
La resistencia a las razones de Pusztai. El conocimiento y la incertidumbre en la polémica sobre los organismos modificados genéticamente

Social Change / Food Safety / Knowledge Management / Science Communication / Expertise / Conflict / Biotechnology / Consumption / Public Understanding Of Science / Management of Innovation / Complexity / Science, Technology and Society / Food and Nutrition / Risk Management / Health / Agricultural Biotechnology / Public Health / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Food Science and Technology / Food Security / Genetic Engineering / Knowledge / Safety / Uncertainty / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Scientific Attitudes / Ignorance / Transgenic plants / Research Paradigms / Scientific Research / Science and Technology Studies / Conflict / Biotechnology / Consumption / Public Understanding Of Science / Management of Innovation / Complexity / Science, Technology and Society / Food and Nutrition / Risk Management / Health / Agricultural Biotechnology / Public Health / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Food Science and Technology / Food Security / Genetic Engineering / Knowledge / Safety / Uncertainty / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Scientific Attitudes / Ignorance / Transgenic plants / Research Paradigms / Scientific Research / Science and Technology Studies

Historia de las reuniones de Asilomar. Éxitos y fracasos de la autorregulación en las comunidades tecnocientíficas

Food Safety / Knowledge Management / Expertise / Regulation And Governance / Biotechnology / Risk and Vulnerability / Complexity / Science, Technology and Society / Self Regulation / Risk Management / Health / Industrial Biotechnology / Agricultural Biotechnology / Public Health / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Food Science and Technology / Food Security / Genetic Engineering / Knowledge / Self-regulation / Safety / Rationality / Laboratory management / Uncertainty / Knowledge Discovery / Knowledge Communities / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Risk factors / Transgenic plants / Uncertainty analysis / Science and Technology Studies / Risk and Vulnerability / Complexity / Science, Technology and Society / Self Regulation / Risk Management / Health / Industrial Biotechnology / Agricultural Biotechnology / Public Health / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Food Science and Technology / Food Security / Genetic Engineering / Knowledge / Self-regulation / Safety / Rationality / Laboratory management / Uncertainty / Knowledge Discovery / Knowledge Communities / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Risk factors / Transgenic plants / Uncertainty analysis / Science and Technology Studies

Luces y sombras de la tercera revolución verde. Demandas sociales, opciones agrícolas y desacuerdos narrativos

Discourse Analysis / Food Safety / Expertise / Food Security and Insecurity / Revolutions / Biotechnology / Ideology / Consumption / Complexity / Science, Technology and Society / Food and Nutrition / Evolution / Risk Management / Health / Agricultural Biotechnology / Technological Innovation / Knowledge and Power / Food Security / Genetic Engineering / Knowledge / Rethoric / Narrativity / Utopia / Safety / Green Technology / Green Revolution / Uncertainty / Manipulation / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Risk factors / Transgenic plants / Science and Technology Studies / Biotechnology / Ideology / Consumption / Complexity / Science, Technology and Society / Food and Nutrition / Evolution / Risk Management / Health / Agricultural Biotechnology / Technological Innovation / Knowledge and Power / Food Security / Genetic Engineering / Knowledge / Rethoric / Narrativity / Utopia / Safety / Green Technology / Green Revolution / Uncertainty / Manipulation / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Risk factors / Transgenic plants / Science and Technology Studies

Erradicar el hambre con biotecnología. Promesas, inquietudes y nuevos desafíos en un mundo globalizado

Discourse Analysis / Food Safety / Expertise / Food Security and Insecurity / Food Aid / Conflict / Africa / Biotechnology / Ideology / Consumption / Public Understanding Of Science / Science, Technology and Society / Food and Nutrition / Risk Management / Health / Agricultural Biotechnology / Public Health / Risk assessment / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Famine Studies / Food Security / The Right to Health / Utopia / Safety / Famine / Uncertainty / Labeling / Food Labeling / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Risk factors / Uncertainty analysis / Conflict / Africa / Biotechnology / Ideology / Consumption / Public Understanding Of Science / Science, Technology and Society / Food and Nutrition / Risk Management / Health / Agricultural Biotechnology / Public Health / Risk assessment / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Famine Studies / Food Security / The Right to Health / Utopia / Safety / Famine / Uncertainty / Labeling / Food Labeling / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Risk factors / Uncertainty analysis

