

Ancient History / Xenophon / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Sparta / Laconia / Ancient Athens

La madurez del político. La relación entre juventud y responsabilidades de gobierno.

Political Philosophy / Youth Studies / Plato / Aristotle / Government / Governance / Elites (Political Science) / Political Elites / Xenophon / Machiavelli / Aristotle's Politics / Filosofía Política / Gobernanza / Juventud / Juventude / Aristoteles / Plato's Republic / Platón / Juventudes y política / The Prince / Maquiavelo / El Principe Nicolas Maquiavelo / Ciropedia / Governance / Elites (Political Science) / Political Elites / Xenophon / Machiavelli / Aristotle's Politics / Filosofía Política / Gobernanza / Juventud / Juventude / Aristoteles / Plato's Republic / Platón / Juventudes y política / The Prince / Maquiavelo / El Principe Nicolas Maquiavelo / Ciropedia

Historiografía ficticia y prácticas simpóticas regias: La Ciropedia

Historiography / Xenophon / Ancient Greek History / Cyropaedia / History of Cooking and Food Culture

«muchas veces pegarías a un ateniense creyendo que era un esclavo» (PS-X, 1.10): espacios democráticos y relaciones de dependencia en la Atenas Clásica / Democratic spaces and dependency relations in Classical Athens

Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Athenian Democracy / Pre-capitalist economic systems / Anthropology of the Ancient World / Pre-Capitalist Relations of Production / Ancient Greece (Anthropology) / Xenophon / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Athenian Imperialism / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / World systems in the ancient and pre-capitalist worlds / Ancient Greece (History) / Athenian Agora / Ancient social structure / Ancient Greek Cultural & Social History / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient economic history / Cultural history of the Ancient world / Historia Antigua Clásica / Athenian Law / Pre-Capitalist Forms of Economy / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Sociedades Precapitalistas / Precapitalist Societies / Ancient Greek Economy / Ancient Athens, Pericles, Pelopopnnesian War / Pre-capitalist Formations / Antigua Atenas / Ancient Social Classes / Ancient Greece (Anthropology) / Xenophon / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Athenian Imperialism / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / World systems in the ancient and pre-capitalist worlds / Ancient Greece (History) / Athenian Agora / Ancient social structure / Ancient Greek Cultural & Social History / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient economic history / Cultural history of the Ancient world / Historia Antigua Clásica / Athenian Law / Pre-Capitalist Forms of Economy / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Sociedades Precapitalistas / Precapitalist Societies / Ancient Greek Economy / Ancient Athens, Pericles, Pelopopnnesian War / Pre-capitalist Formations / Antigua Atenas / Ancient Social Classes

Leo Strauss. El Problema de Sòcrates.

Aristophanes / Plato / Xenophon / Leo Strauss / Filosofía Política / Platón / Filosofía griega / Aristófanes / Jenofonte / Platón / Filosofía griega / Aristófanes / Jenofonte

Macierowski PH355 Political Philosophy

Political Philosophy / Plato / Aristotle / Hobbes / Xenophon / Leo Strauss / St Thomas Aquinas / Leo Strauss / St Thomas Aquinas

(2015) \"Sobre la verdadera utilidad de la paraínesis en la historiografía de época clásica: Tucídides y Jenofonte\", Veleia 32: 47-61,

Ancient History / Greek Literature / Greek History / Ancient Historiography / Thucydides / Xenophon / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Greek and Roman historiography / Battle Exhortation / Ancient Rhetoric and Poetics / Xenophon / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Greek and Roman historiography / Battle Exhortation / Ancient Rhetoric and Poetics

Las paradojas de la democracia. Igualdades y asimetrías en la Atenas clásica / Paradoxes of Democracy. Equalities and Asymmetries in Classical Athens

