Biological Sciences

Glycerol Metabolism and PrfA Activity in Listeria monocytogenes

Bacteriology / Macrophages / Biological Sciences / Cell line / Humans / Glucose / Mice / Animals / Listeria monocytogenes / Phosphorylation / Membrane transport proteins / Enzyme / Glycerol / Epithelial cells / Growth rate / Virulence factor / Caco 2 Cell / Carbon Source / Minimal Medium / Gene expression profiling / Down-Regulation / Cellobiose / Glucose / Mice / Animals / Listeria monocytogenes / Phosphorylation / Membrane transport proteins / Enzyme / Glycerol / Epithelial cells / Growth rate / Virulence factor / Caco 2 Cell / Carbon Source / Minimal Medium / Gene expression profiling / Down-Regulation / Cellobiose

Identification of protein components in in vivo human acquired enamel pellicle using LC-ESI-MS/MS

Proteomics / Nanotechnology / Biological Sciences / Humans / Female / Male / Peptides / Proteins / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Liquid Chromatography / Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry / Adult / Dental Pellicle / Amino Acid Sequence / Proteome / Male / Peptides / Proteins / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Liquid Chromatography / Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry / Adult / Dental Pellicle / Amino Acid Sequence / Proteome

A molecular comparison of culturable aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and 16S rDNA clones derived from a deep subsurface sediment

Microbiology / Microbial diversity / Cultural Diversity / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Nearest Neighbor / Phylogenetic analysis / Microbial Diversity / Nucleic Acid / DNA sequence / Nearest Neighbor / Phylogenetic analysis / Microbial Diversity / Nucleic Acid / DNA sequence

Differential CD4+ versus CD8+ T-Cell Responses Elicited by Different Poxvirus-Based Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Vaccine Candidates Provide Comparable Efficacies in Primates

Immune response / Virology / Gene expression / HIV / Biological Sciences / Animals / Dendritic cell / Human immunodeficiency virus / Rhesus macaques / Vaccinia Virus / Immunophenotyping / Macaca Mulatta / Disease Progression / Simian Immunodeficiency Virus / Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay / Poxviridae / Animals / Dendritic cell / Human immunodeficiency virus / Rhesus macaques / Vaccinia Virus / Immunophenotyping / Macaca Mulatta / Disease Progression / Simian Immunodeficiency Virus / Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay / Poxviridae

Origen Y Microdiferenciación De La Población Del Archipiélago De Chiloé

Biological Sciences / Revista Chilena de Historia Natural

Prophage Excision Activates Listeria Competence Genes that Promote Phagosomal Escape and Virulence

Bacteriophages / Macrophages / Biological Sciences / Sequence alignment / Mice / Female / Animals / Cell / Listeria / Base Sequence / Female / Animals / Cell / Listeria / Base Sequence

Cell-to-cell contact between normal fibroblasts and lymphoblasts deficient in lysosomal enzymes

Electron Microscopy / Biological Sciences / Humans / Physical sciences / Enzyme / Clinical Sciences / Cell communication / Lymphocytes / Human Fibroblasts / Biochemistry and cell biology / Clinical Sciences / Cell communication / Lymphocytes / Human Fibroblasts / Biochemistry and cell biology

Structural insight into LexA-RecA* interaction

Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Nucleic Acids / Amino Acid Sequence

Stochastic eco-epidemiological model of dengue disease transmission by Aedes aegypti mosquito

Aedes aegypti / Biological Sciences / Seasonality / Mathematical Sciences / Seasonal variation / Stochastic dynamics / Animals and disease transmission / Stochastic Model / Mathematical Biosciences / Stochastic dynamics / Animals and disease transmission / Stochastic Model / Mathematical Biosciences

An encyclopedia of mouse DNA elements (Mouse ENCODE)

Genomics / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Humans / Mice / Animals / Genome / Human Genome / Internet / Animals / Genome / Human Genome / Internet

Transcriptional profile of Paracoccidioides induced by oenothein B, a potential antifungal agent from the Brazilian Cerrado plant Eugenia uniflora

Computational Biology / Brazil / Transcriptome / Biological Sciences / Antifungal Agents / Itraconazole / Ergosterol / Eugenia / Paracoccidioides / Gene expression profiling / Itraconazole / Ergosterol / Eugenia / Paracoccidioides / Gene expression profiling

Truffles contain endocannabinoid metabolic enzymes and anandamide

Phytochemistry / Evolution / Italy / Biological Sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Endocannabinoids / Ascomycota / Molecular Structure / Endocannabinoids / Ascomycota / Molecular Structure

Vascular endothelial growth factor production in polymyalgia rheumatica

Immunology / Calcium / Immunohistochemistry / Enzyme Inhibitors / Vascular biology / Hepatology / Biological Sciences / Cell line / Thrombin / Pregnancy / Humans / Glioma / Female / Animals / Calcium Signaling / Arthritis / Lung / Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase / Integrins / Clinical Sciences / Human reproduction / Rats / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Western blot / Transforming Growth Factor Beta / Protein isoforms / Human Fibroblasts / MAP Kinase / Recombinant Proteins / Polymyalgia Rheumatica / Tissue Factor / Gangliosides / Factor Xa / Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor / Biology Reproduction / Intracellular Calcium / Isomerism / Hepatology / Biological Sciences / Cell line / Thrombin / Pregnancy / Humans / Glioma / Female / Animals / Calcium Signaling / Arthritis / Lung / Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase / Integrins / Clinical Sciences / Human reproduction / Rats / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Western blot / Transforming Growth Factor Beta / Protein isoforms / Human Fibroblasts / MAP Kinase / Recombinant Proteins / Polymyalgia Rheumatica / Tissue Factor / Gangliosides / Factor Xa / Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor / Biology Reproduction / Intracellular Calcium / Isomerism

Amino acid sequence of ammodytoxin C as deduced from cDNA

Biological Sciences / DNA / Environmental Sciences / Animals / Nucleic Acids / phospholipases A2 / Amino Acid Sequence / Base Sequence / Nucleic Acid / phospholipases A2 / Amino Acid Sequence / Base Sequence / Nucleic Acid an Internet portal to support glycomics and glycobiology research

Computational Biology / Polysaccharides / Glycobiology / Research / Biological Sciences / Humans / Computer User Interface Design / Information Storage and Retrieval / Internet / Humans / Computer User Interface Design / Information Storage and Retrieval / Internet
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