Manchester University Press Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL +44 (0) 161 275 2310
Imperial expectations and realities El Dorados, utopias and dystopias Edited by Andrekos Varnava This volume explores how imperial powers established and expanded their empires through decisions that were often based on exaggerated expectations and wishful thinking, rather than on reasoned and scientific policies. It uses case studies from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries, and incorporates imperial traditions including Scottish, British, French, German, Italian and American. Various colonial spaces are considered, from the Mediterranean, Middle East, Africa, Australia, Asia and the Americas, and in doing so, the contributors offer new insights into the nature of imperialism and colonial settlement.
Andrekos Varnava is a Senior Lecturer in Imperial and Military History at Flinders University Studies in Imperialism HB 978-0-7190-9786-7 £75.00 234x156mm 320pp September 2015
The book does not try to explain the broader motives of imperialism and colonial settlement, but instead focuses on understanding these ventures, in which unrealistic arguments were made that justified imperial and colonial interventions and envisaged rapid success. Such cases proved illusory and sometimes disastrous, and thus serve as tools for demystifying imperial policy. These bad decisions were often twisted and turned to justify them differently, and there was a great reluctance to admit a flawed or failed policy, let alone reverse it. Imperial expectations and realities will prove useful to academics and students at all levels, and in a variety of specialisms within History, but particularly in comparative imperialism and colonialism, and Policy Studies.
Title Imperial expectations and realities
1. El Dorados, utopias and dystopias in imperialism and colonial settlement – Andrekos Varnava 2. Darién and the psychology of Scottish adventurism in the 1690s – Eric Richards 3. Greek expectations: Britain and the Ionian Islands, 1815–64 – Leslie Rogne Schumacher 4. Bambuk gold: General Faidherbe’s Senegalese chimera – Leland Conley Barrows 5. Salubrity and the survival of the Swan River Colony: health, climate and settlement in colonial Western Australia – Ruth Morgan 6. Germany’s El Dorado in the Pacific: metropolitan representations and colonial realities, 1870–1930 – Holger Droessler 7. A place to speak the language of heaven? Patagonia as a land of broken Welsh promise – Trevor Harris 8. Between heaven and earth: the German Templar colonies in Palestine – Matthew Fitzpatrick and Felicity Jensz 9. Italy’s sexual El Dorado in Africa – Daniela Baratieri 10. Dreaming in the desert: Libya as Italy’s Promised Land, 1911–70 – Giuseppe Finaldi 11. The British Mesopotamian El Dorado: the restoration of the Garden of Eden – Ann Matters 12. Shattered Images: French Indochina as a failed symbolic resource – John Hennessey Select bibliography Index
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