Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

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Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J.M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 190 pp. ISBN 9789027269751. Reviewed by Darío Luis Banegas (University of Warwick, UK) Following Dörnyei and Ushioda (2011), motivation refers to those forces, whatever their source and direction, that make people decide, engage, and persist. In education, the study of motivation usually refers to learners (but see Richardson, Karabenick & Watt, 2014). In the field of language learning, motivation is a powerful construct which has developed in its own right through the amalgamation of different theoretical and research perspectives. Recent publications attest to dynamic and international landscape of motivation regarding learners and teachers in their fluctuant contexts as well as teaching and learning processes (e.g. Csizér, Kontra & Piniel, 2015, Hadfield & Dörnyei, 2013; Heinzmann, 2013; Ushioda, 2013). These titles also problematize the need to translate theorizing and research into the classroom with the aim of enacting motivation for language learning and teaching and promoting teacher inquiry. It is at this interstice between research and classrooms that we may place the title edited by Lasagabaster et al. As the editors explain, this book is the outcome of a conference held at the University of the Basque Country in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The book is divided into two sections: (1) theoretical and practical insights into motivation, and (2) studies on motivation in foreign language classrooms. In total, the book brings together nine chapters aimed at, above all, researchers, teacher educators and teachers. However, these latter may find the practice side of the book underdeveloped in terms of applications

Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

and motivational strategies. That said, the quality references each chapter includes may act as a safe net to do teachers’ own bibliographical search. Part 1 includes four chapters which, to some degree, become a framework for practical accounts of language learning motivation. In particular, the first two chapters offer encompassing theoretical insights. Chapter 1, authored by Zoltán Dörnyei, Christine Muir and Zana Ibrahim, introduces the concept of directed motivational current (DMC) defined as “an intense motivational drive which is capable of both stimulating and supporting longterm behavior, such as learning a foreign/second language (L2)” (p. 9). Drawing on what we may call ocean metaphors, the authors discuss DMC in terms of streams and flows to illustrate the connections of this concept with theories of goal, self-determination, and vision. DMC is similar to notions of dynamic motivation, and it helps educators see that motivation is not fixed and what may start as a colossal explosion may die out in time. While the theoretical underpinnings of DMC are robust, the practical implications put forward by the authors may be assessed as vague by experienced teachers or teacher educators. In Chapter 2 Ema Ushioda offers a sophisticated examination of the relationship between motivation, autonomy, and metacognition. From a sociocultural angle, the author suggests that the interface between L2 motivation and metacognition can be explored through the examination of classroom interaction, i.e. dialogue. It goes without saying that language is a central scaffolding tool and therefore interaction between teachers and learners can help us see motivation in action and how we can engineer language interaction with the aim of assisting learners in the process of understanding their own thinking processes. With this research concern in mind, I highly value Ushioda’s call to teachers to

Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

engage in exploratory practice to “work with their students to develop their will and skill to engage with cognitive and linguistic challenges in their learning” (p. 46). Perhaps, in this regard, the practical side of this contribution could have included further guidance on how to enact exploratory practice around motivation and metacognition. Chapters 3 and 4 assume a holistic stance in relation to the actors inside a classroom: teachers and learners. While Do Coyle in Chapter 3 encourages the investigation of motivation in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) settings through LOCIT-driven (Learning-oriented critical incident technique) practitioner research which includes both teachers and learners as researchers, Chapter 4 by Magdalena Kubanyiova is a gem in the entire book as it is the only one which addresses language teacher motivation and cognition. In my view, both authors succeed in linking theory and practice because they suggest concrete and doable ways of integrating voices and inspiring teachers’ vision. Both authors seem to share Ushioda’s interest in promoting teacher research. I agree with Coyle when she points out that through engaging teachers and learners in research we help materialize co-ownership and celebrate successful learning in language classrooms. In a similar vein, I believe that Kubanyiova’s concerns with teacher motivation should be a wake-up call for teacher educators and teacher education curriculum developers as more efforts are needed to build a vision for language teaching. In this sense, I personally take her chapter as an invitation to engage in researching motivation in preservice teacher education programmes. Part 2 deals with motivation in the language classroom. Chapter 5 by Alastair Henry addresses the perceptions of a group of Swedish learners who are reported to believe that they learn more English outside of school. The author arrives at this conclusion as the

Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

learners believe that while they acquire English in naturalistic environments, they fail to engage with formal instruction at school. Henry adds a unique angle to his research and book as his is the only chapter which includes gender as a variable to observe and problematise. In this regard, however, the author could have offered a more sophisticated treatment of gender differences in beliefs about learning English regardless of the context in which it occurs. Although the main focus of the chapter is more Europe-centered, I believe that the situation of learner demotivation in formal instruction and how to tackle it may resonate with contexts outside Europe where learners attend English lessons at private language schools and therefore feel that the English learnt at school is fruitless. Chapter 6, authored by the book editors, bears connections with Chapters 3 and 5 because of three main reasons: (1) their study placed secondary school learners in the center, thus giving them a voice, (2) they examined motivation as well as demotivation, and (3) they carried out their research in a CLIL setting. In line with the development of motivation research outlined by the authors in Part 1, the authors assert that motivation studies should move towards qualitative methods in order to account for thick descriptions and sound understanding of the ecology of learning. Despite this call, their open questionnaire-based study produced qualitative answers which were then quantified to offer a condensed representation of learner voices. Thus, the authors illustrate their findings with both figures and quotes from learners. Personally, I find this report extremely realistic for it discusses the advantages and disadvantages of CLIL in secondary education in Spain. Usually, we read published research which is a collection of stories of success. Sadly, we seldom read articles which reflect failure or the major shortcomings that researchers, teacher educators, and teachers may experience in relation to motivation and learning.

Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

Chapter 7 is written by Francisco Lorenzo. In his contribution the author examines the relationship between CLIL materials and learners’ positive attitudes, goals, and responses in a CLIL classroom. The materials developed under a context-responsive and bottom-up framework evidence the integrative nature of CLIL. The materials carefully included in the chapter show how language and thinking skills integration, culture, grammar and content are combined to scaffold the learning of school content through English. While Lorenzo constructs a convincing rationale to support CLIL, sometimes this is done at the expense of EFL. As an EFL teacher myself, I felt that some of Lorenzo’s comments were polemic or circumscribed to his local experiences and perceptions. While it is true that EFL teaching needs to improve in areas such as focus on meaning and communication, it is also true that we can find good EFL and CLIL practices as well as bad EFL and CLIL practices. An approach per se does not guarantee effectiveness; it is its implementation in context which will offer alternative learning paths. In the same way that Chapter 4 stands out in relation to its research participants, teachers, Chapter 8 by Vera Busse is unique because it tackles language learning motivation in higher education. The chapter stems from a longitudinal study carried out at two UK universities offering German degree courses. The author succeeds in showing the impact that feedback has on learner motivation. I believe that teacher educators and lecturers will find her motivational downward spiral helpful to guide their practices around feedback and assessment, particularly as regards written assignments. More often than not, we may tend to signal mistakes and issues over positive aspects or progress achieved by higher education learners. To curb this practice, Busse poses questions which can help learners visualize their own motivation trajectories and reflect upon their own learning

Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

experiences, goals, vision, and reality. Similarly to Kubanyiova’s call, this chapter highlights a niche in the CLIL agenda: CLIL in language teaching programs. Consequently, all those who work in foreign language teacher education should become involved in action as well as exploratory research which helps us socialize our context-responsive practices. Last, Chapter 9 is the epilogue to the volume. In this chapter the book editors bring together the theoretical framework discussed in Part 1 and the more specific research and account experiences included in Part 2. The authors are aware of the fact that while Part 1 can resonate with general contexts, Part 2’s suggestions are more context-bound. The authors recover the contributions of each author in the book, but seem to favor the dimensions of DMC as an umbrella framework to condense the book contents, sparkle teacher reflection and research interests. Such an approach to constructing this chapter is effective because it helps the reader join the dots and recreate a mental picture of the complex but clear portrait of motivation in relation to learners, teachers and researchers. That said, I should point out the general strengths and weaknesses I found in the book after approaching it through my double identity of practitioner and researcher. As a researcher I found the book extremely updated and cutting-edge for it includes, in my view, the most prolific and outstanding names in language learning motivation: Dörnyei and Ushioda. Their suggestions and examined trajectories of research on motivation are clear indicators of the developments in this area and the future directions it seems to be heading to. In addition, the book boasts powerful internal coherence. All the contributions constitute a strong scientific community in a Khunian sense of paradigm-tied community. Qualitative research, socioconstructivism, a democratic and holistic view of motivation, and a focus on Dörnyei’s L2 Motivational Self System successfully run across

Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

the contributions. In addition, the authors scrutinize with clarity the mapping of the complex networks organized by notions such as metacognition, goals, and interaction at different levels of formal education. As an experienced practitioner I felt partially deceived. The title reads Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice. On the one hand, I expected accounts rooted in different language learning approaches. However, most of the contributions are CLIL-derived. This may indicate two possible scenarios: (1) CLIL as an educational or language learning approach shows exponential expansion across Europe, and (2) CLIL advocates need to prove with sound data and through different fronts that CLIL is an approach which deserves our full attention because there is research which supports its implementation. On the other hand, the book helped me understand the state of the art in the field of motivation at a theoretical level in an accessible reader-friendly manner. Nevertheless, the journey from theory to practice was short. I found that the practical suggestions and implications were perhaps more suitable for novice teachers. In general, the practice side lacks development and variety in terms of scaffolding tools for teachers. Despite the weaknesses I observed as a teacher, the book is, all in all, a prism. It is built on a solid theoretical framework carefully constructed to disperse the motivation field into a spectrum of interdependent research possibilities. I highly recommend this book for teacher educators and CLIL researchers and practitioners interested in gaining deep insights into the dialogue between motivation and the integration of curricular content and language learning from a qualitative relational view.

Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

References Csizér, K., Kontra, E.H., & Piniel, K. (2015). An investigation of the self-related concepts and foreign language motivation of young Deaf and hard-of-hearing learners in Hungary. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 5(2), 229-249. Dörnyei, Z., & Ushioda, E. (2011). Teaching and researching motivation (2nd ed.). Harlow: Pearson. Hadfield, J., & Dörnyei, Z. (2013). Motivating learning. Harlow: Pearson. Heinzmann, S. (2013). Young language learners’ motivation and attitudes: Longitudinal, comparative and explanatory perspectives. London/New York: Bloomsbury. Richardson, P.W., Karabenick, S.A., & Watt, H.M.G. (Eds.). (2014). Teacher motivation: Theory and practice. New York/Abingdon: Routledge. Ushioda, E. (Ed.). (2014). International perspectives on motivation: Language learning and professional challenges. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Author’s address Darío Luis Banegas Sarmiento 798, 2B CP 9200, Esquel Argentina [email protected] About the author

Banegas, D.L. (2015). Book review of “Lasagabaster, D., Doiz, A., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Motivation and foreign language learning: From theory to practice.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 28(2), 641-646.

Darío Luis Banegas holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Warwick (UK). He is a curriculum developer and teacher educator at the Ministry of Education of the Chubut Province in Argentina. He is also an associate fellow at the Centre for Applied Linguistics (University of Warwick) and research project director at University of La Sabana (Colombia) and University of La Plata (Argentina). Darío is editor of the Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics. His main interests are: CLIL, materials development, educational action research, and initial language teacher education.

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