
Predispersal home range shift of an ocelot Leopardus pardalis (Carnivora: Felidae) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama

Felidae / Panama / Social behavior / Telemetry / Female / Animals / Male / Animal migration / Range Shift / Home Range / Social Behavior / Radio Telemetry / Low Risk / Sexual Maturation / Barro Colorado Island / Animals / Male / Animal migration / Range Shift / Home Range / Social Behavior / Radio Telemetry / Low Risk / Sexual Maturation / Barro Colorado Island

Intracerebral administration of Mycoplasma fermentans produces sickness behavior: role of prostaglandins

Cognitive Science / Animal Behavior / Behavior / Social behavior / Brain / Telemetry / Animals / Male / Open Field / Hiv Infection / Eating / Body Temperature / Immune system / Rats / Human Activity / Body Weight / Locomotor Activity / Social Behavior / Prostaglandins / Exploratory Behavior / Brain Chemistry / Neurosciences / Prostaglandin E2 / Brain Diseases / Indomethacin / Motor activity / Telemetry / Animals / Male / Open Field / Hiv Infection / Eating / Body Temperature / Immune system / Rats / Human Activity / Body Weight / Locomotor Activity / Social Behavior / Prostaglandins / Exploratory Behavior / Brain Chemistry / Neurosciences / Prostaglandin E2 / Brain Diseases / Indomethacin / Motor activity


Instrumentation Engineering / Technology / Telecommunications / Instrumentation / Telemetry / Espectrofotometria

Dysglycemia induces abnormal circadian blood pressure variability

Inflammation / Blood Glucose / Blood Pressure / Circadian Rhythm / Telemetry / Animals / Heart rate / Leptin / Adiponectin / Rats / Time Factors / Tumor necrosis factor-alpha / Biological markers / Weight Gain / Animals / Heart rate / Leptin / Adiponectin / Rats / Time Factors / Tumor necrosis factor-alpha / Biological markers / Weight Gain
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