Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art

\"Avatares de un retablo mayor barroco: de la iglesia de San Miguel de Tudela a la parroquial de Monteagudo\", en Revista del Centro de Estudios Merindad de Tudela, 19, Tudela, 2011, pp. 65-101.

Art History / Sculpture / Baroque art and architecture / Retable Art / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Navarra / Pintura Barroca Española / Pintura Barroca / Retablos / Retablos Barrocos / Retables / Tudela (Navarra) / Merindad de Tudela (Navarra) / Documentación de retablos / Navarra / Pintura Barroca Española / Pintura Barroca / Retablos / Retablos Barrocos / Retables / Tudela (Navarra) / Merindad de Tudela (Navarra) / Documentación de retablos

Suenan cajas: el género soldadesco en el teatro clásico español

Theatre Studies / Theatre History / Renaissance Studies / Baroque Art and Literature / Theatre Theory / Theatre / Spanish Golden Age / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / Theatre Arts / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Theatre / Spanish Golden Age / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / Theatre Arts / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art

La sociedad vallisoletana ante el proyecto de demolición de la iglesia penitencial de la Vera Cruz (1911-1936)\", BSAA Arte, 72-73, 2006-2007, págs. 273-288.

Cultural Heritage / Heritage Conservation / Historia Urbana / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Arquitectura y urbanismo

\"Las aventuradas labores de restauración del Conde de las Almenas en la Cartuja de Miraflores\",Goya: Revista de arte, 313-314, 2006, págs. 289-304.

Cultural Heritage Conservation / History of Collections / Art collectors and connoisseurs / Collectors and Collecting / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Art Dealer

\"Modernas mansiones con pretensiones cortesanas\", en: Miguel Angel Zalama Rodríguez (dir.), Juana I en Tordesillas: su mundo, su entorno, 2010, págs. 287-304.

Art History / Cultural Heritage / History of Collections / Collecting and Collections / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art

Un problema de homonimia: reconsiderando al escultor Pedro Roldán, el Mozo

Iconography / Sculpture / Baroque art and architecture / Religious art / Spain / Early modern Spain / ESCULTURA / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Sevilla / Escultura Barroca / Early modern Spain / ESCULTURA / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Sevilla / Escultura Barroca

\'A Toledo Chantbook\' (book review: The Rosary Cantoral, by Lorenzo Candelaria. Rochester, 2008)

Iberian Studies / Gregorian Chant / Sacred Music / Early modern Spain / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art

Breve Semblanza de El Greco

Renaissance Studies / 16th Century Italian Art / Spanish Art / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Mannerism / El Greco / Diego Velazquez / El Greco / Diego Velazquez

CALL FOR PAPERS. 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF HISTORY OF ART. Universitas del Mediterráneo al Pacífico: Hegemonías, pluralidad y sincretismos en el arte del mundo hispánico de los siglos XV y XVI

History / Cultural History / Diplomatic History / Latin American Studies / Archaeology / Spanish Literature / Art History / Spanish Studies / Art / Spanish / Latin American and Caribbean History / Architecture / Medieval History / Early Modern History / Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / Renaissance Studies / Colonial America / Atlantic World / Iberian Studies / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Colonialism / Medieval Iberian History / Spanish History / Mediterranean Studies / History Portuguese and Spanish / Early Modern Europe / Architectural History / Cross-Cultural Studies / Diplomacy / Exploration History / Spanish Linguistics / Latin American literature / History of Art / Latin American History / Indo-Portuguese Art / Early Modern Italy / Early Modern Americas / Portuguese Art / History of Colonial Mexico / Early Modern economic and social history / History of the Portuguese Empire / Visual Arts / Spain (History) / Atlantic history / 15th century Atlantic Europe / Latin American Colonial Literature / Medieval Spain / Spain / Early modern Spain / Fine Arts / Portugal / Colonial Latin American History / Spanish empire / Archaelogy / Colonial Discourse / Commerce / Colonial Latin American Art- Mexico and Peru / Latin America / Pre-colonial and colonial African history / Nueva España / Siglo XVI / Artes / Arte / Artes plásticas / Historia del Arte / New Spain / Early Modern Atlantic World (1500-1815) / História da arte / Renacimiento / América Latina / Colonial Studies / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Historia y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura / Spanish conquest of the Americas / Artes Visuais / História do Atlântico / Bellas Artes / Arte Del Renacimiento / Corte Virreinal / Arte Colonial Americano / Historiografía del arte colonial / Archaeology of Colonialism / Arquitectura Nueva España Siglo XVI / Colonial Architecture In South Asia / Colonialism and Imperialism / Namban / Colonial Art and Portuguese and Spanish Empires / History of Expeditions and Travel / História De Arte Em Portugal / Spanish Literature / Art History / Spanish Studies / Art / Spanish / Latin American and Caribbean History / Architecture / Medieval History / Early Modern History / Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / Renaissance Studies / Colonial America / Atlantic World / Iberian Studies / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Colonialism / Medieval Iberian History / Spanish History / Mediterranean Studies / History Portuguese and Spanish / Early Modern Europe / Architectural History / Cross-Cultural Studies / Diplomacy / Exploration History / Spanish Linguistics / Latin American literature / History of Art / Latin American History / Indo-Portuguese Art / Early Modern Italy / Early Modern Americas / Portuguese Art / History of Colonial Mexico / Early Modern economic and social history / History of the Portuguese Empire / Visual Arts / Spain (History) / Atlantic history / 15th century Atlantic Europe / Latin American Colonial Literature / Medieval Spain / Spain / Early modern Spain / Fine Arts / Portugal / Colonial Latin American History / Spanish empire / Archaelogy / Colonial Discourse / Commerce / Colonial Latin American Art- Mexico and Peru / Latin America / Pre-colonial and colonial African history / Nueva España / Siglo XVI / Artes / Arte / Artes plásticas / Historia del Arte / New Spain / Early Modern Atlantic World (1500-1815) / História da arte / Renacimiento / América Latina / Colonial Studies / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Historia y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura / Spanish conquest of the Americas / Artes Visuais / História do Atlântico / Bellas Artes / Arte Del Renacimiento / Corte Virreinal / Arte Colonial Americano / Historiografía del arte colonial / Archaeology of Colonialism / Arquitectura Nueva España Siglo XVI / Colonial Architecture In South Asia / Colonialism and Imperialism / Namban / Colonial Art and Portuguese and Spanish Empires / History of Expeditions and Travel / História De Arte Em Portugal

La representación del poder del Inquisidor general : el caso de los retratos de Diego de Arce y Reinoso

Inquisition / Portraiture / Power and Representation / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art

[2015]. Las inéditas apostillas de Hernando Colón al \"De Architectura\" de Vitruvio editado por Fra Giocondo (Florencia 1522)

Architecture / Renaissance Studies / Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art / Italian Renaissance Architectural History / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Vitruvio / Hernando colón / Spanish renaissance architecture / Vitruvio / Hernando colón / Spanish renaissance architecture

Piezas singulares de cantería en la obra murciana de Jaime Bort y Pedro Fernández

Architectural History / History of construction technology / Baroque art and architecture / History of Construction / History of architecture / Stereotomy, Descriptive Geometry, History of Masonry Architecture / Construction History / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Stone Masonry / Stereotomy / Stone Masonry, Conservation and Analysis of Historical Stone Masonry Technologies / Masonry Construction / Stereotomy, Descriptive Geometry, History of Masonry Architecture / Construction History / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Stone Masonry / Stereotomy / Stone Masonry, Conservation and Analysis of Historical Stone Masonry Technologies / Masonry Construction
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