MAZZUOLI, Valerio de Oliveira; LIMA, Diogo Marcelo Delben Ferreira de. Direito e política internacional do meio Ambiente para as áreas úmidas sul-americanas e proteção dos biomas do Pantanal brasileiro e do Chaco boliviano. In: Revista de Direito Público, n.° 15, Lisboa, jan-jun. 2016, pp. 137-162.

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The environmental issue concerns the international community and promotes significant changes in contemporary legal systems. The degradation of natural areas and biodiversity erosion force the adoption of legal instruments and policy measures for environmental protection. Located in the northern portion of the continent, in the territories of Brazil and Bolivia (and other), the wetlands of South America are environments of the ecological and humanitarian law. The aim of this work is to analyze the fundamentals of law and international politics and rules of law applicable to humid environments and Pantanal in South America The research adopts the method monist internationalist dialogical, considering plural the possibilities of interpretation and application of law, from the perspective of interaction of the sources of law and to give best solution to the challenge post. Those countries develop the constitutional protection of the environment and made available significant legal basis in order to affirm the fundamental ecological rights. International instruments, such as the Ramsar Convention and the Treaty on the River Plate Basin, contribute to the effectiveness of the “international law of wetlands in South America”.
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