Physiology / Western blotting / Alpha Synuclein / Cerebrospinal Fluid / Humans / Medical Physiology / Neurons / Western blot / Diagnostic Test / Culture Media / Extracellular Space / Parkinson Disease / Biochemistry and cell biology / Blood Plasma / Medical Physiology / Neurons / Western blot / Diagnostic Test / Culture Media / Extracellular Space / Parkinson Disease / Biochemistry and cell biology / Blood Plasma
Cornea / Ophthalmic / Gene expression / Conjunctiva / Cell Culture / Western blotting / real time PCR / Animals / Cattle / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Epithelial cells / Model System / Transfection / Western blotting / real time PCR / Animals / Cattle / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Epithelial cells / Model System / Transfection