Análisis composicional cuanti-cualitativo de los macronutrientes del grano de híbridos de maíz con valor mejorado (VEC) desarrollados para la industria alimentaria argentina Corcuera VR 1-2-4-5

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The aim of this paper was to determine que chemical composition of whole kernels as well as of flours and oils extracted from different value enhanced corn hybrids. From  the growing-season 2012/13 to 2014/15, several field experiments were conducted at the Instituto de Genética E.A. Favret-INTA Castelar (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). By using controlled pollination to prevent contamination with foreign pollen several corn grain samples were obtained from twelve experimental hybrids (modified starch and high quality protein). Lipids, starch and protein content of whole kernels were measured using infra-red technology (NIRs) in transmittance mode. The  content of  crude protein (%) and extractable starch (%ES) was determined by Kjeldahl method and phenol-sulphuric anthrone methods respectively. The quality of the starch extracted from the endosperm was also analyzed using conventional lab techniques. The hybrids analyzed have a protein content ranging from 10,3 to 13,6%; 4,4 to 7,7% oil content and 67,1 to 69,8% starch content. The results obtained thru conventional techniques point out that the endosperm flours of these hybrids have 9,2 to 12,5% crude protein and 59,0 to 65,8% ES. A strong but negative relationship was found between  oil and protein content as well as between oil and starch content. The double recessive hybrids (wxo2) are capable to synthetize up to 4,3 mg lyxine and 1 mg triptophan/100 mg endosperm protein. Hybrids with a high ( 42,5%) or very high oleic acid (52,0%) were also detected (termed as HC52 and HC152). Half of the materials studied yield kernels with 6,0% or more oil which makes of them a suitable and attractive alternative due to their nutritional and caloric contribution both for humans and animal feeding.
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