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Condiciones paleoambientales de sedimentación y preservación de materia orgánica en bahía Mejillones del Sur (23º S), Chile
FTIR spectroscopy / Heavy Metal / Sediments / Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía / Northern Chile / ACTA / Functional Group / Organic Matter / Fourier transform infrared / ACTA / Functional Group / Organic Matter / Fourier transform infrared
Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) in Fresh Water Sediments
Microbiology / Molecular Biology / Principal Component Analysis / Biomass / Microbial Ecology / Medical Microbiology / Ecology / Bioprocess/ Biochemical Engineering / Rivers / Activated Sludge / Protein Dynamics / Applied microbiology / Diatoms / Fermentation Technology / Current Science / Composition / Seasonality / Depth / Reservoir / Biopolymers / Heavy Metal / Bacteria / Detoxification / Sediments / Hydrodynamics / Sediment / Enzyme / Microorganism / Benthos / Ecosystem / Algal blooms / Fresh water / Marine Systems / CARBOHYDRATES / Water Microbiology / Structure Function / Enzymatic Activity / Cell Surface Markers / Geologic Sediments / Extracellular / Microbial community / Nucleic Acid / Medical Microbiology / Ecology / Bioprocess/ Biochemical Engineering / Rivers / Activated Sludge / Protein Dynamics / Applied microbiology / Diatoms / Fermentation Technology / Current Science / Composition / Seasonality / Depth / Reservoir / Biopolymers / Heavy Metal / Bacteria / Detoxification / Sediments / Hydrodynamics / Sediment / Enzyme / Microorganism / Benthos / Ecosystem / Algal blooms / Fresh water / Marine Systems / CARBOHYDRATES / Water Microbiology / Structure Function / Enzymatic Activity / Cell Surface Markers / Geologic Sediments / Extracellular / Microbial community / Nucleic Acid
Economics / Biodiversity / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Sampling methods / Conceptual Model / Community Structure / Sediments / Regional scale / Species Diversity / Spatial Scale / Environmental Gradient / Benthos / Geographic Variation / Local Community / Large Scale / Deep Sea / Abyssal / Bathyal / Conceptual Model / Community Structure / Sediments / Regional scale / Species Diversity / Spatial Scale / Environmental Gradient / Benthos / Geographic Variation / Local Community / Large Scale / Deep Sea / Abyssal / Bathyal
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a large South American industrial coastal area (Santos Estuary, Southeastern Brazil): Sources and depositional history
MARINE POLLUTION / Brazil / Environmental Monitoring / Multidisciplinary / Waste Disposal / Fossil Fuels / Sediments / South America / Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon / Pollution Control / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) / Industrial Waste / Coastal Area / southeastern Brazil / Fossil Fuels / Sediments / South America / Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon / Pollution Control / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) / Industrial Waste / Coastal Area / southeastern Brazil
Low-Altitude Digital Photogrammetry Technique to Assess Ephemeral Gully Erosion
Geomorphology / Image Processing / Remote Sensing / Photogrammetry / Agriculture / China / Digital Elevation Models / Geoscience and remote sensing / Gully Erosion / Erosion / Calibration / Remotely Operated Vehicles / Sediments / DEM / Sediment / Vegetation / Digital Elevation Model / Digital Photogrammetry / Digital Image / Laser Radar / C / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle / Pixel / China / Digital Elevation Models / Geoscience and remote sensing / Gully Erosion / Erosion / Calibration / Remotely Operated Vehicles / Sediments / DEM / Sediment / Vegetation / Digital Elevation Model / Digital Photogrammetry / Digital Image / Laser Radar / C / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle / Pixel
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a large South American industrial coastal area (Santos Estuary, Southeastern Brazil): Sources and depositional history
MARINE POLLUTION / Brazil / Environmental Monitoring / Multidisciplinary / Waste Disposal / Fossil Fuels / Sediments / South America / Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon / Pollution Control / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) / Industrial Waste / Coastal Area / Fossil Fuels / Sediments / South America / Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon / Pollution Control / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) / Industrial Waste / Coastal Area
