Psychology / Nursing / Research Design / Risk assessment / Safety / Lung Cancer / Humans / Asbestos / Smoking / Mesothelioma / Alcohol Consumption / Laryngeal Cancer / Dose Response Relationship / Respiratory System / Public health systems and services research / Alcoholic Beverages / Risk Assessment / Case Control Study / Epidemiologic Studies / Confidence Limit / Environmental Exposure / Occupational and environmental medicine / Relative Risk / Lung Cancer / Humans / Asbestos / Smoking / Mesothelioma / Alcohol Consumption / Laryngeal Cancer / Dose Response Relationship / Respiratory System / Public health systems and services research / Alcoholic Beverages / Risk Assessment / Case Control Study / Epidemiologic Studies / Confidence Limit / Environmental Exposure / Occupational and environmental medicine / Relative Risk
Folk Medicine / Complementary and Alternative Medicine / Traditional Medicine / Endangered Species / Animal Production / Field Survey / Complementary Medicine / Cultural Practice / Respiratory System / Semi Arid Region / Conservation Priorities / Medicinal Plant / Northeastern Brazil / Field Survey / Complementary Medicine / Cultural Practice / Respiratory System / Semi Arid Region / Conservation Priorities / Medicinal Plant / Northeastern Brazil