LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE LA FICCIÓN espacio arquitectónico – espacio cinematográfico Tesis Doctoral

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The reality is being questioned, even going so far as to doubt its existence; real space is also questioned, but the human being experiences the natural and artificial spaces; and amongst the latter the architectural, within which includes the performance one, related to the show. This performance space has been transformed according to the shows that have been happening in history and will continue modifying. Nowadays, it coincides with environments not previously employed for the show, because it can occur anywhere.The scenographic space, which belongs to the performance, is projected and built with the rules of the scenography. It has been completed in different ways depending on the type of show and is related to the architectural space thanks to movement, because both be travelled through, physically or through the mediation of the creators of the shows; implying a classification of the scenographic space, according to this move-ment. A typology which refers to each kinetic scenographic space based on classifications established by categories is essential to analyze deeply and lay the foundations to study this space.Instruments are necessary in order to project and build the scenographic space. Some coincide with the architectural ones, but are generally different and specific according to different performances.  The instruments are described and catalogued to be able to know how to use them and to devise those spaces.Architectural and performance spaces are created by the project and have different characteristics according to each discipline.  The main objective of the scenographic space project is to serve fiction and generally modify and improve the performance, which also happens today with the architectural space.The construction of architectural space nowadays employs techniques and materials with which the scenographic space is also constructed. The kinetic scenographic space can also be built with its own techniques that are defined and classified, including new compositions of digital images. Two types of spaces emerge depending on where they are built and the role played by this construction in fiction, which are also discussed and defined.The purpose of scenography and architecture is the creation of spaces that have com-mon characteristics. The scenographic space also has specific characteristics which don’t exist in the architectural one. Also the typologies, the instruments, the project and the construction differ between the two spaces.Reality has become performance, the performance is projected and is built with the laws and rules of scenography, and then architecture must know these laws and rules, because they serve to construct reality.
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