés.fm

Introduction In this unit, you’ll learn fifteen new words or phrases related to controversial issues, and you’ll also improve your pronunciation with these words.

Vocabulary and Listening Task 1 You’re going to hear a recording about controversial issues. As you listen, try to hear any useful words for this topic and guess at any that you don’t know. See if you agree with the opinions of the speakers.

DONNIE: They say, that you should always avoid talking about three things in polite conversation. KATIE: Oh yeah, what are those? DONNIE: Sex, politics and religion. KATIE: Makes for a very boring conversation though doesn’t it? DONNIE: Absolutely. KATIE: If you can’t talk about anything controversial. But yeah I know what you mean. Er… DONNIE: Do you think there are other issues that, people…the first time you meet somebody or if you’re in a situation you don’t know people, maybe there are certain topics you should avoid talking about? KATIE: Yeah. I suppose anything c…all of those ones you’ve just mentioned for a start. DONNIE: Yeah. KATIE: Erm yeah or I guess…you always…you just, you know, you make polite conversation when you’ve just met somebody so…I mean thinking about controversial issues, I would usually…I mean they’re the kind of things I think you end up talking about with…either with your friends when you’ve had too many beers… DONNIE: OK. KATIE: …and you disagree and you have a big, debate or discussion about them… DONNIE: Uh-huh. © Zapp! English eBook by http://ingles.fm



Vocabulary 3.23

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KATIE: …or maybe sometimes…like if you see a politician on TV or something, I think that sometimes provokes…a reaction. DONNIE: Yeah. Yeah. KATIE: But um…we talked about in a previous podcast, some of them that are…controversial in…or more controversial say, in the UK than here. DONNIE: OK. KATIE: Like nudity. DONNIE: For example, on television yeah. KATIE: Or in general. You know… (laughter) DONNIE: Ah yes indeed. KATIE: Nudist beaches and all that kind of thing. DONNIE: Perhaps that’s connected to the weather as well. I’m not sure. KATIE: Yes. We…we came to the same conclusion. DONNIE: Uh-huh. KATIE: Erm… DONNIE: Do you think people are…do you think people have (cough)..have a prejudice about er…about…about nudity or about erm…sexual expression…in Britain? KATIE: I think they…I think in England they do…I…I think they have this idea that…pe…nudists or people who take their clothes off are somehow…yeah there’s a prejudice there, there’s an assumption that they must be, somehow…strange or…er…weird. DONNIE: Not conventional. KATIE: Well I sp…it’s definitely not conventional. Well I…well I suppose it depends where you want to be nude doesn’t it? DONNIE: Yeah. KATIE: …as to whether…but yes. DONNIE: Different places have a different dress code I suppose. KATIE: Yeah, I mean…I don’t know…what’s acceptable in…on a Spanish beach is not going to be the same as what’s acceptable in the British high street, so… DONNIE: Yeah. © Zapp! English eBook by http://ingles.fm



Vocabulary 3.23

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KATIE: Yeah. Um…but I mean that’s quite a sort of…light-hearted controversial issue I think. DONNIE: Sure. There are more serious ones yeah. For example in…in Spain, now, with the conservative government in charge, suddenly, a lot of people are talking about abortion. KATIE: Yeah. I th…I mean think that’s definitely… DONNIE: Anti-abortion. Yeah. KATIE: Yeah. One of the more controversial topics worldwide but…I don’t know, maybe even more so in a Catholic country, I don’t know. Would you say? DONNIE: Yeah. I’m not sure if…I’m not sure if I would call Spain a Catholic country, but it’s certainly…it certainly has…that side to it… KATIE: Yeah. DONNIE: …and abortion is…is one issue that people…have very strong views one way or the other about. KATIE: Yeah. DONNIE: Some people are very very…strongly in favour of it and some people are against it as well. KATIE: Yeah. There’s a lot of erm…controversy in…The States, with…abortion and anti-abortion sort of sides of things. Arguing and…blowing each other up even and err… DONNIE: In the USA. KATIE: Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Definitely. Erm… DONNIE: Is…is euthanasia a…a…a big issue in The United States, do you think? KATIE: I don’t…I know nothing about it in The States. Do you? DONNIE: Not sure. KATIE: I don’t know if it’s…legal illegal or what. DONNIE: I think erm…Switzerland is one of the only countries in the world where euthanasia is…is a legal process. KATIE: Yeah. DONNIE: People can…people can legally choose to end their own life. And some people from Britain pay a lot of money to go to Switzerland and… KATIE: Yeah, I was going to say, that’s the only time I’ve heard… DONNIE: …do that. © Zapp! English eBook by http://ingles.fm