Sobre el modelo del déficit cognitivo. Conocimiento experto, investigación postacadémica y comunicación pública de la ciencia y la tecnología

Food Safety / Knowledge Management / Science Communication / Science Education / Expertise / Propaganda / Biotechnology / Ideology / Public Understanding Of Science / Sociology of Expertise / Sociology Of Scientific Knowledge / Complexity / Science, Technology and Society / Risk Management / Reflexivity (Sociology) / Agricultural Biotechnology / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Knowledge / Utopia / Safety / Epistemologies of Ignorance / Rationality / Uncertainty / Positivism / Citizen participation / Genetically modified organisms / Risk factors / Transgenic plants / Uncertainty analysis / Scientific Culture / Scientific Research / Conditions of Uncertainty / Propaganda / Biotechnology / Ideology / Public Understanding Of Science / Sociology of Expertise / Sociology Of Scientific Knowledge / Complexity / Science, Technology and Society / Risk Management / Reflexivity (Sociology) / Agricultural Biotechnology / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Knowledge / Utopia / Safety / Epistemologies of Ignorance / Rationality / Uncertainty / Positivism / Citizen participation / Genetically modified organisms / Risk factors / Transgenic plants / Uncertainty analysis / Scientific Culture / Scientific Research / Conditions of Uncertainty

Políticas para la tragedia. Estado y expertos en situaciones de crisis (Policies for a tragedy. State and experts in crisis situations)

Expertise / Disaster Studies / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Sociology of Expertise / Políticas Públicas / Antropología Social / Victimization / Víctimas / Public Policy / Antropología Social / Victimization / Víctimas / Public Policy

Moral, política y clase media. Intelectuales y saberes en tiempos de crisis (2009) (Morals, politics and middle class. Intellectuals and knowledge in crisis times)

Expertise / Disaster Studies / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Historia Intelectual / Intelectual History / Antropología Social

Students or experts? Unpacking addiction treatment center operators’ relationships to scientific knowledge in Mexico City’s \'mixtos\' (Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación, 30)

Expertise / Addiction / Public Understanding Of Science / Alcoholism / Alcoholics Anonymous / Regulation of health services / Science and Technology Studies / Regulation of health services / Science and Technology Studies

Expertos y controversias ambientales. El caso de las papeleras

Expertise / Conflictos ambientales / Scientific Controversies / Papeleras / Controvérsias socio-científicas

Ignorancia, educación y propaganda. Claves para una crítica de la cultura científica y tecnológica

Discourse Analysis / Perception / Food Safety / Science Communication / Expertise / Propaganda / Biotechnology / Ideology / Consumption / Public Understanding Of Science / Risk and Vulnerability / Culture Studies / Science, Technology and Society / Risk Management / Health / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Information Studies / Food Science and Technology / Food Security / Genetic Engineering / Knowledge / Utopia / Safety / Epistemologies of Ignorance / Uncertainty / Food Quality and Safety / Transgenics / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Transgenic plants / Uncertainty analysis / Propaganda / Biotechnology / Ideology / Consumption / Public Understanding Of Science / Risk and Vulnerability / Culture Studies / Science, Technology and Society / Risk Management / Health / Plant biotechnology / Knowledge and Power / Information Studies / Food Science and Technology / Food Security / Genetic Engineering / Knowledge / Utopia / Safety / Epistemologies of Ignorance / Uncertainty / Food Quality and Safety / Transgenics / Genetically modified organisms / Social Conflict / Transgenic plants / Uncertainty analysis

Tetlock, Philip. El juicio político de los expertos

Expertise / Sociology of Organizations / Intellectuals

Translating, Concealing, Contesting. Problems of Expertise in Contemporary Social Policy

Expert Systems / Social Policy / Expertise / Sociology of Expertise / Neoliberalism / Depoliticization

El entramado experto en la construcción de identidades en la contemporaneidad

Expertise / Social Identity / Governmentality / Identity (Culture) / Sociology of Expertise / Identity / Identidad / Gubernamentalidad / sistemas Expertos / Governmentality Studies / Ethopolitics / Identity / Identidad / Gubernamentalidad / sistemas Expertos / Governmentality Studies / Ethopolitics
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