Valdetorres de Jarama. \"El Descubrimiento Arqueológico\". Una propuesta innovadora de mostrar el proceso de investigación. En: IV Congreso Internacional sobre Musealización de Yacimientos Arqueológicos, 2007, pp. 225-232.

May 26, 2017 | Autor: L. Caballero Zoreda | Categoría: Museology, Arqueología, Museologia, Antigüedad Tardía, Musealización de yacimientos, Roman Archaeology
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It is intended to explain the defining process, the architectonic and the exhibition project of the first archaeological site selected to start the program of Accessible Archaeological Sites in Madrid, which has been done by a multidisciplinary team. Only one building lies within the archaeological site, which has enabled its preservation and communicative interest to be retained. The explanation has been laid out according to its " discovery sequence ". The building has a dome and a footbridge. The visitor goes around the site at ground level and, later on, goes up to a higher level in order to obtain a holistic view of the site. During this walk, the visitor discovers the " interesting points " and the reproductions of the household artefacts found at the site. At the end of the exhibition, a video summarizing what has been discovered is shown.
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