Depositional history of sedimentary linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) in a large South American industrial coastal area (Santos Estuary, Southeastern Brazil)
Brazil / Environmental Monitoring / Environmental Pollution / Multidisciplinary / Estuaries / Sediments / Seawater / Population Growth / Sediment / Sewage / Fresh water / Coastal Zone / Industrial Waste / Environmental / Geologic Sediments / Isotope dating / Coastal Area / Sediments / Seawater / Population Growth / Sediment / Sewage / Fresh water / Coastal Zone / Industrial Waste / Environmental / Geologic Sediments / Isotope dating / Coastal Area
Potential rates and environmental controls of denitrification and nitrous oxide production in a temperate urbanized estuary
Environmental Monitoring / Marine And Environmental Pollution / Nitrogen Cycle / Biological Sciences / Cities / Environmental Sciences / Urban Pollution / Estuaries / Denitrification / Environmental Control / Sediments / Seawater / Sediment / Greenhouse Gas / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ozone / Nitrous Oxide / Fresh water / Organic Matter / Nitrogen Removal / Environment / Geologic Sediments / Environmental Sciences / Urban Pollution / Estuaries / Denitrification / Environmental Control / Sediments / Seawater / Sediment / Greenhouse Gas / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ozone / Nitrous Oxide / Fresh water / Organic Matter / Nitrogen Removal / Environment / Geologic Sediments
Características geoquímicas de los sedimentos del humedal salina de Sauca, estado Falcón, Venezuela
Geology / Geochemistry / Geomorphology / Wetlands / Coastal Geomorphology / Inorganic Geochemistry / LAGUNAS COSTERAS / Geomorfologia / Geologia / Geoquímica / Sediments / Marine sediments / Humedales / Coastal Lagoons / Salinas / Geomorfología litoral / Sedimentos / Salines / Inorganic Geochemistry / LAGUNAS COSTERAS / Geomorfologia / Geologia / Geoquímica / Sediments / Marine sediments / Humedales / Coastal Lagoons / Salinas / Geomorfología litoral / Sedimentos / Salines
Condiciones paleoambientales de sedimentación y preservación de materia orgánica en bahía Mejillones del Sur (23º S), Chile
FTIR spectroscopy / Heavy Metal / Sediments / Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía / Northern Chile / Organic Matter / Fourier transform infrared / Organic Matter / Fourier transform infrared
Elementos mayoritarios, minoritarios y traza en muestras de sedimentos del medio y bajo río Orinoco, Venezuela
Geochemistry / Sediments
Implicaciones sedimentológicas sobre el cambio en la cobertura del bosque de manglar en Boca Zacate, Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe, Costa Rica
Water / Acid Mine Drainage / Heavy Metal / Sediments
Distribución espacial de Cd y Pb en Polymesoda solida y sedimentos costeros del Lago de Maracaibo
Eutrophication / Sediments
Environmental Influences on Regional Deep-Sea Species DIVERSITY1
Economics / Biodiversity / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Sampling methods / Conceptual Model / Community Structure / Sediments / Regional scale / Species Diversity / Spatial Scale / Environmental Gradient / Benthos / Geographic Variation / Local Community / Large Scale / Deep Sea / Abyssal / Bathyal / Conceptual Model / Community Structure / Sediments / Regional scale / Species Diversity / Spatial Scale / Environmental Gradient / Benthos / Geographic Variation / Local Community / Large Scale / Deep Sea / Abyssal / Bathyal
Environmental Influences on Regional Deep-Sea Species DIVERSITY1
Economics / Biodiversity / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Sampling methods / Conceptual Model / Community Structure / Sediments / Regional scale / Species Diversity / Spatial Scale / Environmental Gradient / Benthos / Geographic Variation / Local Community / Large Scale / Deep Sea / Abyssal / Bathyal / Conceptual Model / Community Structure / Sediments / Regional scale / Species Diversity / Spatial Scale / Environmental Gradient / Benthos / Geographic Variation / Local Community / Large Scale / Deep Sea / Abyssal / Bathyal
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