Tropical forest

Demand-side policies for environmental protection and sustainable usage of renewable resources

Environmental policy / Ecological Economics / Environmental Management / Applied Economics / Tropical forest / Coral Reef / Environmental protection / Renewable Resources / Market Failure / Natural Capital / Economic Efficiency / Temperate Forest / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT / Coral Reef / Environmental protection / Renewable Resources / Market Failure / Natural Capital / Economic Efficiency / Temperate Forest / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT


Tropical forest / Species Richness / Selective Logging / Ecological Impact / Floristic Composition

Rol de los biosistemas forestales en el desarrollo dentro de un marco de cambio climático

Forestry / Climate Change / Climate change policy / Biosystems engineering / Tropical forest / Community Forestry / Carbon Policy / Forestry and Natural Resources Management / Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering / Carbon Neutral / Community Forestry / Carbon Policy / Forestry and Natural Resources Management / Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering / Carbon Neutral

Perfil nutricional de espécies lenhosas de duas florestas semidecíduas em Uberlândia, MG

Tropical forest / Nutritional Status / Soil Fertility / Mineral Nutrition / Forest Soil Ecology / Native Species

Long range lateral root activity by neo-tropical savanna trees

Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Tropical forest / Long Range / Lateral Root / Root architecture

Influencia de factores ambientales en la distribución de especies arbóreas en las selvas del sureste de México

Multivariate Analysis / Phosphorus / Tropical forest / Species Distribution / Spatial Distribution / Cation Exchange Capacity / Total Nitrogen / Organic Matter / Forest Soil Ecology / Electric Conductivity / Gradient Analysis / Cation Exchange Capacity / Total Nitrogen / Organic Matter / Forest Soil Ecology / Electric Conductivity / Gradient Analysis

A Carbon Cycle Science Update Since IPCC AR-4

Carbon Dioxide / Environmental Monitoring / Carbon Cycle / Multidisciplinary / Southern Ocean / Ocean acidification / Atmosphere / Global Carbon Cycle / North Atlantic / Fossil Fuels / Tropical forest / Nitrogen / Methane / Greenhouse Gas / Ecosystem / Internationality / Carbon Budget / Large Scale / Bottom Up / Top Down / Marine ecosystem / Air Pollutants / Oceans and Seas / Ocean acidification / Atmosphere / Global Carbon Cycle / North Atlantic / Fossil Fuels / Tropical forest / Nitrogen / Methane / Greenhouse Gas / Ecosystem / Internationality / Carbon Budget / Large Scale / Bottom Up / Top Down / Marine ecosystem / Air Pollutants / Oceans and Seas

Establecimiento y desarrollo de plántulas de Tabebuia rosea (Bignoniaceae) en una selva subcaducifolia manejada de la costa Pacífica de México

Seed germination / Tropical forest / Wood Products / Natural Regeneration / Pacific Coast / Seedling Growth

Evaluación del estado de conservación de los bosques

Conservation / Endangered Species / Tropical forest / Ecosistemas

A Carbon Cycle Science Update Since IPCC AR-4

Carbon Dioxide / Environmental Monitoring / Carbon Cycle / Multidisciplinary / Southern Ocean / Ocean acidification / Atmosphere / Global Carbon Cycle / North Atlantic / Fossil Fuels / Tropical forest / Nitrogen / Methane / Greenhouse Gas / Ecosystem / Internationality / Carbon Budget / Large Scale / Bottom Up / Top Down / Marine ecosystem / Air Pollutants / Oceans and Seas / Ocean acidification / Atmosphere / Global Carbon Cycle / North Atlantic / Fossil Fuels / Tropical forest / Nitrogen / Methane / Greenhouse Gas / Ecosystem / Internationality / Carbon Budget / Large Scale / Bottom Up / Top Down / Marine ecosystem / Air Pollutants / Oceans and Seas

La vegetación de Calakmul, Campeche, México: clasificación, descripción y distribución

Protected areas / Seasonality / Spatial Heterogeneity / Tropical forest / Spatial Distribution / Yucatan Peninsula / Protected Areas / Plant Community / Deciduous Forest / Yucatan Peninsula / Protected Areas / Plant Community / Deciduous Forest
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