M. Parada López de Corselas, \"Sobre la llegada del frontón arcuado a Hispania: dos estelas de Clunia Sulpicia\", Proceedings XVIII International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Mérida, 2014, vol. II, pp. 1631-1634.

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This work puts forward the idea of the arrival to Hispania of precedents of the so-called ‘Syrian pediment’ –at least in iconography– during the Antonine period from the analysis of two gravestones from Clunia Sulpicia that represent the deceased into a distyle aedicula and a tetrastyle frontispiece, both topped by arched pediment. As a result, these reliefs demonstrate the arrival of the arched pediment long before the ‘Missorium’ of Theodosius I and could be taken as an important datum in the Hispanic architectural iconosphere.
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