Nuevas formas, viejos intereses: neosexismo en varones españoles

May 27, 2017 | Autor: Francisca Expósito | Categoría: Psychometric Properties, Psicothema
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New forms, old interests: Neosexism among Spanish men. In the present paper the construct of «Neo- sexism», as one of the new forms of sexism, and the Spanish version of the Neosexism scale (Tougas, Brown, Beaton & Joly,(1995) are presented. Using a sample of 1 191 men, we tested the psychometric properties of the scale and the relationship between Neosexism and some other sociodemographic cha - racteristics and with old-fashioned sexism, attitudes toward af firmative action and men' s collective in - terest. Ours results show that «Neosexism», a construct created in a cultural and economic context dif- ferent to Spain, could be applied to a Spanish context. W e also found that the Neosexism scale can be an appropriate instrument to measure modern forms of sexism, specially in or ganizational and work settings. A mediational analysis performed on the data suggest that, among men, neosexist beliefs in - fluence subjective threat to collective interests, this perceived threat tri...
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