
RIFLE: A General Purpose Pin-level Fault Injector

Dependability / Fault Injection / Error Detection

RIFLE: A general purpose pin-level fault injector

Dependability / Fault Injection / Error Detection

RIFLE: A general purpose pin-level fault injector

Dependability / Fault Injection / Error Detection

RIFLE: A general purpose pin-level fault injector

Dependability / Fault Injection / Error Detection

RIFLE: A general purpose pin-level fault injector

Dependability / Fault Injection / Error Detection

Ladder programs validation through model-code traceability

Human Computer Interaction / Process Control / Automata / Verification and Validation / Supervisory Control / Control Systems / Control system / Dependability / Safety / Programming / Reliability / Formal method / Non Functional Requirement / Programmable logic controllers / Industrial Control / Sensors and Actuators / Software Requirement Specification / Process Automation / Industries / Programmable Logic Controller / Fault Tolerant / Typical Development / Software Development Process / Conformance Testing / Programming language / Control Systems / Control system / Dependability / Safety / Programming / Reliability / Formal method / Non Functional Requirement / Programmable logic controllers / Industrial Control / Sensors and Actuators / Software Requirement Specification / Process Automation / Industries / Programmable Logic Controller / Fault Tolerant / Typical Development / Software Development Process / Conformance Testing / Programming language

Autómata Estocástico Híbrido y Simulación De Monte Carlo Para La Predicción De La Seguridad De Funcionamiento De Un Sistema Dinamico

Monte Carlo Simulation / Modeling / Dependability / Ls-Dyna / Reliability / Dynamical System / Stochastic Model / Monte Carlo Method / Hybrid System / Dynamical System / Stochastic Model / Monte Carlo Method / Hybrid System

Autómata Estocástico Híbrido y Simulación De Monte Carlo Para La Predicción De La Seguridad De Funcionamiento De Un Sistema Dinamico Stochastic Hybrid Automaton and Monte Carlo Simulation for the Dependability Prediction of a

Monte Carlo Simulation / Modeling / Dependability / Ls-Dyna / Reliability / Dynamical System / Stochastic Model / Monte Carlo Method / Hybrid System / Dynamical System / Stochastic Model / Monte Carlo Method / Hybrid System
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