
¿Existe una Función “Informativa” de la Ley? Dos tests experimentales

Rational Choice / Deliberation / Expressive function of law

La dimensión política del postconflicto: discusiones conceptuales y avances empíricos

Colombia / Democracy / Reconciliation / Peacebuilding / Deliberation / Democracia / Construccion de paz / Post-Conflict / Reintegration / Desmovilizacion / Excombatientes / Demobilization / Ex Combatants / Conflicto En Colombia / Reintegración / Democracia / Construccion de paz / Post-Conflict / Reintegration / Desmovilizacion / Excombatientes / Demobilization / Ex Combatants / Conflicto En Colombia / Reintegración

Deliberative Democracy as Open, Not (Just) Representative Democracy

Jurgen Habermas / Deliberative Democracy / Elections / Deliberation / Openness / Representative Democracy / Crisis of Representative Democracy / Nadia Urbinati / Majority rule / Representative government / Democracy and Electoral Politics / Robert A. Dahl / Representative Democracy / Crisis of Representative Democracy / Nadia Urbinati / Majority rule / Representative government / Democracy and Electoral Politics / Robert A. Dahl
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