
In Nomine. Poemas inspirados en obras de J.S. Bach (2015)

Music / Theology / Poetry / Spirituality / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poesía / Espiritualidad / Music of J. S. Bach / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poesía / Espiritualidad / Music of J. S. Bach

Poesía Teológica | poesía | Prólogo por John D. Caputo (2015)

Philosophy / Theology / Poetry / John D. Caputo / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Filosofía / Teología / Poesía / Poesia / Teologia Contemporânea / Weak Theology (John D. Caputo) / Theopoetics / Teologia / Filosofía / Teología / Poesía / Poesia / Teologia Contemporânea / Weak Theology (John D. Caputo)

Poemas de Sangre y Luz | poesía (ed. 2015)

Theology / Poetry / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Jesus Christ

Como Abrazo Exacto | antología poética | selección y prólogo de Alfredo Pérez Alencart (2015)

Latin American Studies / Theology / Poetry / Poetics / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poems / Poesía / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poems / Poesía

Adagios | poesía (2012)

Latin American Studies / Theology / Poetry / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poesía / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poesía

La Religión de las Aves | poesía (2013)

Latin American Studies / Theology / Poetry / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Haiku / Poems / Poesía / Matsuo Basho / Theopoetics / Haiku / Poems / Poesía / Matsuo Basho

Ojos Secretos o Después del Desastre | poesía | Prólogo de Laura Yoffe (2014)

Theology / Poetry / Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma Studies / Poetics / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Trauma / Posttraumatic Growth / Poesía / Posttraumatic Growth and Spirituality / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Trauma / Posttraumatic Growth / Poesía / Posttraumatic Growth and Spirituality

Estupidez Mayor y Otros Poemas | poesía (2014)

Latin American Studies / Theology / Poetry / Poetics / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Literatura Latinoamericana / Poems / Poesía / Latinoamerica / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Literatura Latinoamericana / Poems / Poesía / Latinoamerica

Más acá de tu Gracia. Teopoesía Latinoamericana | Poesía | VVAA (2015)

Latin American Studies / Theology / Poetry / Poetics / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Poesía / Latinoamerica / Teopoética / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Poesía / Latinoamerica / Teopoética

Carne del Cielo (Versos de Navidad). Antología de poetas iberoamericanos de hoy | poesía | A. P. Alencart & L. Cruz-Villalobos (2015)

Latin American Studies / Theology / Poetry / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poesía / Latinoamerica / Literatura española e hispanoamericana / Literatura Iberoamericana / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poesía / Latinoamerica / Literatura española e hispanoamericana / Literatura Iberoamericana

La Más Tenue Eternidad | poesía (2014)

Latin American Studies / Theology / Poetry / Poetics / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poesía / Latinoamerica / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Teologia / Poesía / Latinoamerica

Las Cinco Estaciones | poesía (2007)

Latin American Studies / Music / Aesthetics / Theology / Poetry / Poetics / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Poems / Poesía / Antonio Vivaldi / Poetics / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Poems / Poesía / Antonio Vivaldi

Según Voy de Camino | antología poética multilingüe | Alfredo Pérez Alencart (2016)

Latin American Studies / Spanish Literature / Greek Literature / Poetry / Poetics / Bengali Literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Translation / Poems / Poesía / Latinoamerica / Bengali Literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Translation / Poems / Poesía / Latinoamerica

Zorzal | poesía (2013)

Latin American Studies / Theology / Poetry / Poetics / Latin American literature / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Poems / Poesía / Latinoamerica / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Poems / Poesía / Latinoamerica

Ancla de Esperanza | poesía | Abdiel Espinoza González (2016)

Theology / Mexican Studies / Poetry / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Mexican Literature / Teologia / Poesía / Mexican Literature / Teologia / Poesía

Haikus Yámanas. Diccionario Poético | poesía (2016)

Native American Studies / Latin American Studies / Poetry / Poetics / Latin American literature / South American indigenous languages / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Haiku / Poems / Poesía / South American Indians / Latinoamerica / South American indigenous languages / Contemporary Poetry / Theopoetics / Haiku / Poems / Poesía / South American Indians / Latinoamerica
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