El pintor Luis Castellanos y la Escuela Municipal de Artes Industriales/Escuela de Cerámica de Madrid (1928-1936)

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. In spite of his short artistic time path, Luis Castellanos is definitively included in the group of artists of “Arte Nuevo” who evolved the plastic arts in Spain throughout the 1930s and 40s.Due to his very early demise the available information about his learning and personal evolution is limited regarding written sources to his scarce published texts, brief testimonies of peers and a handful of news articles and critics on his very few exhibitions. This document searches for the learning of Castellanos, over eight years, at the Escuela Municipal de Artes Industriales/Escuela de Cerámica de Madrid and his interaction with other artists also linked with the Escuela. This time covers all his academic period and the first years of contact and consolidation in the artistic ambience of Madrid until the civil war.
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