(2016) Arte rupestre y hábitat en la prehistoria del Riu de les Coves. Aproximación a la cronología del Arte Levantino a través de la red de caminos óptimos.

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Rock art and habitat in the prehistory of the ‘Riu de les Coves’. Approach to the chronology of Levantine Rock Art trhough the optimum routes network. Archaeological documentation at the ‘Riu de les Coves’, with a total of 54 rock-shelters with Levantine and Schematic Rock Art and 47 archaeological sites documented (ranging from the Epimagdalenian to the Bronze Age), opens the possibility of evaluate the relationship between the optimum routes network and the location of the different artistic horizons. It is possible to establish the relation between the optimum routes network settlements of each cultural phase and the distribution of the different artistic horizons (Epimagdalenian Art, Levantine Art –Centelles, Civil, Mas d’en Josep, Cingle de la Mola Remigia and Lineal horizons–, and Schematic Art), and evaluate the degree of correlation between the process of human occupation of the landscape and Rock Art distribution. The results indicate: a strong correlation between the Levantine Art and Neolithic II, phase in which a significant increase in the evidence of occupation in the area is recorded; the stability of this model for all the Levantine graphic horizons; and the difficulty of establishing, from the available data, a clear correlation between the pictures assigned to the Ancient Schematic Art and Neolithic I period.
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