Vocabulary 3.23

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KATIE: …about it, people…and…and there was some again controvs…some controversy a while ago with some…there was a boat…I think…that was…like a…set up as a clinic, but because it was…outside of…particular countrys’…err…sort of laws… DONNIE: Territory. KATIE: …or territory… DONNIE: Yeah. KATIE: …erm, then they could…they could do it. So I…I read a while ago…about that. People going to this…boat in the middle of nowhere… DONNIE: Yeah. KATIE: …which is…not a nice way to end… DONNIE: No. KATIE: …I wouldn’t have said. DONNIE: Just buy a one-way ticket though.

The words we are going to focus on are; nudity conventional anti abortion prejudice

acceptable / unacceptable

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Vocabulary 3.23

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Meaning and Pronunciation Task 1 So, we need to check memory and understanding of the words and then work on pronunciation. See what you can remember and repeat after the beeps.

For the first few words we are going to check the names of some common controversial issues. So, what’s the noun for the wearing of no clothes? nudity /nj/ nudity nudity

And a more serious issue now. What’s the noun which means the removal of an unborn baby from a woman that means the baby is not born? abortion The first sound is /ə/, stress on the second syllable. abortion


The next issue is when people are killed without pain, because they are very ill or very old. euthanasia Four syllables. Stress on the third /neI/. euthanasia

Now we move onto words linked to controversial issues. If someone completely disagrees with an idea, for example abortion, we can say they are (..?..) abortion. anti anti She is completely anti-abortion. © Zapp! English eBook by http://ingles.fm



Vocabulary 3.23

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And if a person is anti something, and they think this should not be allowed, then they think this is… unacceptable Which syllable has the main stress? It’s on the third. unacceptable Some people find euthanasia totally unacceptable. Of course people can also find things acceptable as well. She thinks euthanasia is acceptable in some situations.

The next word is an adjective and means that something is traditional and accepted by most of the society, it’s not different to the view of most people or new to their views. conventional Stress on the second syllable. conventional Marriage is conventional. Things can also be the opposite. How would we say this? unconventional He has some unconventional views on the subject.

The last word in this set is another adjective and describes a feeling or belief, very often about a group of people, that’s not reasonable or fair. prejudice /p/ /r/ /pre/ /ʤə/ /dIs/ prejudice Have you ever experienced prejudice?

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Vocabulary 3.23

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Vocabulary and Listening Task 2 Here is your second recording. Again, listen out for words on the topic and see if you agree.

