24 increíbles beneficios de la canela para la piel, Cabello Y salud

June 5, 2017 | Autor: Hugo Grubb | Categoría: Salud, CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD, SALUD OCUPACIONAL
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Cinnamon and insulin resistance don't sound like they belong in the same sentence. After all, when you think cinnamon, isn't the next word supposed to be "bun?" Like those massive, decadent, deadly cinnamon buns in the mall? Not always. Cinnamon itself is an incredibly fragrant and delicious spice from the bark of a tree. It not only makes foods taste better, it can help stabilize your blood sugar, reduce cravings, and help you gain the control to make wise food choices. Cinnamon helps your body produce and respond more appropriately to insulin, leading to a more balanced mood and better health. Eat cinnamon and weight loss is a natural result! Studies have shown that this versatile spice can also help reduce ldl ("bad" cholesterol) as well as lowering triglycerides, leading to healthier arteries and heart.
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