
Cinética De Los Cambios De Color en Manzana Deshidratada Por Aire Fortificada Con Vitamin e

Kinetics / Browning / Color / Color Appearance / Spectrum / Vitae / Lumping Kinetic Model / Critical Parameter / Palabras Clave: BIM / Vitae / Lumping Kinetic Model / Critical Parameter / Palabras Clave: BIM

Evolucion del color, azucares y HMF en el tratamiento termico de zumo de manzana/Colour, sugars and HMF evolution during thermal treatment of apple juice

Food Science / Kinetics / Heat Treatment / Food Science and Technology / Quantitative analysis / Browning / Color / First-Order Logic / Thermal Treatment / First Order Logic / Food Sciences / Quantitative Analysis / Browning / Color / First-Order Logic / Thermal Treatment / First Order Logic / Food Sciences / Quantitative Analysis
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