KATIE: One controversial issue, that’s erm…been in the news I suppose in the last decade, is erm, is cloning. What do you think about that? Are you, particularly…you know, for it, against…of it…do you disapprove of it, approve of it, and why? KIM: Erm…I don’t have a great understanding of it to be honest. Erm, but…anything…which is used to er find medical…err…cures for…something like cancer or Alzheimer’s or anything like that…erm…er…even if I don’t…agree…err… KATIE: Yeah so is it kind of for you, more about, what they use it for? KIM: I think so, yes, yeah. Erm, and yeah I think people might not like the idea of certain kinds of… erm…genetic er work that…that scientists are doing, if the end result is a cure for cancer, for example, I don’t think you can argue with that really. KATIE: No, I think yeah, I would agree, I think…er…yeah it’s a tricky one, because…to an extent I feel like we shouldn’t mess about with that kind of thing but, if it was going to help me or somebody I loved get better, I would probably be all for it. What about something like erm…blood sports, do you have any…strong opinions on those? KIM: I do have strong opinions on blood sports yes, I’m…I’m very much against…against them, erm I’m a great animal lover, I’m a vegetarian, and er…the idea of…using an animal for sport, is completely abhorrent to me. KATIE: Yeah I’m, along the same lines, I think. I mean some people would…justify it…don’t they, by saying… you know like in England it’s…er foxhunting and they would sort of argue, Oh well it’s keeping the population of the, naughty foxes down. What do you think to that? KIM: Erm, personally I think a fox has as much right to be on this planet as I do. Erm I do understand that it’s not a black and white issue and there are other…factors…erm…it’s not as simple as perhaps I’m making it sound here, and I do understand and there are people’s livelihoods involved in fox hunting especially, but, my…my beliefs on…on it being wrong are…are…are very strong. KATIE: Yeah, I’m…I’m a…I’m with you on that one. I think the fact that it’s called blood sports…you know, to me…killing things is not a sport but I know that everybody doesn’t agree with us. ---------KATIE: OK, erm something that’s very controversial in the UK at the moment, erm…and I think a lot of Europe, is erm immigration. It’s something that you always see in the newspapers. Have…have © Zapp! English eBook by http://ingles.fm



Vocabulary 3.23

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you found that it’s a controversial issue here in Spain as well or…erm have you heard anything about it? KIM: I think maybe it is actually, I um…haven’t maybe been here quite long enough to get a really good idea of the situation…erm but…I think it’s probably a prob…a problem for some people all over Europe, er that it’s…er…people have strong views on it and especially with the current economic situation…erm…there are always going to be, some people who feel that um… immigration is not…not a good idea. KATIE: Yeah I think erm, certainly in England at the moment…it’s…it’s definitely a controversial issue and there’s a…there’s a big argument I think, er about the amount that immigrants should conform to…cultural norms in the UK or…you know to what extent people should…conform and integrate. And I think…it’s a…it’s a difficult one and I think erm in my personal experience, I think that…immigration and immigrants…in some ways the UK is a brilliant place because there’s a lot of tolerance, but there is still quite a lot of discrimination going on. Would you agree? KIM: I do agree unfortunately. Yes, erm…I think it depends on the…depends on the area, erm of course, and there are s…some very multicultural places, where people are very open to new…new cultures, erm but I think there’s…there’s an undercurrent in…in a lot of the UK, er where people aren’t comfortable with it, they feel threatened or erm…they feel like it’s got out of hand…erm…there are certain people who feel that…Britain is somehow losing its identity. Erm… which I completely disagree with but mmm yeah. There’s a wide range of opinion. KATIE: Yeah definitely. And our…last one that we’re, talking about here is erm…well I’ll tell you straight away, something I’m very strongly, opposed to – capital punishment. I think we might agree on this. (laughter) KIM: (laughter) I think you might be right yes. Yeah, erm, I mean we’re not living in the dark ages are we? It’s er…but I find it fascinating that some…actually quite a lot of people in the UK, erm, would be in favour of this being, er reinstated. KATIE: Yeah, there’s…there’s a definite erm…movement towards that. A lot of people are not opposed to it though…yeah, as you said…strongly for it.

This time the words we’re learning are; to conform to disapprove of discrimination to be opposed to © Zapp! English eBook by http://ingles.fm



Vocabulary 3.23

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blood sports cloning capital punishment immigration

Meaning and Pronunciation Task 2 Time to check. Answer any questions and repeat after the beep.

So, some more controversial issues. Which one is an activity, which involves the killing animals, for example bull fighting, or fox hunting? blood sports blood sports blood sports

And which one means the killing of a person because they committed a very serious crime such as murder? capital punishment The two places to stress here are /kæ/ and /pʌ/. capital punishment capital punishment

Which issue, is about people leaving their own country and going to live in another country? immigration There’s that -ion ending sound again /ʃən/. immigration © Zapp! English eBook by http://ingles.fm




Vocabulary 3.23

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And the last issue was about creating an exact copy of a living thing using DNA. What is it? cloning cloning cloning

In the first half we learnt anti-, meaning against. There’s another way to say this that we heard in the second conversation. It was… to be opposed to opposed to Remember that the preposition (to) will be weak /tə/. He’s opposed to capital punishment. She’s strongly opposed to blood sports.

