
Maria Callas en acte (résumé de ma thèse)

Rhetoric / Anthropology of the Body / Visual Rhetoric / Painting / Body Image / Body in Performance / Maria Callas / Luchino Visconti / VIncenzo Bellini / Passions of the Soul / Luigi Cherubini / Works of Giuseppe Verdi / Body in Performance / Maria Callas / Luchino Visconti / VIncenzo Bellini / Passions of the Soul / Luigi Cherubini / Works of Giuseppe Verdi

Environmental Communication as Deeply Pragmatic

Communication / Pragmatism / Rhetoric / Environment


Psychology / Philosophy / Metaphysics / Philosophy of Science / Philosophy Of Religion / Logic / Rhetoric / Theology / Systematic Theology / Deductive reasoning / Inference / Dogmatic theology / Causal Inference / Four Dimensionalism / Deduction / Dimensionality Reduction / Dogmatics / Hypothesis testing / High Dimensional Data / Abductive Logic Programming / Abductive Reasoning / Abductive Reasoning: Logical Investigations into Discovery and Explanation / Hypothetical realism / Hypothetical Syllogism / Hypothetical Judgement / Abductive Reanalysis / Dimensional Philosophy / Proofs of the Existence of God / Hypotheticalism / Concision / Hypothetical Philosophy / Psychological Arguments / Logic / Rhetoric / Theology / Systematic Theology / Deductive reasoning / Inference / Dogmatic theology / Causal Inference / Four Dimensionalism / Deduction / Dimensionality Reduction / Dogmatics / Hypothesis testing / High Dimensional Data / Abductive Logic Programming / Abductive Reasoning / Abductive Reasoning: Logical Investigations into Discovery and Explanation / Hypothetical realism / Hypothetical Syllogism / Hypothetical Judgement / Abductive Reanalysis / Dimensional Philosophy / Proofs of the Existence of God / Hypotheticalism / Concision / Hypothetical Philosophy / Psychological Arguments

El arte de la retórica Casio Longino

Rhetoric / Ancient Philosophy / Cassius Longinus

Amaseo Romolo, in Clariores (Padua: Padova University Press, 2015), 28–29.

Philosophy / Rhetoric / Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Renaissance / Italian Humanism / Rhetorics in the Renaissance / Classical and Renaissance Philology / Italian Humanism / Rhetorics in the Renaissance / Classical and Renaissance Philology

“Hipotiposis y defensa de la pintura: la silva ‘Si cuanto fue posible en lo imposible’ de Lope de Vega (1633)”. Calíope 20 (2015): 151-170.

Rhetoric / Lope de Vega / Ecphrasis / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / Golden Age Spanish Poetry / Literature and Painting / Poetry and Painting / Ecfrásis / Literature and Painting / Poetry and Painting / Ecfrásis


Rhetoric / Medieval Literature / Poetics / Retórica / Retorica / Arte Poética / Godofredo de Vinsauf / Artes Poetriae / Arte Poética / Godofredo de Vinsauf / Artes Poetriae

La construcción de Europa en el discurso político español en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de 2014.

Rhetoric / Political Campaigns / Conceptual Metaphor / Political communication / European Union / Election Campaigning

SECOLAS 2016 Presentation

Intellectual History / Rhetoric / Spanish History / History of Colonial Mexico / Colonial Latin American History / Mexican History / History of Spanish Conquista / Mexican History / History of Spanish Conquista
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