
La torre de Los Alcázares: de antiguo palacio a lugar de defensa

Modern History / Economic History / Medieval History / Social History / Military / Historia / Fortifications / Historia / Fortifications

La residència fortificada aïllada de la primera edat del ferro de Sant Jaume (Alcanar, Montsià) / The fortified, isolated early Iron Age residence of Sant Jaume (Alcanar, Montsià, Catalonia)

Mediterranean prehistory / Phoenicians / Prehistoric Settlement / Phoenician / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Chiefdoms (Archaeology) / Fortified Settlements (Archaeology) / Iron Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Protohistory / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Early Iron Age / Fortifications / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Protohistoric Europe / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Protostoria / Mediterranean Protohistory / Preistoria e protostoria / European Protohistory / Archaeology Iberian Prehistory Iron Age / Archeologia pre-protostorica / Commensality / Ceramica protostoria / Protohistoire / Phoenician trade / Protohistoric Archaeology / Prehistòria de Catalunya / Protohistory of Iberian Peninsula / Chiefdoms (Archaeology) / Fortified Settlements (Archaeology) / Iron Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Protohistory / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Early Iron Age / Fortifications / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Protohistoric Europe / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Protostoria / Mediterranean Protohistory / Preistoria e protostoria / European Protohistory / Archaeology Iberian Prehistory Iron Age / Archeologia pre-protostorica / Commensality / Ceramica protostoria / Protohistoire / Phoenician trade / Protohistoric Archaeology / Prehistòria de Catalunya / Protohistory of Iberian Peninsula

Entre tierra y piedra. Tipología de las fortificaciones de época moderna en la \"Raia Húmida\"

Landscape Archaeology / Fortifications / Modern Age / Arqueología Del Conflicto / Guerra da Restauração Portuguesa

Interpretando un paisaje fortificado tranfronterizo. El modelo teórico del paisaje defensivo del Baixo Minho – Vale do Minho

Landscape Archaeology / Archaeology of Architecture / Fortifications / Fortified Landscape / Modern Age / Modelado Conceptual del Patrimonio / Guerra da Restauração Portuguesa / Modelo Teórico / Modelado Conceptual del Patrimonio / Guerra da Restauração Portuguesa / Modelo Teórico

La expansión meridional de los chevaux de frise: los castros célticos del Suroeste.

Hellenistic and Roman Fortifications / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Fortified Settlements (Archaeology) / Fortifications

Segundas Jornadas sobre Historia, Arquitectura y Construcción Fortificada

History / Military History / Art History / Late Middle Ages / Medieval History / History of Science / Hellenistic and Roman Fortifications / Islamic History / History of Construction / Poliorcetics / Arquitectura / Historia / Historia de la Arquitectura / Historia de la Construcción / Fortifications / Castles / Historia del Arte / Castle Studies / Middle Ages / Medieval Fortifications / Late Roman and early Byzantine fortifications / Al-andalus fortificaciones / Fortification / Historia Militar / Medieval castles / Byzantine fortifications / Castles and Fortifications / Medieval Castles and Fortresses / Fortificaciones / Poliorcetica / Fortificacion Medieval / Poliorcética Medieval / History of Science / Hellenistic and Roman Fortifications / Islamic History / History of Construction / Poliorcetics / Arquitectura / Historia / Historia de la Arquitectura / Historia de la Construcción / Fortifications / Castles / Historia del Arte / Castle Studies / Middle Ages / Medieval Fortifications / Late Roman and early Byzantine fortifications / Al-andalus fortificaciones / Fortification / Historia Militar / Medieval castles / Byzantine fortifications / Castles and Fortifications / Medieval Castles and Fortresses / Fortificaciones / Poliorcetica / Fortificacion Medieval / Poliorcética Medieval

Arqueología del valle del Esva en los trabajos de Manuel Menéndez: la fortificación de El Castiellu de Ovienes y su entorno

Late Antique Archaeology / Terra Sigillata Hispánica Tardía / Fortifications / Asturian History

Bodo Ebhardt y los castillos españoles: notas sobre su obra de restauración y su pensamiento europeísta y pangermánico

History / Architecture / Heritage Conservation / Architectural History / Architectural Theory / History of architecture / Fortifications / Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage / Castles / Architectural Preservation & Restoration / Conservación y Restauración / Medieval Fortifications / Conservation and Restoration / History of Conservation and Restoration / Fortification / Medieval castles / Castles and Fortifications / Historia y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura / Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Monuments / Medieval Castles and Fortresses / Teoria de la Arquitectura / History of architecture / Fortifications / Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage / Castles / Architectural Preservation & Restoration / Conservación y Restauración / Medieval Fortifications / Conservation and Restoration / History of Conservation and Restoration / Fortification / Medieval castles / Castles and Fortifications / Historia y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura / Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Monuments / Medieval Castles and Fortresses / Teoria de la Arquitectura

Les intervencions de prospecció geofísica i excavació arqueològica vinculades al projecte de restauració de la muralla del Puig de Sant Andreu (Ullastret)

Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Fortification (Archaeology) / Archaeological Prospection / Fortifications

El ingeniero cortesano. Tiburzio Spannocchi de Siena a Madrid. En A. Cámara y B. Revuelta (coords.), «Libros, caminos y días» El viaje del ingeniero. Madrid, Fundación Juanelo Turriano, 2016.

Engineering / Art History / Early Modern History / History of Science / Architectural History / Frontier History / Historia de la Arquitectura / Fortifications / Historia del Arte / Teoria História e Crítica da Arquitetura e do Urbanismo / Castles and Fortifications / Historia Moderna / Historia Moderna De España / História Da Arquitetura E Do Urbanismo / Frontier History / Historia de la Arquitectura / Fortifications / Historia del Arte / Teoria História e Crítica da Arquitetura e do Urbanismo / Castles and Fortifications / Historia Moderna / Historia Moderna De España / História Da Arquitetura E Do Urbanismo

El Taratrato de Alcañiz (Teruel): últimas investigaciones, 2010-2014.

Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Fortified Settlements (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Mediterranean archaeology / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Arqueología / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Fortifications / Archéologie / Archaeology Iberian Prehistory Iron Age / Mediterranean archaeology / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Arqueología / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Fortifications / Archéologie / Archaeology Iberian Prehistory Iron Age

Fortificación y defensa en la I Edad del Hierro. Piedras hincadas en els Vilars

Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Ancient Warfare / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Fortifications / Edad Del Hierro / Ancient Fortifications / ELS IBERS / Origin of ancient Iberians / Iberians (5th-1st c. BP / Iberos / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Fortifications / Edad Del Hierro / Ancient Fortifications / ELS IBERS / Origin of ancient Iberians / Iberians (5th-1st c. BP / Iberos
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