Opposed to and anti- mean against. There’s a less strong word, which means to have a negative opinion about something and think it’s a bad idea. to disapprove of something to disapprove of something And here too the preposition will be weak /əv/.

In the first half we learned conventional. Can you remember what it means? Traditionally accepted and thought correct. Now if you do what other people expect you to do, because it’s conventional, you… conform to conform to /tə/ © Zapp! English eBook by http://ingles.fm


He disapproves of nudity in public.

Vocabulary 3.23

Zapp! English podcasts by Inglés.fm

She doesn’t conform to conventional ideas.

If you don’t conform to society’s conventions, it may be that society treats you differently. What’s the word for people treating you differently, possibly unfairly because they have certain ideas about you? It’s similar to prejudice, but prejudice is the idea, this is an action. discrimination discrimination discrimination

If you don’t get a job, only because you’re a woman or because of your nationality, is this discrimination? Yes.

Summary You should now know the meaning of the words from this unit about controversial issues and be better at saying them. Brilliant.



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Vocabulary 3.23

Zapp! English podcasts by Inglés.fm

Extra Materials Vocabulary Glossary nudity /njuːdəti/ (noun) - desnudez conventional /kənvenʃənəl/ (adjective) - convencional anti- /ænti/ (preposition) - anti, en contra de abortion /əbɔːʃən/ (noun) - aborto prejudice /predʒʊdIs/ (noun) - prejuicio euthanasia /juːθəneIziə/ (noun) - eutanasia acceptable / unacceptable /əkseptəbəl/ /ʌnəkseptəbəl/ (adjective) - aceptable / inaceptable to conform /kənfɔːrm/ (verb) - ajustarse a, cumplir con, conformarse to disapprove of /dIsəpruːvəv/ (verb) - desaprobar discrimination /dIskrImIneIʃən/ (noun) - discriminación opposed to /əpəʊzd/ (adjective) - oponerse a, estar en contra de blood sports /blʌdspɔːz/ (noun) - deportes sangrientos cloning /kləʊnIŋ/ (noun) - clonación capital punishment /kæpItəlpʌnIʃmənt/ (noun) - pena de muerte, pena capital immigration /ImIɡreIʃən/ (noun) - inmigración



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Vocabulary 3.23

Zapp! English podcasts by Inglés.fm

Practice 1 Match the name of an issue (1-6) with a related word or words (a-f) 1. nudity

a) illness, old age

2. euthanasia

b) copy

3. blood sports

c) death

4. cloning

d) skin

5. capital punishment

e) travel

6. immigration

f) animals, fighting

Practice 2 Fill in the gaps with the best word from this unit. 1. She thinks nudity is OK in private but _______________ of it in public places. 2. People who are ________________ to capital punishment, demonstrated outside government buildings today. 3. There is a lot of pressure to ________________ to society’s expectations. 4. Their lifestyle is a little ____________________. They teach their children at home and they don’t believe in marriage. 5. ________________ is illegal in many countries, and some very sick people have travelled to other countries so that they can be helped to die. 6. He is completely ___________ abortion.

Practice 3 – Pronunciation Match a word on the left with one on the right that has the same stress pattern. 1. conventional

a) euthanasia

2. immigration

b) oppose

3. nudity

c) acceptable

4. conform

d) prejudice

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Vocabulary 3.23

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Extra Materials - Answers Practice 1 1.d 2. a 3. f

4. b

5. c

6. e

Practice 2 1. She thinks nudity is OK in private but disapproves of it in public places. 2. People who are opposed to capital punishment, demonstrated outside government buildings today. 3. There is a lot of pressure to conform to society’s expectations. 4. Their lifestyle is a little unconventional. They teach their children at home and they don’t believe in marriage. 5. Euthanasia is illegal in many countries, and some very sick people have travelled to other countries so that they can be helped to die. 6. He is completely anti-abortion.

Practice 3 - Pronunciation 2. a 3. d 4. b


1. c

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