\"Πρώιμα δωρικά κιονόκρανα από τη Λακωνία\", στο Κ. Ζάμπας, Β. Λαμπρινουδάκης, Ευ. Σημαντώνη-Μπουρνιά και A. Ohnesorg (επιμ.), Αρχιτέκτων. Τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή Μανόλη Κορρέ (Αθήνα 2016), 295-302

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EARLY DORIC CAPITALS FROM LACONIATwo Doric capitals, chance finds in the area of the former municipality of Pharis close to the town of Sparta, are very important for Laconian architecture, which is still almost unknown. Both are carved in grey Laconian marble and this, along with the place they were found, makes it most probable that they were carved in Laconia. The “N. Liakakos” capital has been named after the owner of the plot where it was found. A comparison of the capital’s profile with those of other Archaic Doric capitals shows that it is later than the Amyklaion capitals and almost contemporary with the Doric capitals of Poseidon’s temple at Corinth: the dating of “N. Liakakos” capital in the third quarter of the 6th c. BC seems very probable. The profile of the “Th. Katsoulakos” capital, also named after the owner of the plot where it was found, seems later than those of the Amyklaion Doric capitals, the Doric capitals of the first Aphaia temple at Aigina, and the Artemis-Gorgo temple at Corfu; the “Th. Katsoulakos” capital most probably dates in the second quarter of the 6th c. BC. Both capitals are very important for Early Laconian architecture not only for their Laconian provenance and early dating, but also for their formal peculiarity: neither has fluting or any decoration on the hypotrachelion, an unusual characteristic in Doric capitals of the Archaic period though not unknown. Additionally, the “N. Liakakos” capital is unique because it has been reworked in second use as a round acroterion base carrying typical Laconian relief decoration of the 1st c. AD.
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