
Marcelo Calvache Rentabilidad del Riego en Palma Aceitera

Soil Science / Soil and Water Engineering / Environmental Soil Science / Crop Science / Agronomist

Propuesta curso Metodologia, en licenciatura a distancia agronomo, concentracion Educacion Agropecuaria

Agronomy / Distance Education / Research Methodology / Educational Research / History of higher education / Teaching Methodology / Online and Distance Education / Learning And Teaching In Higher Education / 20th Century Mexico / Higher Education Management / Distance Learning / Agriculture, agronomy and extension / Course design / Research Projects on Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning Using Emerging Technologies / AGRONOMIA / Agronomía / Agronomy and Education / Teaching and Learning In Adult and Higher Education / Design and Methodology of Training / Agronomist / Teaching Methodology / Online and Distance Education / Learning And Teaching In Higher Education / 20th Century Mexico / Higher Education Management / Distance Learning / Agriculture, agronomy and extension / Course design / Research Projects on Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning Using Emerging Technologies / AGRONOMIA / Agronomía / Agronomy and Education / Teaching and Learning In Adult and Higher Education / Design and Methodology of Training / Agronomist
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