
Caracterización y procedencia de piedras verdes de las ofrendas del Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan

Archaeology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Aztecs / Archaeometry / Maya Archaeology / Mesoamerica / Archaeomineralogy / Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Arqueologia / Aztec empire / The Use of Marble and Other Stones / Mesoamerican Studies / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Lithics Nephrite Jadeitite Neolithic Prehistory / Gemology and the lapidary proces now and of antiquity / Tenochtitlan / Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan / Mexicas / Aztec tribute scroll / Mesoamerica / Archaeomineralogy / Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Arqueologia / Aztec empire / The Use of Marble and Other Stones / Mesoamerican Studies / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Lithics Nephrite Jadeitite Neolithic Prehistory / Gemology and the lapidary proces now and of antiquity / Tenochtitlan / Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan / Mexicas / Aztec tribute scroll

Arqueometría: aplicación de la física en arqueología. Aportes de la fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF) en el estudio de artefactos aztecas.

Mesoamerican Archaeology / Scanning Electron Microscopy / X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy / Mesoamerica / Provenance studies of archaeological material / Ofrendas / Aztecas / Turquoise / Tenochtitlan / Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan / Mexicas / particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) / Ofrendas / Aztecas / Turquoise / Tenochtitlan / Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan / Mexicas / particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE)


Production / Aztecs / Artisan Production / Lithic Technology / Provenance studies of archaeological material / Lapidary / Tenochtitlan / Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan / the effects of Powerpoint aids and traditional teaching aids on students writing ability and students' attitude toward the use of technological aids in class / Technological Style / TENOCHCAN OBJECTS / Lapidary / Tenochtitlan / Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan / the effects of Powerpoint aids and traditional teaching aids on students writing ability and students' attitude toward the use of technological aids in class / Technological Style / TENOCHCAN OBJECTS

La ciudad vista desde la periferia entre los nahuas del Posclásico

Indigenous Studies / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Migration / Migration Studies / Indigenous Peoples / Mesoamerican Ethnohistory / Nahuas / Mesoamerican Studies / Ancient Cities / Tenochtitlan / Ancient Mexico / Toltecas / Chichimecas / Ancient Lost Cities / Villages and People / Ancient Nahuas / Mesoamerican Ethnohistory / Nahuas / Mesoamerican Studies / Ancient Cities / Tenochtitlan / Ancient Mexico / Toltecas / Chichimecas / Ancient Lost Cities / Villages and People / Ancient Nahuas

El árbol genealógico de la casa real de Tenochtitlan en el Códice Mexicanus

Ethnohistory / Mexican Studies / Aztecs / Mexico History / Nobility / History of Colonial Mexico / Colonial Discourse / Mesoamerican codices / Nobleza / Tenochtitlan / Aztec Codices / Mexican Codices / History of Colonial Mexico / Colonial Discourse / Mesoamerican codices / Nobleza / Tenochtitlan / Aztec Codices / Mexican Codices
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