
Kazakhstan - Growth slows as external pressures rise - Kazakhstan economic update (Fall 2014)

Dispute Resolution / International Trade / Economic Growth / Emerging Economies / Capital Markets / Foreign Direct Investment / Developing Countries / Financial Markets / Emerging Markets / Monetary Policy / Savings / Transparency / Investing / External Debt / Money Market / Turnover / Inflation / Insurance / SWAP / Swaps / Sales / Risk factors / Trade Balance / Liquidity / Market efficiency / Debt / Stocks / Derivative / Financial Market / Currency / STOCK EXCHANGE / Letter of Credit Risks / Bonds / Income Tax / Current Account Deficit / Global trade / Foreign Direct Investments / Budget Deficit / Non performing loans / Repo / Balance of Payment / Maturity / Return / Risk Factors / Working Capital / Economic Environment / Investment Strategy / Payment Services / Savings Account / Consumer Durables / Economic Developments / Gross Domestic Product (GDP) / Balance of Payments / Living Standards / Devaluation / Spot Prices / Portfolio Investment / APR / Balance Sheet / Foreign Exchange Reserves / Foreign Direct Investment / Developing Countries / Financial Markets / Emerging Markets / Monetary Policy / Savings / Transparency / Investing / External Debt / Money Market / Turnover / Inflation / Insurance / SWAP / Swaps / Sales / Risk factors / Trade Balance / Liquidity / Market efficiency / Debt / Stocks / Derivative / Financial Market / Currency / STOCK EXCHANGE / Letter of Credit Risks / Bonds / Income Tax / Current Account Deficit / Global trade / Foreign Direct Investments / Budget Deficit / Non performing loans / Repo / Balance of Payment / Maturity / Return / Risk Factors / Working Capital / Economic Environment / Investment Strategy / Payment Services / Savings Account / Consumer Durables / Economic Developments / Gross Domestic Product (GDP) / Balance of Payments / Living Standards / Devaluation / Spot Prices / Portfolio Investment / APR / Balance Sheet / Foreign Exchange Reserves

El reto provincial: las diputaciones

Political communication / Transparency / TRANSPARENCIA / Government transparency / Transparencia Y Rendición De Cuentas / Transparency and Good Governance

Ranking de las estrategias en materia de gobierno abierto en los municipios de México

Open Data / Open Government / Transparency / RENDICIÓN DE CUENTAS / TRANSPARENCIA / Open Government Data / Municipios / Transparencia Y Rendición De Cuentas / Gobierno Abierto / Acconting / Open Government Data / Municipios / Transparencia Y Rendición De Cuentas / Gobierno Abierto / Acconting

MTEFs and fiscal performance: panel data evidence

Public Finance / Econometrics / Public Economics / Political Economy / International Development / Data Analysis / Health Care / Economic Growth / Taxonomy / Human Development / Waste / Resource Allocation / Developing Countries / Economic policy / ICT / Economic Development / Public Health / Public sector / ESP / Applied Economics / Institution / Web / Transparency / Emerging Market / Public Goods / Data Collection / Life Expectancy / Debt / Government Policy / Laws / Bond / Business Cycle / Transaction / Isolation / Central-local government relations / Government Policies / Debts / Public Policy / Innovation / Entitlements / Data Analysis / Health Care / Economic Growth / Taxonomy / Human Development / Waste / Resource Allocation / Developing Countries / Economic policy / ICT / Economic Development / Public Health / Public sector / ESP / Applied Economics / Institution / Web / Transparency / Emerging Market / Public Goods / Data Collection / Life Expectancy / Debt / Government Policy / Laws / Bond / Business Cycle / Transaction / Isolation / Central-local government relations / Government Policies / Debts / Public Policy / Innovation / Entitlements

Transparency in Malaysian property companies

Property / Capital Markets / Property Management / Transparency

Iniciativas de transparencia y anticorrupción: Ventanas de aprendizaje y oportunidades para Nicaragua

Accountability / Transparency / Corruption / Nicaragua / Anticorruption / Corrupción / Transparencia Y Rendición De Cuentas / Anticorrupción / Corrupción / Transparencia Y Rendición De Cuentas / Anticorrupción

Mecanismos de gestión y control de los Fondos EIE en España

European Union / Economia / Derecho Administrativo / Transparency / Derecho / European Court of Auditors / Government transparency / Corrupción / EU structural funds / Fraude / European Social Fund / Transparencia Y Rendición De Cuentas / Transparencia de la información pública / Fondos Estructurales / Gestión De Fondos / Eurojust / Tribunal de Cuentas / Tribunal de Cuentas de la UE / Ley De Transparencia Acceso a La Información Pública Y Buen Gobierno / Denúncia anônima / Oficina europea de lucha contra el fraude / Oficina antifrau de catalunya / Fondo Social Europeo / Fondo de Cohesión de la UE / Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional / Fondo Europeo Agrario de Desarrollo Rural / Lucha contra el fraude / Base de Datos Nacional de Subvenciones / European Court of Auditors / Government transparency / Corrupción / EU structural funds / Fraude / European Social Fund / Transparencia Y Rendición De Cuentas / Transparencia de la información pública / Fondos Estructurales / Gestión De Fondos / Eurojust / Tribunal de Cuentas / Tribunal de Cuentas de la UE / Ley De Transparencia Acceso a La Información Pública Y Buen Gobierno / Denúncia anônima / Oficina europea de lucha contra el fraude / Oficina antifrau de catalunya / Fondo Social Europeo / Fondo de Cohesión de la UE / Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional / Fondo Europeo Agrario de Desarrollo Rural / Lucha contra el fraude / Base de Datos Nacional de Subvenciones

El valor del activismo de datos en el trabajo de la sociedad civil

Transparency / TRANSPARENCIA / Government transparency / Data activism

Ley General de Transparencia. Comentada. (Selección)

Transparency / Transparencia Y Rendición De Cuentas

Hot Girls wanted: la explotación de uno mismo y el sentimiento de libertad

Documentary (Film Studies) / Transparency / Porn Studies

Mr. Robot o el hacker-yonqui que nos sume en la extrañeza

Series TV / The Internet / Transparency / TV Series
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