Ancient History / Classical Archaeology / Anthropology / Classics / Greek Literature / Greek History / Marxism / Marxist Economics / Plato / Aristotle / Peasant Studies / Slavery / History of Slavery / Greek Epigraphy / Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Athenian Democracy / Karl Polanyi / Agriculture / Marxist theory / Classical philology / Greek Archaeology / Ancient Greek Religion / Xenophon / Athenian Imperialism / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Social Class / Karl Marx / Ancient economy / Ancient Greece (History) / Antiquity / Ancient Greece / Citizenship / Peloponnese / Archaic Greece / Geometric and archaic Greece / Marxismo / Athens / Pericles / Athens and Attica (Neolithic to Archaic) / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / The Greek and Latin Classics / Historia Antigua Clásica / Aristoteles / Grecia Antigua / Athenian Law / Solón / Atenas / Peasant History / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Athens and Attica / Sociedades Precapitalistas / Precapitalist Societies / Esclavitud / Histoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine / Chayanov / Solon of Athens / Traditional Agriculture / M.I. Finley / Greek History / Marxism / Marxist Economics / Plato / Aristotle / Peasant Studies / Slavery / History of Slavery / Greek Epigraphy / Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Athenian Democracy / Karl Polanyi / Agriculture / Marxist theory / Classical philology / Greek Archaeology / Ancient Greek Religion / Xenophon / Athenian Imperialism / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Social Class / Karl Marx / Ancient economy / Ancient Greece (History) / Antiquity / Ancient Greece / Citizenship / Peloponnese / Archaic Greece / Geometric and archaic Greece / Marxismo / Athens / Pericles / Athens and Attica (Neolithic to Archaic) / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / The Greek and Latin Classics / Historia Antigua Clásica / Aristoteles / Grecia Antigua / Athenian Law / Solón / Atenas / Peasant History / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Athens and Attica / Sociedades Precapitalistas / Precapitalist Societies / Esclavitud / Histoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine / Chayanov / Solon of Athens / Traditional Agriculture / M.I. Finley

Iván López Martín: Las colocaciones verbo-nominales en latín y en griego: estudio comparado de César (Gall. 1 y civ. 1) y Jenofonte (An. 1 y HG. 1). Tesis de Máster. (junio de 2016)

Syntax / Latin Language and Literature / Xenophon / Latin linguistics / Julius Caesar / Collocations / Ancient Greek Syntax / Support Verbs / Latin Syntax and Semantics / Collocations / Ancient Greek Syntax / Support Verbs / Latin Syntax and Semantics

El miedo a la tiranía: la protección de la democracia en el régimen político ateniense / Fear of Tyranny: Democracy Protection in Athenian Political Regime

Ancient History / Emotion / Classical Archaeology / Mythology / Classics / Greek Literature / Greek History / Plato / Aristotle / History and Classical tradition studies / History Of Emotions / Classical rhetoric / Athenian Democracy / Emotions (Social Psychology) / Sir Moses Finley / The Classical Tradition / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Democracy / Direct Democracy / Ancient Greek Religion / Thucydides / Xenophon / Archaic Greek history / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Classical Mythology / Greco-Roman Mythology / Aristotle's Politics / Historia Antiga / Archaic Greece / Plato and Aristotle / Histoire de la pensée antique ; philosophie archaïque et réception classique ; religions grecques et romaines, syncrétismes de l’Antiquité tardive / Athens / Pericles / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Passion / Classical Literature / Greco-Roman World / Historia Antigua Clásica / Grecia Antigua / Greek Tyranny / Classical Greek Tyranny / Jean-Pierre Vernant / Archeologia Classica / Atenas / Archéologie grecque / Nicole Loraux / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Pierre-Vidal Naquet / Ellen Meiksins Wood / Grecia / Demokratie / Ostracism / Politeia / Mythologie grecque / Histoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine / Histoire Ancienne / Perikles / Tyrannoctones / Ancient Democracy / Athènes / La culture grecque à la rencontre de l’altérité : hellénisme / Philosophie Ancienne / G.E.M. De Ste. Croix / M.I. Finley / Histoire Grecque / Democratie de masse / Tyrannicides / Greek Literature / Greek History / Plato / Aristotle / History and Classical tradition studies / History Of Emotions / Classical rhetoric / Athenian Democracy / Emotions (Social Psychology) / Sir Moses Finley / The Classical Tradition / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Democracy / Direct Democracy / Ancient Greek Religion / Thucydides / Xenophon / Archaic Greek history / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Classical Mythology / Greco-Roman Mythology / Aristotle's Politics / Historia Antiga / Archaic Greece / Plato and Aristotle / Histoire de la pensée antique ; philosophie archaïque et réception classique ; religions grecques et romaines, syncrétismes de l’Antiquité tardive / Athens / Pericles / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Passion / Classical Literature / Greco-Roman World / Historia Antigua Clásica / Grecia Antigua / Greek Tyranny / Classical Greek Tyranny / Jean-Pierre Vernant / Archeologia Classica / Atenas / Archéologie grecque / Nicole Loraux / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Pierre-Vidal Naquet / Ellen Meiksins Wood / Grecia / Demokratie / Ostracism / Politeia / Mythologie grecque / Histoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine / Histoire Ancienne / Perikles / Tyrannoctones / Ancient Democracy / Athènes / La culture grecque à la rencontre de l’altérité : hellénisme / Philosophie Ancienne / G.E.M. De Ste. Croix / M.I. Finley / Histoire Grecque / Democratie de masse / Tyrannicides
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